12 Post – 3092 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

So many things to fix about our broken democratic institutions. Every state should have mail-in voting as well as early voting. Every state should automate the registration of voters as much as possible as well. And sure, election day should be a federal holiday, or moved to Sunday or Saturday, at least.

Other things to work on: ranked choice voting and getting rid of the nasty racist holdover that is the EC. Also, we need to remove the special privileges that rural land has over people. Way too many ways our current system gives remote areas more representation than they should have...

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Hm, weird. Something, something, Russia "hoax".

"How could I possibly vote for the DEMONcrat party?" - the qons, probably.

What a sad and pathetic excuse for a human being ronnie is.

Thank goodness the good white xtian privileged man is here to set them all straight!

democrat party


What a dirtbag.

...I would argue that even insurrectionist is being far, far too lenient. They should be called terrorists. But, yeah, calling them "rioters".....barf.

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Um, what? I'm commenting on the corporate media's insistence on calling the insurrectionists "rioters". I think even the term insurrectionist is a bit of a euphemism.

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But MAH FREEZED PEACH! The world's town square, argle bargle....

-Any given Crazy Uncle Liberty, probably.

Indeed. I feel sorry for those people that feel compelled to still be on it for their jobs, or for their side-hustle/main-hustle or whatever, but yeah, anyone still on there just because? I have no idea, unless they are Nazis or Nazi adjacent.

The same ones that jillsplain to everyone how her sitting there with Putin is no big deal.

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Stop trying to make blue maga a thing.

[...] unless you actually are a statist [...]

Well then.


Even better.

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Gosh, how weird.

The idea that these putzes whine about being fact-checked. This is where we are at.

And this from the bunch that wear shirts that say things like "fuck your feelings" and "facts don't care about your feelings". Then they melt the very second a fact shows up to negate their feelings about their fictions.

She should be glad that the cops didn't decide to give her the Floyd treatment since she was at least resisting arrest, possibly assaulting the officer. They didn't even make her get down on the ground or tase her.

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Yeh, but the CYBER! The NINJAS!

The value of these people going away for multiple years cannot be stressed enough. The fact that so many are still walking around free only gives others the indication that they can try it again (and again) until they succeed in destroying our country's democracy.

Didn't pillow boy help fund her, too?

This, in the same week the (female) judge struck down Georgia's six-week abortion ban:

When a fetus growing inside a woman reaches viability, when society can assume care and responsibility for that separate life, then – and only then – may society intervene. An arbitrary six-week ban on (post-embryonic cardiac activity pregnancy) terminations is inconsistent with these rights and the proper balance that a viability rule establishes between a woman’s rights of liberty and privacy and society’s interest in protecting and caring for unborn infants

I bet that one is getting death threats from the unhinged, as well.

When will convicted felon donnie step down? He's so old. He cannot seem to stay awake during his trials, and he cannot even walk down a ramp!

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Don't get complacent. Be ready to vote.

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I remember how much pearl-clutching there was over AOC. Dancing. In college. Oh, the horror! Imagine it! Dancing! All of a sudden every con became a town elder with a stick wedged in their posterior in the movie Footloose.

(By the way - I love to use those gifs of her dancing when replying to cons when the discussion is AOC.)

And now that Qbert is caught in a grope session, with children present, the cons seem to be mum. Weird.

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These people are crazy and very dangerous. I hope Americans - and especially American media - can stop bothsidering Joe and unhinged fascist craziness like this.

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The laugh. I FUCKING KNEW it. They are so predictable. They did the same thing with Hillary, too, BTW. It's almost as if they hate women.

This is why no Republicans should ever be allowed into office.


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Oh, so he confessed. Can we skip to the "lock him up" phase now?

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I hate everything about the idea of paying a subscription for a....{checks notes} It's already bad enough when people are paying monthly for car payment or lease payment, now they get hit with a subscription for software?

I hate this timeline.

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It's so sickening that a teabagger like this, being the Fifth Column which is against our Constitution, against freedom, and against America, can have a job within our government even now.

At this point, how is owning a Tesla car not just like walking around wearing one of those stupid red hats?

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Maybe donnie should just step down now that he's so old and obviously cannot handle a debate.

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Can donnie just flee the country already or something? So sick of this asshat.

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Impeach him for what? Well, that's TBD, apparently.

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Nothing surprising about this at all.

This is the same old rat-fucking playbook of the fascists going way back to the days of COINTELPRO and probably earlier. And then this same mentality is what led the right wing to do things like infiltrate vegan potlucks in order to combat "terrorism", lol.

This is the same bunch that ignored the obvious planning of the donnie fanbase of J6. The same bunch that already found that the far right are the ones that represent the biggest threat to this country and yet do very little about it.

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Many people are saying that not only is dementia donnie afraid to debate a girl, but that he's also just too old and should just drop out.

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"far-right trolls".

So, Republicans, then?

(Oh, and don't call them Nazis or racists or anything, though! The tone police will be out to claim to that this is why another Republican was trying to turn dementia donnie into pink mist)

The GOP is just fucking crazy and a danger to this country.

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I want to see them suffer real consequences for their actions for the next several decades. I want them to genuflect in front of Americans and show actual remorse and work to repair all they've done.

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