9 Post – 2250 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Oh, FFS, how does this guy know he's not being played for a fool?

And these loyalists should be arrested for the terrorism that this is.

Why bother with that when the goal is wanting to look superior and briefly being able to tell people "told you so". That's before everyone is off to the camps/ovens, I guess.

Okay. Still, compared to donnie, I'd vote for a carved pumpkin with D next to the name.

Gavin Newsom is not as left as I'd like, but I think someone like him, just by virtue of being telegenic and several decades younger than both donnie and Biden, he'd tear donnie a new one at the polls I would think. I mean, if we are talking about winning elections here.

Legend has it that if you say it three times and you are a constituent, Beetlebert shows up to give out a handy. If you finish up by yelling "oh $DEITY", it's considered both biblical AND Constitutional, since she thinks the separation of the two is a liberal fiction.

If you want to see a great example of this is in a comment section, watch the comments on Boing Boing for a bit. The site used to be one of the top 100 sites, IIRC, and maybe still is, and the comments used to be rather fun and interesting. In recent years, it's been take over by a very far-left fringe with a very particular interest in just checking off boxes and playing "oppression olympics". It's a textbook case of this. I got on there a few years ago and made a few comments in defense of sanity and unity among the left.

Some of the best posts making great points got taken down in quick order, even though I was entirely civil the entire time. Those arguing against me - if not the mods themselves - were absolutely violating the supposed rules - had theirs all left up, even if it was using things like ad hominem or just using dumb and overused giphy memes as a supposed "response". Even anyone that tried to cut a middle ground between me and this echo chamber had their posts nuked, too.

Anyone on the fence witnessing such a thing is not going to vote for leftists, I can tell you that much. If they don't vote for donnie (or his next version), they'll just sit out on elections.

Yeah, she doesn't seem any more likable than Hillary (to hear some of the pundits), but that probably just comes down to misogyny, and piled on top of that - racism.

If they are going to bother to replace Biden, I hope they go with Newsom. Not much of a lefty, but if the alternative is fascism...

I'm not sure donnie dying just before the election would be enough. Chances are if he gets the hamburger from heaven they find a way to have junior serve out donnie's term or something...

I'm wondering if there was similar idiocy in the time of Hitler. I know there was literally a "Jews for Hitler" group, so I just bet there were more than a few lefties thinking that having Hitler in power was really going to solve something...

That is likely the only way they don't all just walk away.

Feinstein enters the chat...

I just finished up listening to that episode. Actually far less "light" than that show typically is, and I really quite enjoyed that debate.

I wonder how many just up and desert.

The elites thought Hitler was going to be their puppet, too.

But isn't being an asshole a feature for the magabrained?

WTAF is there to actually "teach" out of "the" bible, anyway?

Are they going to get around to the really X-rated bits? Because that's some serious groomer stuff.

This country is so screwed if this guy gets into office. He's just vice-signaling to all the very worst elements in society.

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Christ, what a Karen.

Is this the dude who lied about donnie's height and weight?

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Beetlebert is such a joke. She was a joke even before her vaping gropefest at Beetlejuice. Anyway, it would be fantastic if Empty G were to be caught in something similarly embarrassing.

Did she promise a handy to everyone?

The major problem is the way that rural populations are privileged in the ways they influence political outcomes. Of course, they get raw-dogged (economically) as a result of their stupid choices, but hey, they got to "own the libs" by inflicting assholes like beetlebert on the rest of us.

Don't get complacent. Be ready to vote.

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I remember how much pearl-clutching there was over AOC. Dancing. In college. Oh, the horror! Imagine it! Dancing! All of a sudden every con became a town elder with a stick wedged in their posterior in the movie Footloose.

(By the way - I love to use those gifs of her dancing when replying to cons when the discussion is AOC.)

And now that Qbert is caught in a grope session, with children present, the cons seem to be mum. Weird.

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These people are crazy and very dangerous. I hope Americans - and especially American media - can stop bothsidering Joe and unhinged fascist craziness like this.

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This is why no Republicans should ever be allowed into office.


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Oh, so he confessed. Can we skip to the "lock him up" phase now?

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I hate everything about the idea of paying a subscription for a....{checks notes} It's already bad enough when people are paying monthly for car payment or lease payment, now they get hit with a subscription for software?

I hate this timeline.

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It's so sickening that a teabagger like this, being the Fifth Column which is against our Constitution, against freedom, and against America, can have a job within our government even now.

Can donnie just flee the country already or something? So sick of this asshat.

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Impeach him for what? Well, that's TBD, apparently.

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I want to see them suffer real consequences for their actions for the next several decades. I want them to genuflect in front of Americans and show actual remorse and work to repair all they've done.

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The GOP is just fucking crazy and a danger to this country.

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LOL, let them fight. Also, the right wing's weird obsession with trans women is just soooo revealing. I think they have some real inner demons they are wrestling with. I truly think some of them are deathly afraid they'll be "fooled" by a trans woman and one of their buddies will find out and tease them mercilessly and their inner proclivities will be revealed...

I think people that are on the more hetero end of the sexuality scale don't really think about this kind of thing at all (other than - "hey, that's not really my jam, but live and let live"). But it seems to consume a certain kind of man, I've noticed.

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That's weird. When the right is gaslighting others about injecting deeply radical activist judges into the system, they claim that judges should just be calling balls and strikes and so on. And now they are screaming about what are most likely center-right judges, LOL.

The butthurt is strong with the GOP, that's for sure.

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So tired of this asshat having NO consequences for all he's done.

And the howler monkeys in his party would actually have this shitead as Speaker? The GOP is anti-American.

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Honestly, I don't find it all that surprising. Men are wise to err on the side of caution when it comes to even the appearance of improper behavior and I could see how many might freeze up in such a situation, even if they knew CPR.

I remember a woman talking about how some kids were running around naked near their house and he had to call her, and she was kind of grumbling about how he wouldn't just handle it himself. I had to explain that I would have done exactly the same. There is no WAY as an adult male I'd be accosting underage naked children and asking where their parents were, etc., unless they were in danger of freezing or other dangers. This woman was acting like her husband was being lazy and/or a wuss. He was just using his head.

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What else would this douchebag do, really? He had 4 years and the only thing he "accomplished" was tax breaks for the elite.

Of course this tiny petty man will use the power of the office to exact revenge. He's not going to do anything for Americans.

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This is why I always LOL when some far right (or some kind of "moderate" NPC) person starts up with the "liberal media" in reference to the likes of NYT.

Seriously, people need to POINT and LAUGH at such things being taken for granted. Exactly how is NYT in any meaningful way "liberal"?

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