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Joined 11 months ago

Reddit Refugee that moved to lemmy.world

No. A cold is a virus, you won't catch one by cooling yourself.

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What will probably happen is Trump will say a hundred stupid things no-one bats an eye to. Biden will screw up one soundbite and conservative media will twist and beat that dead horse until it get reincarnated.

When I was a kid I had a record player and usually played a particular record that had various artists on it Like Johnny Horton (Battle of New Orleans) and Elvis Presley (Blue Suede Shoes).

Now 40+ years later, it's usually stuff like Frog Leap Studios (Leo Morrachelli https://www.youtube.com/user/leolego/videos) mainly so I don't have to hear my cats screaming around the house in their nightly turbo mode.

I still like Johnny Horton, but anything from Elvis makes my eye twitch.

"I feel feathery Oh so feathery, All my Plumage is standing up taallll"


Finally Over Rut in Driveway.

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At least they tried asbestos they can at the time.

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So that's over $1200 a person.

A Greyhound bus ticket from Houston Texas to Washington DC costs about $400.

Seems like some people are making a lot of coin off this.

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Theoretically he can go fuck himself. All that is going to do is make games drag out mindless crap with no actual value entertainment-wise.

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To me it seems more like trying to hide his assets.

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"Mr. Trump posted a link to his website and a photo of his mug shot in his first new post on X since Twitter banned his account after the U.S. Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021. “Never surrender!” the caption under the mug shot read."

Captioning "Never surrender" Under a pic of him after surrendering to the authorities. LOL

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That's what you get for copying someone else's homework without looking at it first.

If they were in their 40's, have jobs, but were still not even helping out around the house, I kind of doubt they'd be stepping up to the plate to help out anytime soon.

how does ad-free = privacy when they're still scraping all your data?

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He was so proud he had to bravely run away.

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oh, that's what's on my car.

A plausible sounding article I read stated that his lawyers knew from the start that they didn't have a chance of winning anyway. This whole thing is just theater to try and stall as long as possible to buy time until the election.

I'm sure they've already got plans to cheat their way to a "victory" on that front as well.

They like to whine and cry that piracy makes them lose money, but the opposite is true (at least in my case.) I wouldn't have bought half the games I did if I hadn't first pirated them to try them out. I'm certainly not tossing $60+ dollars on something I "might" like otherwise.

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You're not safe even if you're white. If nothing else they'll target people who like the color blue just to keep some "enemy" in their sights.

White people are just further down the list of easy targets. At that point they'll start by hair color and nitpick their way down from there.

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I do the same in stores. If there's no prices listed I'll just walk away. I absolutely hate surprises at the register.

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You're sure proving her wrong, right Elon? ...Right?

Has anyone tossed a brick at the windows yet? Or has that debacle been swept under the rug?

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I accidentally added blue fluid to pink fluid when I refilled my car, now every time I change lanes my car goes into a gender reveal party mode.

His "plans" are probably to stir up shit, mess with elections, sabotage, bribe people in positions of power, stage civil unrest... all the things he was going to do anyway.

The only difference is he's whining about it in the open instead of doing it behind everyone's back.

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Because they want the "win." They don't give a shit about justice.

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A company I worked for put them on all their vehicles one year to try and cut down on deer damage to our trucks. (About 45 vehicles or so)

Deer collisions went up immediately. At best they didn't work, at worst it was actively spooking them... either way they were removed shortly thereafter and the incident rates started dropping soon after that.

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Especially when 16g is something like $50.

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Am I the only one that enjoyed night shifts? Less traffic, no big bosses around to mess things up or get in the way, no scheduled meetings or other distractions... just do your job and go home. And you can still run around to appointments etc and get stuff done during the day when everything is open without taking time off work.

Mind you, I've always been a night owl so that probably helps my perspective...

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That's my take. If your partner is aware and doesn't mind there's nothing wrong with it. If you're doing it behind their back, that's a big issue, in more ways than one.

Exactly, Facebook doesn't do anything unless they see money in it or they're trying to protect their bottom line.

It's all about the shareholders, nothing else matters to the corporate world, no matter how nice of a bow they try to wrap it in.

I've been told drinking coffee with cream or sugar isn't manly which I find funny, like who cares? We all have taste buds dude. IMO a "real" man isn't concerned about what others think, he is comfortable being himself.

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In grade 2 I burnt down a shed causing $2000 damage in the 1970's. (Around $10,000 in todays money)

I was playing in the shed and decided I wanted to build a fireplace... out of wood. (In my defense it was a type of laminate, so I didn't know it was wood at the time.)

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We will fight imperialism together."

... Then they started swinging at each other. The end.

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As a straight guy I see this as pretty good news. It means more people are comfortable being themselves rather than what some church tells them they have to be. I'm sure in reality those numbers are even higher, but there's still a lot of people who can't/won't admit it because of religious dogma.

For being able to speak bullshit so fluently you think he'd be better at telling the difference, but the last couple of years have really proven otherwise.

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What adblocker? I'm using Ublock Origin and have no issues.

There was also a user that was booted for sublemmy camping (literally trying to grab thousands of sub names) that was constantly ddosing the site, and doing everything they could to mess things up for others.

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TIL Minnesota migrates to the western coast for winter.

Technology Connections has a series of videos that wonderfully explain heat pumps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7J52mDjZzto

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It would be a shame if putin's plane had to make an unscheduled landing on the way there.

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