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yea no it definitely did.

i was gonna say, this is ADHD math? I just thought this was mental math in short lmao.

no, because they're the supreme court, and they're appointed for life.

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it's only contempt, from my understanding of law it's not uncommon for contempt of court, and inter court violations to be anywhere from like 2 weeks of jail time, to a few months.

so true bestie, so true

it's even funnier when you might have any given variety of mental disorders.

Could be ADHD, could be autism, hell might be both or neither! Could be SzPD, could be a variant of that, could be any other generic personality disorder. Hell maybe i'm just shitposting and i'm perfectly normal!

So now that balloons to the period of about 5 years, 20 tests, and many thousands of dollars, both spent and lost.

OH and how could i forget. It does precisely, almost nothing. Because disability is super fucked. And any other services that do exist are probably also a nightmare, so what's even the fucking point of having them!

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i feel like it's situational. I've talked to a lot of people that do have ADHD, and are quite fond of their medication as it makes them extremely functional, but part of me is irked by the fact that it might be a secondary effect due to association. (i suspect they want to be a part of society, and as a result the medication making them capable of doing it quickly becomes a part of themselves) If this is the case, there is an argument to be made for the fact that our society simply isn't built to deal with the people it contains.

Part of me wonders whether ADHD was an evolutionary adaptation due to the presumed utility of it in ancient society.

I may have ADHD, and if so, i find it to be an extreme hindrance to doing normal people things, like at all. However, outside of that im perfectly fine and i would argue probably benefited by it, because it often keeps my brain busy thinking about things and doing stuff, which is good for your mental health (physically) there's a reason a lot of my time in my life has been spent covering various different interests and hobbies, and i think this, whatever it is, is part of it. Doing one thing is just really boring, and i can't be bothered. And if proper treatment (medication in this case) removes that, i would rather not be medicated to be honest.

i mean it depends on how you define common, common among the world populous? No, common among fabrication types? Yes.

there are only a few things that are common amongst the whole human population, and none of them are learned skills. (learned as in learned from the ground up, to be able to do that one specific thing I.E. socialization doesn't count as it's a fundamental aspect of humanity)

i think there is a fundamental reason why linux is a good operating system. It's the same reason that vehicles from the 70s and 80s are so beloved, because they're easy to repair. Hell you could probably rebuild one in your garage, sure you'd need some level of knowledge to do so. But it's all out there, and very easy to access, and same for the parts.

I think linux is very similar in this regard, part of what makes it so good, is being so familiar with it. Windows doesn't let you do this, because it doesn't want you to. Linux does, because you're supposed to, and i would argue that telling people linux is a "turn key" solution is rather irresponsible when inevitably, they'll want to do something weird or have to fix a weird problem which will require them to go digging around somewhere.

I also don't think the basic concepts of linux are all that complicated, two weeks and a vm to install arch and you've got most of the foundational concepts in your head already.

i see no problem with that. You can't go learn to weld without putting in lots of effort and time learning.

It's really just that simple.

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yeah you'll be fine then. You might want to look into i2p on the side, it's rather interesting over there.

rolling through DSMV and calling it a day is wild, from my experience, at least with more off the cuff mental disorders a survey containing about a thousand or so questions is the bare minimum. Plus a few more rounds of that as you try to narrow down any other potential disorders it could be, because it turns out this is a really hard field to deal with.

There is definitely utility in getting a diagnosis like this, but i'd imagine most wouldn't for most things other than basic stuff like ADHD, depression, anxiety etc... There is a considerable risk of just being wrong about something, even if you roll through something like ICD10 which is markedly better than the DSMV. If you're lucky there are a few good localized options like the akhtar profiles for SzPD which can summarize the general disorder into a handful of specifics actions more so than a broad behavioral checklist.

because redhat smelly.

