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Did you listen to what he said tho? When it was coherent it was a great platform policy wise.

He's old. We get it. No one cares...the policy is still better than trump

Do you live in Argentina??? Hahaha

I would vote for a potato before trump. Any sane person would at this point.

If you were listening for actual policy Biden crushed trump.

If Biden was dead I'd still vote for him over trump.

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Biden got confused about the receipts he brought. Trump brought the alley

But we did hold primaries and Biden won in a landslide

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There are ppl born with both you ignorant tit

And lose the incumbent bump? A wash at best

So Newsome

Now do trump and the central park 5.

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There's no danger. Even frail Biden is 1000x more competent than trump

I expect this ass to go to prison soon

Conservatives don't want anything to change. Time to get rid of them

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Worked for the French 🤷‍♂️

Lattimer looks like he has brain worms

Just a reminder that bullets can be bribes.

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Biden is coherent.

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Tidy? Lol.

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Maybe youth weren't paying attention to the Dobbs decision where they ignored the 9th amendment entirely and half of the 14th.

Just admit you're too stupid to understand.

Sugar is carbs

The 3 macros are carb fat protein.

The diff is that sweet sweet aipac money

You think they'd shut up if they could look like the heroes??? Lol You don't know cops.

Look at the patent

3k pays your rent in San Fran with cash left over in that time period...ur damn right she's hanging out with a rich dude and getting spoiled for a week and her rent paid. Mf out here acting like they're breaking down door dash hourly.

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Conservative enablers become collateral damage of conservatives being conservatives...more at 11.

Also if you've never seen the Rittenhouse family they all appear to have iqs below 85 or so.

Look at the sisters quote Kyle never helped us even like for my like surgery like like like

When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time...and every time after.

These assholes don't change.

He's talking about vitamins lol

His probably cost $200

Dildos don't have batteries.

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The Nazis punished intellectuals and artists.

Idgaf. .jail this potato already

People will switch once developers do. So far no luck on the music industry

Civil rights are civil rights, my guy.

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Point of order this shit until it grinds all business to a halt.

Point of order does engaging in personalities refer to both Joe Biden and the convicted felon Donald Trump or just the convicted felon Donald Trump.

Ad nauseum.

Can't get booted for point of order requests can you?

Then Biden gets an hour on TV to himself.

I'm ok with this.

Matte side isn't non stick?

Also op paid almost $8 for cheesy bread and almost a buck for each of their two sauces.

This is not "just a pizza"

Op go to Little Caesars, get a $5 pizza and stfu

The alternative is you're dead ..did u not read the story?

Shampoo is for cleaning your scalp...not your hair.