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Joined 12 months ago

As he counts his money.

Amiga 1200 from the 90s.

Spectrum +3 from the 80s.

Radotin Black and White TV game from the 70s.

Never use them tbh.

Plus it's unlikely to change anyone's mind. At this point you're either pro or anti Trump and you've had at least eight years to pick your side.

18 more...

I guess whether it's worth it depends on whether you hate writing code or reading code the most.

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No vibration is a strange choice given that Nintendo and Sony went out of their way to make that much better in recent years.

Lack of trackpad is more understandable. Sony have had that for two generations now, and I've never really seen it used as anything other than a big Select button. I bounced off the Steam Controller simply because games designed for controllers feel much better with thumbsticks. If I want to play a mouse controlled game like Civ, I will use a mouse. Even from my sofa.

Half of them aren't in China though. It's dropshippers, so you still get your cheap death traps, but you get them in a few days, Amazon get their enormous cut, and they get to take no responsibility when it burns your house down.

If they haven't been doing so for at least a decade, I'm sure their shareholders will want to know why not.

Unironically yes.

Or the funders get bored of waiting after ten years of "no Mars yet" and cancel the project, leaving you with a half finished rocket.

Shit, most of Amazon is that as well.

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I'm sick of being told what I should and shouldn't be eating tbh.

Seen plenty of scares over the years about fats, saturated fats, eggs, sugars, carbs, glutens, red meat, meat... Now Ultra Processed Food.

At this point, it's just food. If you're too fat eat less of it. If it's actually dangerous don't sell it.

Half Life 2 and it's episodes are always on a massive sale in a Valve bundle.

There's a lot of stuff there you won't play, but it's a must have for the Half Life and Portal series.

Also Wolfenstein: The New Order and Doom 2016 are great.

And what good did it do for cigarettes? It's not like you're going to look at the pack and go "oh shit, it's bad for me?"

Everyone I know who gave up smoking recently, did so purely for cost reasons and took up vaping instead.

And the product thumbnails that all look like sex toys.

Yeah, it's the reason I cancelled Amazon the day they announced that, while Netflix shambles on.

Yeah, it's all on Twitter and Facebook.

Why hang out in the run down Nazi bar when the big chain bars are all accepting Nazis now?

Hey, I've seen this one!

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You could make a Trumpist poster saying "Joe Biden will force EVERY American home to install GENDER NEUTRAL BATHROOMS! Only Trump can stop him!" and it'll be round the world of hateful Facebook grandparents in about 20 minutes.

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If they gave a fuck about sustainability they wouldn't be hosting the Olympics in Paris in the middle of summer.

Now nothing is fun and nobody trusts to not to steal anything that isn't nailed down.

26C is way too hot for me to sleep properly.

Imagine training your whole life for one Olympics where you're at peak performance, then having it fucked up because organisers decided to do this performative nonsense.

No wonder half the teams are bringing air con.

You'd think so, but who do you think pays huge sums of money every year to be allowed to sell death traps to the public?

Hey, don't you know it's antisemitic to compare this genocide to that one!

I gave up trying to figure out what the "bitness" of CPUs were around the time the Atari Jaguar came out and people described it as 64 bit because it had 32 bit graphics chip plus a 32 bit sound chip.

It's been mostly marketing bollocks since forever.

Watch them arrest him the second he lands.

Some automatic conversion is fine.


print("Hello {name}. You are {age} years old")

That kind of thing. But the principle of least surprise definitely applies. If you get to the point where you're adding two booleans and a string, I feel like the language should at least say something. At least until the technology exists for it to physically reach out of your screen and slap you.

But of course. If artists want to fight for their rights, they better get their own lawyers.

We know, they're fucking dead.

If five people can maintain a service bigger than all those combined, then the big streamers need to buck their fucking ideas up.

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I have no idea why this man is in the American news cycle so much. I guess "talks a lot of bollocks" is enough these days.

He always looks like he should be dictator of a small South American country. Not a real one, obviously, they'd decorate the nearest tree with him, but the sort of dictator who ends up there through a series of zany mishaps in the kind of shit sitcom that Paramount+ might greenlight. With a really uninspired title as well, like El Presidente.

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Exactly. Donald Duck is an infinitely superior character.

I'd imagine 60 million dollars to google is like 60 cents to most of us.

It's that because their orders were "kill them all, take no prisoners"?

The solution is to build more housing where people want to live.

Don't get suckered into their blame game. This just results in everybody pointing fingers while the prices continue to soar.

Prices only go up because there's competition to buy them.

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Will they serve it though? They weren't even present at the sentencing due to "poor health".

That doesn't mean it's not higher level than other languages from more recent times.

Yeah, there's no real costs, because in this case it's a cost of "lost opportunity" in advertising.

As a rich westerner, your eyeballs are worth more than some rickshaw driver in deepest darkest India, because you have more money to fritter away on nonsense.

Never understood how the third world pricing logic holds up for things like video games, since the hardware to play them costs pretty much the same no matter where you are.

Steam cured my addiction to Steam sales by making them rubbish.

I don't often go for the full 4K Blu-ray Remux releases, since they're massive and I can't really tell the difference over a 10-15GB rip, at least visually. Just a webrip is fine, depending on the source. Plus even my nVidia Shield Pro struggles with them at times.