Trump vows to defund schools requiring vaccines for students if he's reelected to politics – 314 points –
Trump vows to defund schools requiring vaccines for students if he's reelected

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This country is so screwed if this guy gets into office. He's just vice-signaling to all the very worst elements in society.

I can't see him going down without a fight if he loses. We are fucked what ever the outcome this November

He already lost once while he was the president and we survived. He has much less power now. We're only fucked if he's handed it again.

We survived?

Herman Cain has entered the chat...

"We" as in the US in general. If anything, covid deaths helped him lose.

That the guy who told people to inject bleach is even in the race is ridiculous.

And that's not even close to the worst things he's ever done.

What's really crazy is, no matter how bad he gets, his MAGoos will defend him.

Remember the G-8 Conference where the other leaders went for a stroll and Trump needed a mobility cart to keep up?

Someone online told me that was a power move that showed dominance, and not the whining of a toddler who needs a nap.

Cult of personality in action. I hope it fractures the GOP's base when he finally dies.