4 Post – 467 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Aren't emotions by definition irrational?

Can't reproduce bug. Closing ticket.

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Fucking clown shoes.

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"We're letting you keep contraceptives"

  1. No, they are not.
  2. Who the fuck do they think they are?

No one:

Conservatives: WEMEN BAD

I know were not supposed to kink shame, but there's an obvious lack of consent here.

Seriously, why can't he be normal and wear women's underwear?

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A tale as old as time.

I thief is caught and returns the money he and his accomplice stole. He reads a book to shorten his prison sentence. When he gets out of jail, he finds work as a cheap technician as guys new employer doesn't bother with background checks to save money. His old accomplice encounters him. With his new training and uniform, they can more easily steal and get away with it.

They softly say "the n-word" in polite company.

Those little widgets that show that something is hot, trending or for a limited time are time based tags and don't represent any real analysis.

She just now noticed all the Nazis at her favorite bar?

That would likely have the benefit of saving us from Kid Rock too.

Lest we forget she was a consummate centrist.

We should remember her for her actions through her career as a politician. Where she stood on equality, lgbtq+ rights, the death penalty, government surveillance... How she used her position in the Senate to enrich herself through means not allowed by commoners.

There are a lot of shit bags in government. And one less doesn't change that. But let's not paint her as a champion of anything but herself just because she's dead.

Pixelfed pixelfed pixelfed

Are they? Are they.

I am curious if she's been married, again, and divorced, again, since 2015.

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If I spent $150m in my private sector job and did not at least net in the positive, I'd be out right shit canned and black listed from the company, along with everyone who approved such a waste.

How is this cut rate Batman villain still out of jail?

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Windows, a solution to problems that only exist because of Windows.

Is there anything Israel wouldn't bomb? Just asking questions, here.

I heard it compared to 9/11, which conspiracies held was allowed to happen to justify the US's actions in the Middle East.

Would Natty let his people suffer for his own wants? Absolutely. Did he know about it before hand? Who knows.

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And then we take it higher

This woman passed the Bar. Let that sink in.

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He thinks he's going to talk his way out of it. How cute.

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And people wonder why we call him Uncle Ruckus.

I dropped my locking, variable speed, single direction, corded drill with the chuck key electrical taped to the cracked plastic cord on a board and the hole I needed formed naturally out of fear.

The main perpetrator can't get redgifs to load inside the app, presumably because of some change on the redgifs side. In a fit of sexual frustration, they are trying to bring attention to this bug by spamming the sub.

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Putting the rant in tyrant.

Why can't they use the recommended on PornHub like the rest of us?

The arrogance of this dude.

Maybe Zelenskyy can agree and put him in jail until the war is over.

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Let me get this straight. You want to use Twitter to tell Twitter that Twitter isn't Twitter anymore?

Thousands of sensitive alpha males suddenly feel inadequate.

So many pearls. So few hands with which to clutch them.

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The stock market is a measure of how much wealth has been taken from workers.

R Kelly -> Chris Brown -> Pee Diddley -> Kanye

When will it end?

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Welp, I woke up again.

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At that point it's just self defense to murder those who would see your family starve.

Stop slut shaming oranges.

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Some men you just can't otherwise reach.

The party of legitimate rape and those who would depend on it for sexual satisfaction is a set within set.

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