Records: Abbott’s migrant busing cost Texas $124 million to politics – 334 points –
Records: Abbott’s migrant busing cost Texas $124 million

Texas has spent more than $124 million sending buses of migrants to sanctuary cities, according to records obtained by Nexstar.

According to documents Nexstar obtained, Texas has paid $124,603,616.19 to bus more than 100,000 migrants from the state’s border communities to Washington D.C., New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, Denver and Los Angeles as of Jan. 10. That equals out to 2,245 buses year to date, an average of 45 migrants per bus.

Nexstar obtained the documents through a public information request to the Texas Division of Emergency Management — the agency tasked with this initiative. The majority of the payments have been made to Wynne Transportation LLC, with a handful of payments made to Transportation Management Services Inc.


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So that's over $1200 a person.

A Greyhound bus ticket from Houston Texas to Washington DC costs about $400.

Seems like some people are making a lot of coin off this.

Yes, and those people are friends with Abbott. Same thing happened with DeSantis and that chartered flight to Martha's Vineyard, which incidentally also took migrants from Texas and had nothing to do with Florida (whose taxpayer money paid for it).

Yeah, did he buy one of those companies first, because it would be a missed corrupt opportunity if he didn't.

Politicians don't own the companies, they're just friends with them and get kickbacks in exchange. Eg give my bus company a very lucrative state government contract, I'll give you free chartered flights.

Gotta pay off the traffickers doing the actual driving so they don't stab you in the back, you know?