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Every youtube reviewer's goal is to be popular enough to be a paid shill. It's money they're after, not your praises.

And Apple marketing invests a lot in their image in internet discussions. There are lot of shills and a lot of sock-puppets that prop them up. Every marketing company does but go to any popular Apple posts on reddit, hackernews, or Twitter, they just have same pattern.

Why this isn't obvious is just idk.

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There wouldn't be so much anti-china propaganda, if the popular companies didn't do so much shit behind people's back to drown out the good things coming out of China.

I mean China is becoming a economic powerhouse, just make your companies not be backdoors until your influence and trust increase without competition. But nooooo, they have to do every worse thing other big tech companies do, but at a script-kiddie level.

By comparison Meta and Google merely take advantage of user ignorance and apathy by making opting out frustrating - but still technically doable.

This is simply just not true. Meta used an adversary-in-the-middle attack to decrypt Snapchat and other competitors traffic. Facebook, Apple, Twitter and Google have been intercepting traffic since before https/sandbox/anti-virus were the norm. Do you think they didn't do anything malicious?

Install any Google app on Windows and it will install a task schedule and a always online background service to "check for updates" and downloads and runs their executable without any user consent. I wonder why no body had a problem with that. hmm…


Google runs it own operating system so they could technically do anything they so fucking please. You think Chinese Android variants are using exploits or just scooping data wholesale, because it can. But you think Google and Apple aren't?

It's showing your prejudice, bias and concern trolling more than anything.

It's okay, we're building fusion powered AC that can handle 100˚C outside. We've also partnered with Facebook to give you a free month of Oculus VR. You can order food and beverage from our partners right inside the VR interface.

No need to ever get out of your house. Enjoy dating, skating, camping or even skipping stones on the lake with your family and friends right from your living room.

We are a environment friendly company with social initiatives, so 1% of your purchase goes towards heatburn victims who get a coupon for our AC products in a lucky draw.

Game on!

Me: Terminator Skin v0.0001

Be the change you want to see. Make some games worth playing and release it as a FOSS and prove it can be a commercial success as well. See how it goes.

Asking people to release their work for free while providing very little incentives other than your own benefit aren't going to convince people who need to put food on the table NOW, without relying on miniscule probability of popularity or success after pouring years of your time.

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Then prosecute him for that. But the US doesn't care about activists, does it? Why do you think US is after him specifically?

What about, what about, what about?

Post the actual proof rather than a link to a wikipedia article.

You do BETTER.

Social media monitoring and marketing is a big business. There are tools that alert agencies to any critical posts for their brand/celebrity/product/keyword so they can defend or at the very least deflect any criticism with sock-puppet accounts. These accounts seem like normal individuals with lots of history but are either accounts sold to these agencies or home-grown to seem "organic".

Looking from outside people think karma and posts/comments count mean nothing but accounts with good standing, posts, comments has a big market in black hat marketing sites.

Lots of shady free VPNs out there from Chinese/Russian companies. Now instead of just letting people watch porn, they'll send their data to a shady/foreign entity. The apps will ask all the permissions, and people who don't know shit, will grant them.

Same thing will happen when they ban Tiktok.

Well done, You played yourself.

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Now it would be bloody awesome if someone would leak how their data collection in Android works and how much of their privacy policy is actually not just for good PR.

cough cough

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-Microsoft MVP

They're outsourcing many of their workforce abroad. Like Microsoft, I expect more of these "isolated" accidents to happen.

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This reads so much like Apple marketing talk. Just call any criticism bullshit and let the anectodes and fanboys circlejerk. Add "Apple also gives cuddly gifts to kids sometimes", and you're golden.


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Administration? Lemmy was built by a guy that denies tiananmen square massacre.

I'm so glad to read this wasn't some AI. AI filling gaps in history is not something we need.

Everyone and their grandmother is writing/blogging about this attack by paraphrasing all the same information.

Need for Clicks 101

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Google values its $1.2 billion contract with the genocidal Israeli government and military more than its own workers

umm, of course? Google is evil, when it comes to making money. They're an US company after all and US is no stranger to killing innocents for profit.