Also fedora is hella configured out of the box, which is nice for new users, and a good reason to just use it. But at that point i think you should just use something like debian while figuring out how to properly do the whole linux thing because it's going to positively benefit you quite a bit.

god i love the modern internet.

its more than likely "it can't hurt, so might as well" more than anything.

If they really didnt want it, they wouldn't have posted this at all, or like other suggested properly censored it, they simply tried here, deemed "most people won't bother" and moved on from it.

an rpi is definitely more than enough, though you might want something more than an SD card, just use a VPN and or do it anonymously and be safe out there my friend. The usual rules apply, although most of the internet is better now.

Also my instance dbzer0 has a piracy sub with a rather good resource for getting into it if you aren't immediately familiar with it. Good stuff on there for the average "just interested in how it works" individual, not looking to commit any crimes, because we are good and law abiding people, who respect the law and IP rights.

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if true this is huge.

Tax actually gaming a little hard

since people are yelling about it.

It's probably not blatantly bypassing security and privacy features, what it is PROBABLY doing is using the user to bypass them by simply manipulating them to do it.

Social engineering is way easier than whatever bullshit you would need to do to bypass sandboxing and dynamically recompile, or whatever people are claiming, and my guess would be that this is what they're doing.

If the suit is claiming they are doing what i said, that's probably legal, and not going anywhere, unless tiktok ban bill 2.0. If the suit is claiming what others are claiming, it's still probably wrong and probably going to be tiktok ban bill 2.0.

Unfortunately these things aren't all that exciting at the end of the day.

bro i thought this was an onion post for a second what the fuck just happened

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i take it you tried the archive? There's usually a rouge upload on there somewhere, if not, some torrenting or filesharing service WILL have it, though it's less accessible to the average person.

5 more... the only one that we all know about.

the oh so well kept secret of the software and services (surrounding it) industry that people seem to think is worth paying money for.

Yet time after time these paid software companies produce the most vile awful, dysfunctional, and garbage software (and services) that have ever been created. While somehow a group of people who aren't being paid, and aren't doing this for any sort of reason other than "why not" manage to create the most functional software ever, while also managing to somehow catch the single biggest potential software vulnerability in this decade (other than wannacry) purely because ssh has slightly sus behaviors when running the infected payload.

Please stop doing web dev, it isn't real.

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so.... every school ever? Wait a minute this sounds like defunding the DOE but slightly different.

i want to see the value in webdev, but the more i interact with websites and shit based on platforms like electron, the more i just want it to be fucking dead. It's such a useless shit hole.

Fun fact, the linux discord binary seems to have a particular issue where you can bring up the "electron menu" but for some reason the base version of electron discord is using has disabled the ability to remove the menu, so if you hit alt + f, h, t, e or some shit like that, i'm pulling these out of my ass for demonstration here, it brings up a menu that you literally can't remove.

But don't worry, because you actually can remove it you just have to bump it into fullscreen, which disables the menu, and then back out, where it'll still be disabled, because thankfully, it's too much of a shitfuck program to have any form of consistency

not to mention how unstable it is, how shitty it performs, and how ram hungry it is because it's literally a sandboxed chromium browser, which we call a "program"

one of the most obvious ways is to simply not bypass them, and then do it from within the application itself. That way you can essentially man in the middle the rest of it, though this would require a rather specific set of events and a particularly nested design of an app.

if you think drug euphorias are high.

Just wait until you find out what the lows are like.

unfortunately you may be right, but the onion also has a very specific type of title that they write out, and this was pretty close.

apparently so.

aluminum vs. tin

isnt most if not all tinfoilj just aluminum foil these days? It's one of the legacy terms that nobody really uses correctly anymore.

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i believe in the US for all intents and purposes, it is, especially if it was sourced from a minor, because you don't really have an argument against that one.

why do i get the gut feeling that this is going to be an utter clusterfuck of a mess.

Hopefully i'm wrong.

