
1 Post – 196 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

Всмысле блядь нет русских ботов? Я что для вас, шутка?

Good. Hopefully they remove links to pinterest, quora and facebook too while they'reat it.

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Unpopular opinion: They should've just started charging big creators, kind of like Vimeo. Mofos be having youtube ads, sponsorships, built-in ads, courses, merch stores and patreon, and then they whine when youtube wants them to comply with advertiser's demands.

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This is a terrible video. 20 minutes just to say "bad customer support". But then, who does nowadays?

On a sidenote, the pearl, the jewel I got from their CS is "WeLL I gUeSs tHiS LaPtOP oNlY sUpPoRtS ThReE ScReEnS iN tOtAl". Bitch! This laptop has 3 separate video outputs! And 2 screens built-in! The fuck is 3 total? Besides, it totally worked until some botched update on their side...

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boykisser as profile pic

completely cis dude

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Please stop reposting this crap every fucking day. What's up with you and this exact article in particular anyway? Are you getting paid or something?

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What a rookie. Could've taken six by parking sideways

The biggest offender is, surprisingly, cloudflare. They will straight up refuse to serve you any site if your user agent is not one of the mainstream ones. It's not even "find the traffic light to prove you're human", but a page basically saying "fuck you, go away".

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My website is running off of spare resources on my 10w router, and yet my 30w monitor that I've been using for 10+ years still says that I've saved exactly 0.0 trees every time I turn it on. Thank you, now please fuck off with that bullshit.

Probably because it has to compete with piracy there, not with Microsoft and Adobe and such.

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Haha, nope. The links points to a table of contents after which you are on your own. The right link should point to a specific page instead, but the problem here is that postres docs are poorly optimized for search engines. If you click on the top link from google, you would see there's a notice that the page is outdated, with a link to a current version, but said link is dead. It's not an issue I've ever experienced with mysql docs for example.

And yes, w3schools, despite how terrible it is, is still above the official docs because it is more popular with newbies. I remember a time when I just started, I preferred sites like it, because they were simple and on point, rather than technically correct and comprehensive like the official docs are. If you forgot the feeling, try learning math on wikipedia (assuming you don't have a math degree).

For the rest I cannot argue. Generated/AI shit is indeed ruining the internet and search engines giving up and joining them isn't helpful either.

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Good joke, but it's bold on him to poke fun at one of the only two neighbors Mongolia has, while the other dreams of invading it.

This was already a thing for ages until they killed it, but it is still possible if you are okay with tweaking userChrome.css

Why Mozilla wastes resources on their own implementation instead of providing API's to third party developers is beyond me.

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Barrel chest. Probably due to some lung condition that he had before

Female in Russian, because the word machine/машина ends with A, and so any machine, from tattoo gun to steam engine is female gendered. I always thought French and German worked in somewhat similar manner?

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I suspect that it's not Linux that is on the rise, but overall PC market that is shrinking. It's been a trend for quite a while for non-linux people to dump the PC entirely in favor of using just phone.

The desktop/mobile ratio chart aligns with this


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I have never been on Instagram, only joined last year because apparently doing business over it's messenger is now a norm. Subscribed to a few of my friends and was terrified. I know them, I know they're not living like that, but the amount of effort they put into trying to appear more successful than they actually are is astounding. It's not just showing the good things and hiding the bad ones like people on e.g. facebook do, but spending hours every day into faking it and outdoing each other. Two have actual depression and should seek help ASAP, but on Instagram they are trying to twist it in some kind of brag/motivation/skit to show how better they are than others. This is absolutely unhealthy, and I am now advising everyone to get off it and stay away for the sake of their own mental health.

But why?

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I disagree. Twitter was already going under even before he took over. In fact, it was doomed from the beginning as one of the uber era "grow valuation, think about revenue later", hoping to exit someday by selling it to some rich megalomaniac, and actually, they're the ones who succeeded.

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I heard women are wired to forget the experience, because otherwise we'd go extinct as nobody would ever want to go through it after the first time.

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Great news and congrats, New Yorkers! But really, this should just be a normal thing without a law requirement. It is in my home country and it's one of the things I'm really missing after moving abroad. It helped me dodge the bullet, twice, when I got an offer but saw the market ranges, including ones from those companies that I applied to, be 2x+ more than what I was offered. Could've got those companies banned from job posting sites but didn't bother.

