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Joined 1 years ago

Let me shill for the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which aims to bypass the Electoral College and elect the president by popular vote. It just passed in Minnesota, and is 75% of the way to its goal.

ABC reported that the Fulton County jail didn't weigh or measure him: his office provided his height and weight.

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Downvoted for misleading description: the beans aren't fucking. Not even snogging.

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I’m pretty sure I saw that headline, with X = Obama or Elizabeth Warren or someone. Then it got shot down because… Idunno, they probably would have blown it all on rent and food and car repairs instead of Job Creation.

Some years ago, employees sued Amazon because the company had a lengthy security scan when people left, to prevent theft. Apparently it could take half an hour to go through, and they argued that this was unpaid overtime.

They lost, which seems like bullshit: as far as I can tell, the sane way to look at it is, if you're obligated to do what the company tells you and go where the company says, then you're on the job and should be paid for it. Once you're out the door, you can choose whether you want to go home or go to a bar or just sit on the sidewalk; you're not on the clock and you're not getting paid.

If the company wants you to work 8 hours in the warehouse, then spend half an hour in the security scan, then you're doing company business for 8.5 hours.

Remember that when push came to shove, Democrats kicked Al Franken out of the Senate, while Republicans doubled down in their support for Roy Moore.

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"When somebody tells you who they are, believe them."

No. Donald Trump told us he was a brilliant deal-maker, a stable genius, and a gifted billionaire.

A better idea is to do as Maya Angelou said: when somebody shows you what they are, over and over, believe them.

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You assume that the originalists on the court care what the framers of the amendment thought, when it goes against the decision they want to render.


McCarthy did the right thing for once, and came up with a solution to the looming shutdown that managed to pass by getting both Republican and Democratic votes. And he got shitcanned for it.

The message here is that as far as MAGA Republicans are concerned, bipartisanship is a firing offense.

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A big part of why this season feels stale is that its topical references are several years old. Like Dune and Ivermectin, in this episode. Was this season written two years ago and is only being released now?

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How can something sarong feel so right?

Oh, wait. You’re serious. Let me laugh even harder.

But he's not. He'll be fine. He'll always be fine.

It's hard to comprehend just how vastly, mind-bogglingly rich the ultra rich are, so consider: according to Wikipedia, Musk's net worth in July 2023 was about $239 billion. That means that he could lose 99% of everything he owns, and then lose 99% of what was left, and be left with over $20 million, more money than most of us will see in a lifetime.

He's not going to be applying for EBT any time soon. Hell, he's not going to be selling off the spare Lamborghini any time soon.

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Of course, the press never asks any of this.

The horse race reporters might not, but pollsters do. They worry about this sort of thing a lot, and try to correct for it, when possible.

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So they name this episode Parasites Regained.

Not sure if everyone here knows that Paradise Regained is Milton's sequel to his earlier Paradise Lost.

We're not the kind of authoritarian follower that propaganda machines like Fox work best with. We have our flaws; just not that particular one.

Who would have thought actively courting Nazis would make risk averse corporations stop using your ads!

Nobody could have foreseen this! Nobody! Unless by some miracle they happened to look up who's advertising on far-right platforms like Gab or Pravda Social.

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In fairness, it's pretty smart, IMHO: one of the big difficulties in getting a social site started is getting a critical mass of people together to sustain conversation. Facebook already has plenty of Instagram users, so giving them all access to Threads seems like a pretty good way to bootstrap Threads.

From the article, I get the impression that the number in the headline is a severe undercount, because a lot of people in charge of running anti-domestic-terrorism programs in the military don't see the value in them, so they either don't see the problem in their ranks, or turn a blind eye to it.

Could you do a better job than him

"I could've not drunk-bought Twitter, thereby saving $44 billion."

Exactly. The song glorifies extrajudicial violence in response to protected but unpopular behavior, but according to Aldean's press statement, it's not about lynching.

"No, your honor, I didn't steal anything from John. All I did was take some of his stuff without him knowing."

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That 15% battery status is giving me anxiety by proxy.

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The US has a conservative party and a reactionary party.

The nafety for safety.

Part of that is due to the feeling that one's vote doesn't matter. IMO having the president be elected by popular vote would bring a lot more people to the polls.

Step 3: Profit!

I'm old enough to remember "Do you really want PMSing women in the military?" and this has some of the same energy.

And yet, none of them will support using an Electoral College to elect the governor of their state. I guess mob rule is fine when it comes to governors, senators, mayors, and sheriffs, but not presidents.

I can say that some websites don’t work on Firefox comes to mind. That annoyed me until I opened the console and saw that it was because of an infinite number of cross-site origin violations, at which point I lost interest in Threads.

Not before dinner and a movie.

"Pravda" is Russian for "Truth". I find it ironic that TFG named his social media site after a newspaper that's synonymous with "shameless propaganda'.

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And they will, as soon as mapping is more profitable.

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Uh-huh-huh! Thank you, thank you very much.

Fun bit of trivia: which state had the most Republican voters in the 2020 election? Answer: California had more R votes than Texas or Florida or any deep-red state. But neither party gave a shit what California Republicans wanted: Democrats knew that the Electoral votes would go for Biden no matter what, so they didn't need to campaign there or court anyone's vote. And Republicans knew that there was no way to get even one of those Electoral votes, so their time and money was best spent campaigning elsewhere.

This was what made me push my mom to go out and get a smartphone to replace her old flip phone. (That, and the fact that she had no idea how to send or receive text messages, or check voice mail.)

For some reason, that one didn’t annoy me as much. Maybe I saw that season only after it came out on DVD, and thought “yeah, this is dated, but I see how it landed when it was still fresh. This season, I’m watching the episodes within a day or two of them coming out, so it feels like getting stale bread at the bakery.

As it stands, there’s this notion that a candidate has to try and have broad appeal; they need to spread their campaign out a bit in order to “capture” the electoral votes of a state.

That's currently not the case: in most states, the vote isn't close, so we know before the campaign even begins how most states will vote. There's no reason for Republicans to appeal to Kansans, because Kansas will vote R no matter what. Likewise, there's no point for Democrats to appeal to Kansans because it won't do them any good.

Sans the electoral college, I see presidential campaigns becoming even more polarized and exclusionary. The Democrat campaign will become the “big city loop.” Continually visit Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, NYC, and Miami.

There's a word in politics for a candidate who wins in big cities, and nowhere else: "loser".

Check the demographics. Get a list of the 20 biggest cities in the US and add them up. You'll see that's only about 30% of the vote. So even if you somehow managed to get everyone in the big cities to vote for you, including children under 18, felons, and people on student visas, that still wouldn't be enough to determine the election.

Maybe they slide in a few secondary metros if it’s convenient. The candidate won’t have to worry about any non-urban messaging, and if they’re particularly incendiary could even preach “dumping those hicks in the sticks.”

Just in passing, there are more Republicans in the California sticks than the total population of several other states. If the president were elected by popular vote, candidates could no more ignore those voters than California gubernatorial candidates can, today.

Step 3: Profit!

Unless I'm mistaken, a regent is someone appointed to rule temporarily, e.g., if the rightful king or queen is still a child, a regent can be appointed to rule until they grow up.

Maybe a non-binary ruler can be "Emperox"?

The Electoral College did give the slave states more power, by way of the three-fifths compromise: the number of Electors depends on the number of Representatives, which depends on the census of inhabitants, not vote-eligible citizens, including, at the time, 3/5 of the slave population. So a state like Virginia, with more slaves than free people, got a boost compared to a state with only free residents.