No one is picking your locks just to move things around or steal small, insignificant items. You are either suffering from a mental disorder or a trusted member of the household is gaslighting you (it’s not gaslighting though, you’re grasp of reality is slipping. Don’t call me for a pick proof lock, just get help please)

or it's probably monoxide poisoning.

Web dev solves a simple UI pattern

kinda elegantly

for rapid development

i smell cope :)

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No, it really isn’t.

i would consider it such, you said as much in your original post that the entire crux of the issue is the semantics between a real photograph, as physically taken by the camera, and what could be considered an image, whatever that constitutes, for purposes of semantical arguments here, let's say digitally drawn art, clip art, whatever doesn't matter. It's objectively not a photo, and that's what matters here.

The pupose of that paradox is that you unambiguously are recreating/replacing the ship exactly as you already know it is. The reason the ‘ai’ in question here is even being used is that it isn’t doing that. It’s giving you back much more than it was given.

Yeah so the reason why the thought experiment does this is because it creates an incredibly sterile environment which allows us to easily study and research the question at hand. In this case it's to boil it down to something as physically close to "objective relation" and "symbolic relation" I.E. the two extremes of the thought experiment at hand. It's still not easy to define what the true answer to the question is, and that's why it's incredibly sterile.

The comparison would be if Thesues’ ship had been lost and you definitely don’t have the ship anymore, but had managed to recover the sail. If you take the sail to an experienced builder (the ai) who had never seen the ship, then he might be able to build a reasonable approximation based on inferences from the sail and his wealth of knowledge, but nobody is going to be daft enough to assert it is same ship. Does the wheel even have the same number of spokes? Does it have the same number of oars? The same weight of anchor?

this is not what i was making my statement about. If you read my original comment you might pickup on this one.


yes ok, and this is what my thought experiment comparison was about in this case. The specific thing i was asking you was how we define a photo, and how we define an image, because what would normally be constituted as a photo, could arguably be considered to be an image on account of the various levels of image manipulation taking place.

While rather nitpicky in essence i suppose, the point i'm making here was that your entire statement might be upended entirely based on the fact that the original photo used, may not even be a photo at all, making the entire distinction entirely redundant to begin with. Since you never defined what counts as a "photo" and what counts as an "image" there is no clear distinction between that, other than the assumed AI image manipulation that you talked about. Which like i said, most phones do.

In short, i don't think it's a very good way of conceptualizing the fundamental problem here because it's rather loose in it's requirements. If you wanted to argue that the resulting imagery simply is not akin to actual real imagery (in a literal sense), i see no reason to disagree. However, unfortunately the general populous does not care about the semantic definition of whether or not an image is a photo or not. So as far as most people are concerned, it's either "deep faked" or "real" There is no alternative.

Legally, since we'd be talking about revenge porn and CP here, i don't see a reason to differentiate between the semantics, because as far as the law is concerned, and as far as most of the general public is concerned. Someone deep faking revenge porn is arguably, still just revenge porn. While AI generated CP may not be real CP, marrying a 12 year old is legal in some places, it'd still be fucking weird if you did it. If you are creating AI CP, that's pretty fucking weird, and there isn't exactly a good argument for doing that. (ignoring the one obvious counter example)

So, let me guess. Web dev isn’t “real” but Linux kernel dev is VERY real?

linux kernel dev is wild, have you ever seen the mailing list when linus shows up?

To be clear, i'm mostly shitposting, it's not that serious. But also, web dev produces the most routinely garbage crap and frankly unusable code half of the time, with the other half of the time being moderately usable. There is no good to come from this industry for quite some time.

yeah, checks out. Peak web dev right here.

you are welcome my friend, ignore the fact that i don't know fuckshit about web dev, let's just pretend i'm omniscient :)

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oh shit, you're right, this is a conspiracy!


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isn't this like, explicitly anti HIPPA (or HIPAA since apparently medical acronyms suck)?

Shouldn't this be like, INCREDIBLY illegal?

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