The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.

[Duplicate] question. Closed

We don't need a shitty youtuber to tell us what we've known for years?

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The security issue was found in a development build, not a production release. There were no users to benefit from the CVE, because none were affected. If there were exceptions that were using development builds, it on them.

If you go against Russia/China/North Korea/Iran/India, they send a hitman to assassinate you. If you go against US and its allies, they assassinate your character first and you die in an accident in the prison with the camera footage missing.

And this is if you are actually somewhat popular, if not there are a tons of black sites they where they do Russia/China/North Korea/India shit and their populace will deflect how they are more humane like their life depends on it.

Yes, this is the "we're the good ones" flex. And anytime they do this, there has to be a big bad boogeyman elsewhere to blame without evidence or consequence.

Better give inkscape more practice.

lol at the "no plan to change at the moment" crap. that ship has already sailed.

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grabs popcorn

  • US helps create monopolies
  • Buys data off those monopolies for surveillance
  • Pretend-fines pocket change for those monopolies
  • Make it seem like a big deal in media
  • The dumb populace believe the BS and point to it as some sort of win.
  • Rinse and Repeat

For a customer who wants the best phone for their money, the Fairphone is objectively worse

Objectivity worse in performance, sure. Some people consider more things than just being a fastest bang for the buck. Unethical mining, forced labour, e-waste, data mining, and lots of other things. If you care at all, that is.

If you want to compare that to a product made by a billion dollar company, no one is stopping anyone. There is cost associated with doing things ethically. Small companies aren't financed to eat those costs to gain the market. It speaks more about principles than anything else.

I don't disagree with Linus' suggestion at the end: even the fairest phone is environmentally costlier than rescuing an old second hand phone

is it? The person who sold the phone is most definitely going to buy a new phone and if they sold the phone released last year they will most likely do so every year. The reason there's a second hand market with a year old phones is because people obsessively buy new phones. How exactly is that environmentally friendly than starting to use a phone made by a company with higher ethics? Surely the later stacks higher in being environmentally and morally friendly?

Duchebag is spouting capitalists "trickle down" economics. Rather than fix the cause, find the flex tape to hide it. Rich people buy new phones, less rich buy phones from the rich, and so on. No one needs to look past the marketing into ethics in how they were made and companies keep profiting in billions by exploitation of the poor. So so environmentally friendly.

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I have kids and I don't hate not losing caps.

grabs popcorn

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US: It's totally fine cuz we're spying on users all over the whole world. hihihi

Tiktok does it

US: That's not fair

secret documents reveal shit its companies has done for more than a decade with impunity

US: actshockedpikachuface.jpg

"And we helped create it.

cheers everyone."

Thank you for your service

The founding fathers were the rich that wanted all of the riches of the new found land for themselves and their rich friends.

So far, it's going exactly as planned.

"This is good for B̶i̶t̶c̶o̶i̶n̶ AI"

I mean that's the point of self-curated feed. Do you want an algorithm or a team of strangers to find and curate what you should consume?

or maybe facebook, instagram, twitter is more up your ally.

why did it take so long, and why haven't more countries invoked the Conventions

There's an elephant in the room that everyone doesn't want to offend. It might force unannounced sanctions on you because you're speaking out against a country they're supplying arms. And they'll not just sanction you themselves, they'll make it so that they will sanction anyone that does business with you.

This causes irreversible financial harm.

Techcrunch is mostly a PR release website. I wouldn't trust a thing about new companies and products that's featured on there.

I don't think the US wants to be part of the genocide.

Narrator: It already is and no amount of PR stunts will change that.

Seems like the article was written by an AI.

Here's the source blog post:


At the minimum, to show that Android is not a locked down walled-garden of a system and you're free to choose what you can do with it to the point you can install a different OS on it?

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Of course he's right but that doesn't stop generational propaganda from wearing off that easy.

There is somehow always a boogeyman that's making US suffer, it's never the US itself because it's the "greatest country" in the world and everyone is jealous. It can't be anything else.