Microsoft opens a "high priority" bug ticket in ffmpeg, attempting to leech the free labour of the maintainers to – 1044 points –

Microsoft employee:

Hi, This is a high priority ticket and the FFmpeg version is currently used in a highly visible product in Microsoft. We have customers experience issues with Caption during Teams Live Event. Please help

Maintainer's comment on twitter:

After politely requesting a support contract from Microsoft for long term maintenance, they offered a one-time payment of a few thousand dollars instead.

This is unacceptable.

And further:

The lesson from the xz fiasco is that investments in maintenance and sustainability are unsexy and probably won't get a middle manager their promotion but pay off a thousandfold over many years.

But try selling that to a bean counter


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Can't reproduce bug. Closing ticket.

It's what Microsoft would do in the same situation. It's only fair

I understand you are having a problem with ffmpeg.

Firstly, I will need you to open a command prompt and run SFC /scannow.

And then reboot your PC.

And then run SFC /scannow again.

And reboot again.

Until you give up and reinstall Windows.

I tried all that but accidentally installed Linux at the last step, but it seems to have fixed the issue so I'm suggesting it as a functioning workaround to all of my colleagues

You forgot when the boot loader forgets where it placed your boot partition and you get to do a few rounds of bcdedit /h /s /gofuckyourself

I figured they would just run sfc /scannow and then sit staring at their screen bewildered when it inevitably does nothing.

As if microsoft ever tries to repro anything... Just refer them to some of the most clunkiest and convoluted sites ever, where it should say to just reboot three times and hope for the best.