2 Post – 83 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

What an amazing idea, letting doctors decide what's best for their patients. Maybe this new way of thinking will gain popularity.

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I'm sure Idaho will clearly define "emergency" or "life threatening" so Doctors won't be worried about facing criminal charges for performing an emergency abortion. If you believe that I've also got a bridge that's for sale in the Brooklyn area.

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Have you seen the interest rates on motorhomes nowadays?

I 100% agree, I was being snarky about the fact that politicians think they should be making medical decisions when most of them have little to no understanding of medical science or just science in general.

Absolutely, the fact that politics are involved is horrific.

Didn't Elon try something similar and lost in court? In case anyone is interested silicon jets tracks billionaires jets.

Edit: I confused silicone and silicon.

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How can we word this so tRump gets his way but also so Biden doesn't get immunity and when will I get another luxury vacation or motorhome?

Clarence Thomas probably.

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What really keeps me up at night is wondering what's next? What comes after tRump? Is there an end in sight? Will these Maga morons keep getting dumber/more extreme? I think so.

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The dishonest leftist media coming from the person who made up a story about a sex traffic victim. When all else fails throw in the "I'm being persecuted" card.

According to the US debt clock the median salary 20 years ago was $32,086 and the median home price was $167,890. Today the median salary is $36,097 and the median home price is $426,973.

The same person who also said the Jews have secret space lasers. 🤔

Banning abortion is rooted in racism.

Come election time I hope we all still remember the political party responsible for this.

When you look at someone through rose colored glasses, the red flags just look like flags.

So even if climate change isn't real (which obviously it is.) What's the down side? We invest in renewable energy, not pollute as much. Oh the horror!

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Just make crime illegal.

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It's also my understanding that these pharma companies used tax money in development of the drugs they are now trying to gouge us on.

Any bets on where Clarence Thomas will get to spend his next luxury vacation?

Oh yes the same Republicans that want to save the children also want to marry them..

I'm trying to picture the worst thing that could happen to someone reading a book. You can always stop reading as soon as you sense your fee fees getting hurt.

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Now that we're in election season I see political ads for Republicans running for various things on TV, almost all of them show them brandishing or firing some sort of military style assault weapon. These politicians spew bullshit about protecting kids but instead are a big reason why we now have so many dead ones .

Honestly what do these people think happens to someone who reads a book? Reading books seems like the least threatening way to get information, I mean you can stop reading the book at any time you feel like.

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The cost of bribing the Supreme Court is really high nowadays, gotta make sure they get their money's worth.

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Bullet stays in lol


You guys are forgetting that her baby girl saw Jesus, JESUS! Check mate atheists!

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The "don't tread on me" crowd really likes treading.

As long as it happens to black and brown people, its part of the plan.

Has lawmakers change state law letting him continue to be governor just before announcing his bid to run for president.

Can't we make crime illegal already?

The supreme cunts are hoping women of color who don't have access to decent health care die.

I was thinking of cancelling my Internet service, I only use the facebooks and sometimes emails I don't use the Internet anymore.

-my mom.

It's a shame abortion wasn't legal when Samuel Altio's mom was pregnant.

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Also keep in mind that once a child is married to an adult, that adult is now the child's "guardian". So making important decisions like getting a divorce is now left up to the child's new guardian potentially leaving the child stuck with their new spouse/guardian until they are legally considered an adult.

Summer is just around the corner, time for another luxurious vacation for the Thomas family.

Just round it out to an even 38 luxry vacations and we'll call it a day.

Playing devil's advocate but couldn't that backfire spectacularly? The born again nazis Republicans play the long game and we could see even larger scrotus stacked with nazis Republicans.

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Eternity is awesome!

So uh will Canada take refugees?

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WWJD WWSWAJD What would straight white American Jesus do?