1 Post – 387 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Do you have a way to reproduce the problem so IT can see it? Have you taken screenshots (or just pictures with your phone) of the problem if it’s hard to reproduce?

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I refuse to install any work related software on my phone. Not only because I don’t want to be contacted after hours, but companies often “require” full read/write access on your device, so they can remotely wipe their data if you quit or get fired.

Fuck that.

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The finglonger!

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He’s not here to serve his country, he’s here to exploit it.

That’s a no for me dawg.

I seriously hope you don’t work with people like this.

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Kubernetes: I will ruin your fucking life

When I used to try and ask AI for help, most of the time it would just give me fake command combinations or reference some made-up documentation

Sorry, I just have to ask-

What in the fuck are you talking about?

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When you download something without permission, you’re a criminal

When MicroShit does it, it’s a feature

Microsoft Data Theft as a Service

“We’ve investigated ourselves and found no evidence of wrongdoing”

Probably at a Nazi rally

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Vacations paid for by dark money which the justices won’t report

The only thing she hasn’t blown


And not a single one of us can or will do anything about it.

Spoken like a true capitalist!

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How this usually goes:

  1. Introduce new controversial feature

  2. Backlash

  3. Postpone deployment

  4. Soften public opinion with marketing, rename product, change minor features, etc

  5. Deploy product regardless

  6. Enshittification complete (Until next time!)

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Is it marketing? I bet it’s marketing.

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Finally someone with some fucking balls

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“We’re serious this time, super pinky swear!”

- the American justice system

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Because their Russian boss would not have liked that.

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Let’s turn questions into convictions.

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The buildings would be empty

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But are you a treasonous Russian puppet child rapist tax evading draft dodger?

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It was later discovered that Kavanaugh turned the document into a beer bong after claiming to have “totally read that shit” and filling it with 3 Miller Lites, at a local frat party

Hello, NASA? I’d like to apply for the astronaut position, please

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I work in IT and I don’t like following rules

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Just wholesome Christian values!

Timmy got his first whiff of hooker taint that day. Smells like freedom, eh Timmy?

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Forget about Windows


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I’ve used Linux professionally and personally for about 12 years. Yesterday was the first time I tried Wine after nuking Windows on my gaming computer. Pretty impressed with it so far, even if it will need a bit of tuning.

Fuck Microsoft.

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But the pile now has to be sorted upon access, and depending on the query (such as trying to find matching socks), this will likely become wildly inefficient.

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His mom should’ve swallowed him

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Traitorous shitbag

USA: Yes we should do that as well

Russians: We will give you lots of money

USA: Oh! Right this way! Would you care to buy a senator while you’re here? Perhaps a president?

Instructions unclear, I have shit myself.

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Can they hold their breaths indefinitely? Like, just stop breathing. All of them. Forever.