Feature detection is usually the way to go. If your website / webapp depends on a particular feature, check if that specific feature exists, rather than checking for particular browsers. Browser checks are still needed in some cases, for example Safari sometimes reports that it supports particular features but it really doesn’t (or they’re so buggy to the point where they’re unusable), but that’s relatively rare.

This is tough to implement when the feature is present, but implemented wrong. Or, even worse, when it's implemented right, but the most popular browser implements it wrong and almost everyone else follow suit for compatibility reasons, except for one that takes the stance of following standards. I know safari is notorious for this, think pale moon had those issues, too, and there are still echoes from the past from pre-chrome internet explorer, thank god it's finally dead.

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The average user does not use a variety of apps either. All they need is a browser, a rich text editor, a simple image editor, a video player and maybe a messenger. All but the browser can be effectively substituted by web apps nowadays, so the browser is pretty much the only thing they really need. But then, they're better off with a chromebook, as it doesn't offer as much options to brick itself.

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Russian here. Just to clarify, most of us won't get upset if someone says "Fuck Russia", as we understand that you mean "Fuck the Russian state" - lots of us been saying the same for a long time, as, believe it or not, living in an authoritarian state ain't fun.

The line gets crossed when people say "Fuck Russians", call for oppressive measure against Russian nationals, celebrate their deaths or even outright attack them. That's fucked up.

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Windows 10: Good

People keep repeating that but it's by far the worst and actually the one that made me bail. What is it that good about it that made it worth sacrificing user choice, privacy, performance, latency, search, startup time, solitaire, and much more?

Blame the system. Rating system was a good idea to encourage community self-moderation. But,most people treat upvotes/downvotes as likes/dislikes, even when specifically asked to use them differently. And, because of that, places with rating systems inevitably boil down to circlejerking, infobubbles, and tribalism. Too bad the only alternatives are spamholes, chaotic messes with power-tripping moderators, and AI blackboxes designed to control your mind.

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Unless you’re in IT, apparently? Idk

As someone from IT, there isn't really a shortage. There are literal crowds of quite advanced developers searching for jobs. The only problem is that they don't have commercial experience and all companies only want seniors/teamleads/cto's with 10+ years of experience, to do at best middle-level developer's jobs. The shortage is artificial, but, I'm not complaining, as it's the only reason I get paid decent wage.

Well, you can learn actual basic braille in like 15 minutes. The only important thing missing in it is ⠼ that denotes that following symbol is a a number. E.g. ⠁⠃⠉ is "abc" but ⠼⠁⠃⠉ is 123.

A neat trick is that it translates mostly phonetically across languages so, when traveling, you can get some idea and even practice a bit of reading of the local script by reading braille signs in elevators and buses. It is surprisingly difficult to find photos of those signs on the internet, even though they are literally everywhere, but, for example, this sign reads as KNOPKA V?ZOVA PERSONALA in braille, so you can infer that "КНОПКА" reads as "knopka" and not "khonka", or that З thing is not a number but actually a letter for Z. The only uncommon letter here is Ы, but it is notoriously difficult one, and you can skip it in most words and people will still understand you. It might be even more helpful with wildly different script like hebrew, but I haven't tried that myself yet.

This is by far the worst take I've seen on the topic. Sorry for being rude, but it sounds like you haven't touched a computer since that last time in 1990.

Power management is a joke

Surprise, it's 2024 and windows will obliterate the battery even after you turn off the machine.

There no way even possible via the GUI to config power management for things like low/critical battery conditions /actions.

There is, though it's via dconf, but it's justified as it's a thing few people would want to tweak.

Open an Excel spreadsheet with tables in any app other than excel

Sounds like an excel problem to me

Tables are something that’s just a given in excel, takes 10 seconds to setup, and you get automatic sorting and filtering, with near-zero effort

I don't use either, but I'm pretty sure filter views are available in libreoffice calc. Open source DB's and Access? What are you talking about, exactly?

Now there’s that print monitor that’s on by default

The what now? Are you talking about CUPS daemon? systemctl stop cups && systemctl disable cups. Enjoy your 2.5megs of ram back at a cost of not being able to print anything. Now try and do that on windows without bricking your system.

and can only be shut up by using a command line. Wtf? In the 21st century?

If you insist on needing a GUI, go ham. But don't you diss the command line. Being able to do things without GUI is anything but a con.

Yea, samba works, but how do you clear creds you used one time to connect to a share, even though you didn’t say “save creds”?

