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Joined 1 years ago

Alternate title: Apple charges fortune for underspecced machines, morons still buy them

Please tell me, as someone who has not given Apple money in over a decade, how I am paying for this.

It might feel that way, but people switch from one platform the other all the time.

It's not impossible, just inconvenient. People nowadays often seem to conflate the two.

Looks fine for your first website! I would change the colour of the text, though. Black on another dark colour is kinda harder to read. You can catch these problems by opening Firefox Dev Tools (F12), going to the Accessibility tab, and changing "Check for issues" to "Contrast". It'll list all the elements that have too low a contrast ratio.

With the number of people concerned about privacy

That number appears to be very small, all things considered. Out of everyone I know, literally one person cares about privacy. My mother. She will even go as far as to only use her first initial online instead of her name if she can get away with it. However, she uses Chrome all the time because she doesn't understand that your browser also tracks you.

I think that's what it comes down to. A mixture of lack of public interest, and lack of public awareness about tracking/privacy in general. If people can't immediately see how having their data harvested will inconvenience/hurt them, they simply don't care.

I'm going to go with a slightly unorthodox answer. Phones.

You don't need a new phone every year. You don't need a new phone every two years. You don't even need a phone every three years. Your old Galaxy S7 or iPhone 6 still works. Don't waste your money keeping up with the latest phone. So what if it has a slightly better camera? What are you taking pictures of? What does it really do that your old phone doesn't?
Once you properly consider everything you realise that you only really need to upgrade your phone every 4-5 years minimum. Many will last much longer.

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Microsoft famously used stank ranking when Steve Ballmer was CEO.

A fun typo, but also oddly fitting. Man had pit stains for days.

I think they were more likely referring to how when the public eye is on something many companies will start churning out low-effort products to capitalise on the interest. The market would be flooded with cheap and inferior products in that niche, potentially threatening the smaller business that actually cared about making quality products for those hobbyists. I know this won't apply to every hobby, but there are definitely a number of them that will.

I'm a zoomer and I also have no fucking idea what this is

I like how Tanya's thoughts here can be easily overlooked as typical meme hyperbole by people who don't know that that is exactly what she thinks about at all times.

Interstellar is one of my favourite movies, yet I can definitely say it's not perfect. Hell, it's got a few massive plot holes and the ending leaves a lot to be desired. Saying that, I still enjoyed it. I love the visuals, the BTS stuff is interesting, but most of all it made me feel. That's what I value in media. Other people may value a coherent plot, historical accuracy, or a myriad of other things. We all like/dislike things for different reasons, and that's okay.

I also agree that TARS was very cool.

this is a very old screenshot

What do you mean? It says "0 minutes ago"! Clearly it's very recent! /s

It's odd how poorly phrased the text on that first image is.

Sign in with work, personal, or school account to access to devices and apps

Surely it should be:

Sign in with your work, personal, or school account to access your devices and apps

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🧜‍♀️ Mermaid + 🔥 Fire = 🚨 Siren


I used to only use C#, and I liked the simplicity of only using one symbol to access any prop/field/method. But now I've used Rust for a while I do prefer separating the two for the same reasons you mentioned.

So no, you're not alone. Even cross-lang!

I figured they would just run sfc /scannow and then sit staring at their screen bewildered when it inevitably does nothing.

Innocent until proven otherwise.

Corporations like Meta have shown time and time again that they cannot be trusted to play nice with anyone else. Have we already forgotten about Cambridge Analytica or the plethora of other scandals they've been at the center of? The proof has been in plain view for a while now.

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So you made a hc dc and a ↄt ↄg?

I am a software developer and gamer who lives in his mother's basement and watches anime.

In my defense: I am in the process of buying my own house, I practice good hygiene, and I do have a social life (unlike a stereotypical basement-dweller). I have no excuse for the anime, that's on me.

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I've reinstalled both Linux and Windows on the same machine a few weeks ago and it was considerably easier and faster to install Linux. It also had less problems post-install too.

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Years ago they ran a competition along with their "GoodWeird" campaign. I got high enough on the leaderboard of their little web game to win a (substantial) prize yet they refused to ever respond to me.

I don't care if ThinkPads are good, fuck them. Especially fuck their marketing team.

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Craving carbs? Nah, you just need nitrogen. Just breathe some air, bro.

What even is that chart?

From what I heard, Geely bought them and just said "here's a bunch of money, do whatever the fuck you want", and they suddenly started making good stuff.

I wish someone would do that to me, haha

I thought you were joking at first. In what universe could this be considered supporting them?

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No more accidentally biting my tongue or the inside of my cheek while eating. Sometimes I'm just excited for some good food and it just gets completely ruined :(

Thor from Pirate Software (a game studio) does this. He has his set up so that if he doesn't log into a specific server for a year, the source code to his game will be automatically published.

You could do the same thing. Just grab a super cheap server that checks the last login date and sends out emails.

While I agree with the premise of the article, the code is completely unreadable to me. I took a look at the first snippet and just thought "Nah."

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Why not have the best of both worlds? Set up a repo with all the information, then run a bot that periodically updates a pinned post with the data from the repo.

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Ah yes, just like how having multiple email providers is stupid. We should all just use Gmail as a the single source of truth! /s

It's not even that. I can generally read a C-like language, but when the first line I see is a long-ass array of bytes with zero documentation it just makes me not want to even try.

It's almost like Android fans are fans of the OS and the features it provides instead of who made it.

"This website looks best on Microsoft Edge at a resolution of 800x600"

We found a frog in our room once. That's the one and only time I've gone back to the front desk and said "get me another room".

Side note: I'm British so it was a lot more polite than that. Conflict is not our jam.

This may go awry if some prisoners are not remorseful. For example, let's say an extremist murdered some women because he believes them to be inferior. They could use this as a platform it to spout their ideals and to convince others to do it. It would also make it trivial to pass messages from imprisoned gang members outwards to the still-free members. Not exactly things we want to encourage.

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I thought it was generally accepted that porn was NSFW and gore/ick was NSFL.

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I would much rather look at wind turbines than smog.

5000 seems like way too much. That's roughly 1 every 15-20 seconds, including at night.

I would be interested to see what percentage of those are actual real interactions (e.g. DMs), which are general interactions (e.g. "XYZ liked your post") and which are marketing CTAs.

Ah yes, because permanent physical mutilation is exactly the same as 24-hour inconvenience.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

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"My life be like-"?

I used to use that for ages, but the constant ads made me uninstall it

Just out of curiosity, I calculated that the article's (War and Peace * 875,000) claim would net you less than 1TB of storage space (~973GB), assuming it was GZipped (and ~3x that if not).

The most concrete number we have is from another article (also on an official Microsoft page) that claims it's upwards of 7TB.