That's notoriously a windows problem, not a linux one. You must be misremembering it

Oh, you have a wireless Logitech mouse? Linux won’t even recognize it

Not recognize it like, not being picked up by xinput, or not even listed in lsusb? I haven't ever heard of non-class-compliant mouse. Is that something to do with the G-Hub thingamajig? If so, that's on logitech, not linux.

My brand new wireless mouse works on any version of windows since 2000, at the least, and would probably work on Win95

No, it won't. If linux didn't pick it up without a driver, then win95 won't either. And it's even worse in reverse. I have a bunch of old hardware that won't ever work on modern windows because the last drivers released are for WinXP, which are not compatible nor even portable to subsequent versions. All of them are plug-n-play on linux, though.

Linux doesn’t even use a common shell

Huh? You mean the desktop environments? The shell is a thing very few people ever care about.

If it were 40 years ago, maybe Linux would’ve had a chance to beat MS, even then it would’ve required settling on a single GUI (which is arguably half of why Windows became a standard, the other half being a common API), a common build (so the same tools/utilities are always available), and a commitment to put usability for the inexperienced user first.

The overwhelming majority of systems are either in GNOME/GTK or KDE/Qt ecosystem, unless you really know what you're doing and want to go with something completely different. But even then, there's a lot of re-use or re-implementation of components from one or the other. It's great to have this choice. Sure, it can be a hassle if components from one don't play nice with another. But then, you're comparing it to windows, that uses components from 3 distinct eras, that don't really work together either.

What the fuck? Is this what journalism is reduced to nowadays? Just posting some ramblings of a person whose knowledge on the subject is limited to reading only the headlines from some cherry-picked sources? At this point, they'd be better of just publishing completely random tweets, as they would have more useful info than this.

That's just lazy. They can put min order quantity to achieve the same effect.

Another thing like that I wish I'd discover sooner is syncthing - it's really intuitive, just point it to a folder and it syncs stuff across your devices automatically. With it, a lot of cloud storage, backup and file transfer applications and features are completely redundant.

EDIT: Ah, I did not scroll far enough to see that this recommendation is literally the next comment from this.

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Those look pretty tame compared to some aircraft that actually took flight IRL - like Nemeth Parasol, Vought V-173, VVA-14, Coleopters, Flettner airplanes, and many, many more. Actually, they'd fit well as a following with "the projects they hire you to work on".

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I'm more of a medovukha kind of guy, but yes, indeed, we do. Thank you for saying this

The car you’re buying has already been made, it’s carbon been produced, and now you’re generating less emissions with the newer more efficient vehicle

Actually, no. If millions of cars are sold it doesn't mean that all of them immediately popped in existence, materials brought, wages paid and emissions produced. They do them in batches and scale production based on demand. One person not buying a car might not make a dent, but a thousand will. So, while the carbon emissions of that car you see at a dealer's has already produced, by buying it you're giving manufacturer the funds to produce the next one, effectively the same as if you've enabled the carbon emissions of that car in the first place.

I once asked some of my friends what they were up to at work.

An accountant friend said "I'm making a VBA macro to restructure and convert our customer's XML data into an SQL transaction so that we can import it into our accounting system".

A car mechanic friend said: "I'm trying to find the specsheet for this obscure ECU so that I can flash in this profile that I've tweaked with hex editor"

A teacher friend said: "I'm setting up integration between moodle and shopify so that we wouldn't have to enroll our students manually".

And every time my response was "YOU WHAT NOW? You should work in IT"

And they always responded with something along the lines of "Yeah, nah, I'm not that smart"

And here I am, slapping webpages and forms together, earning more than all of them combined. That's really unfair, but I'm not in a position to complain.

baby boomers definitely had it better than us

Dunno, man. Boomers in my home country went through such shit time that they think that becoming literal nazis still isn't the worst thing to happen in their lifetime. They did get free housing before that, though, so I'm not sure they actually had it worse overall...

What's up with all the pedo instances? Why are they creating instances in an open web? Are they dumb or something? It sounds to me that just registering the domain names of some of those could be considered a crime, nevermind openly inviting and hosting CSAM.

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I've been saying for a long time now that camera manufacturers should just put encryption circuits right inside the sensors. Of course that wouldn't protect against pointing the camera at a screen showing a deepfake or someone painstakingly dissolving top layers and tracing out the private key manually, but that'd be enough of the deterrent from forgery. And also media production companies should actually put out all their stuff digitally signed. Like, come on, it's 2024 and we still don't have a way to find out if something was filmed or rendered, cut or edited, original or freebooted.

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