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Joined 1 years ago

Non-American here!

I've visited America a bunch of times and I really like it as a place, they have amazing scenery pretty much everywhere you look, and just about every individual American I've met has been really nice.


I'd never want to live there. Their healthcare system is insane (sorry Americans but it is) and politically as a nation they're pretty bonkers. Guns, religion, general sort of global belligerence etc.

Also as an aside, San Francisco is genuinely one of the strangest places I've ever been to. I dunno if I was just there at a weird time, but it seemed like every single person there was either a millionaire or homeless. Absolutely nothing in between.

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Disco Elysium is 90% off. $54.49 $4.54 (that's in Canadian, not sure about the US price exactly.)

I honestly couldn't even tell you what it's about, but it's one of my favourite games ever. You can die from reading a book that's too sad and if you do it right, you can smell communism.

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On the stream of the debate I was watching, when they took a break they showed clips from previous debates and the difference was kind of mind-blowing.

I honestly kind of think that even a mid-level candidate who didn't make it like Romney or Kerry probably could have mopped the floor with either one of them.

Also as a side note, how lucky is Donald Trump? Just a whole life of being handed infinite money no matter how many times he fucked up a business, a bewildering assortment of crimes with essentially no hard consequences, and two presidential runs against pretty much the only two people he has any chance of beating in a debate.

He's had a life of almost non-stop softballs. It's kind of wild really.

Then we enter the Kamala Harris vs Marco Rubio presidential timeline lol

I have a Firefox plugin called Tranquility Reader, which basically strips out all the ads and bullshit and gives you the article as just plain text on a white background. It also has the option to save the page as a pdf, so if I want to read something later I just do that.

Could they not just image search American manhole covers?

It's the opposite of the Lil' Sebastian thing, where there's that horse that everyone idolizes for no discernible reason. Although with that, there's the one character who doesn't understand why they do that, so maybe that's what the Jerry thing needed? Or perhaps that would have made it even sadder lol.

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Sometimes that can happen with a joke - like it's kind of mid when you first tell it, then you keep pushing it and everyone hates it, then at a certain point something breaks and it becomes the funniest thing ever for some inexplicable reason. Not saying that's what happened with with this joke necessarily, but it is possible! Old Family Guy used to do it quite well sometimes I think.

The only confirmed bow and arrow kill of WW2!

I think the summer sale starts tomorrow, definitely gonna add a few more to the old backlog lol

I used to make animations for YouTube, which weren't monetized because I hate ads, and one day they copyright struck me for some very provably public domain music, but the way they did it was to insert ads into my video without my consent so they could monetize them to send the money to the scammer who flagged me. So I just deleted my entire account, fuck them.

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My favourite Paul Ryan moment was when he said Rage Against The Machine was one of his favourite bands, and then Tom Morello wrote a lengthy article in response about how much of a jackass he is.

Like imagine naming your favourite band and then they go super far out of their way to tell you specifically to go fuck yourself lol.

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If it counts, definitely the Steam Deck. With that and emulators, it's like having almost every game I've ever owned in one portable machine.

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Fun fact! In 2002 the US passed a law allowing themselves to invade the Hague in case any high-ranking US officials ended up on trial there.

Which I'm sure they passed in the year between 9/11 and the invasion of Iraq just by coincidence, and they weren't expecting any shady shit to go down at all.

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Ironically, I read about three lines of this article before I got a full-screen popup and then a paywall then closed the tab. And it's going to get worse apparently.

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I think in a sane world, after the "grab 'em by the pussy" tape came out we'd have never heard from him again.

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No I just went to Vimeo lol

I also like that you don't have to give them any private info at all to make an account. You can just send crypto and they'll give you an account code and that's it, you don't even need an email address.

I haven't tried it but apparently you can even mail them cash. You get a payment token and just send cash in an envelope and they'll activate it whenever the money shows up!

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I tend to use a Mac, Windows and Linux at various points throughout my day, and as far as I can tell the errors seem to be like:

Linux: this went wrong with this process or file.

Mac: the stars have aligned incorrectly and we have lost our way, perhaps fate will one day bring back your Libreoffice file but there is no way of knowing

Windows: either a blank dialog box with 'okay' and 'cancel' on it, which both do the same thing, or an error report with 400 pages of nonsense in it, or the computer just turns off while you're still typing.

It's an older interview, but I like to bring this up whenever Kaspersky comes up as a topic:

If you had the power to change up to three things in the world today that are related to IT security, what would they be?

Internet design--that's enough.

That's it? What's wrong with the design of the Internet?

There's anonymity. Everyone should and must have an identification, or Internet passport. The Internet was designed not for public use, but for American scientists and the U.S. military. That was just a limited group of people--hundreds, or maybe thousands. Then it was introduced to the public and it was wrong…to introduce it in the same way.

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It's kind of bittersweet being a very tail-end Gen X person. On the happy side, I got to do my childhood and teen years in the "fuck about" era, but on the unhappy side my entire adulthood has been in the "find out" era, and I get to remember what it was like briefly living in a world that wasn't entirely going to shit.

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I don't know how many times exactly the Republicans have tried to repeal Obamacare but it's at least 70, so yeah I have no problem with Biden hammering on this issue for as long as it takes to get it done.

Also please begin the Github page or whatever with a description of what the app is actually for or what it does. I know that sounds super obvious, but the number of times I've seen links that are like "I made this app from scratch for fun, let me know what you think!" and then you click through and the app is called Scrooblarr or something and it has no indication of what it actually does is... more than it should be.

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Not exactly a trend, but I'm really worried about this next generation of kids that's coming up. During COVID they were locked down for a bit, which I think has caused some of them some socialization problems, and then they were just dumped back into school and there were no vaccines for kids so a lot of them just sort of got COVID freely.

We still have no idea what's going on with long COVID (and it seems to sometimes do something to the brain - people losing their taste and smell, brain fog etc.) so between missing out on key social milestones and a potential plethora of long-term and poorly understood health issues, I'm worried we're gonna have a really weird generation of people coming up in the next couple of decades.

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If you're bored, a fun activity is to show the headline (and sub-header) to a non-Linux person and watch their face lol.

Ubuntu Budgie switches its approach to Wayland

Elementary OS going full speed ahead, but Parachutist Parakeet considers a new, post-Enlightenment glide path

Mitch McConnell would happily sell his country into fascism for literally no good reason at all. He's retiring soon and is rich enough to want for nothing for the rest of his life - he gains nothing of lasting value from this.

Few people in history have been granted the amount of power and opportunity he's had to improve people's lives, and he's chosen make them immeasurably worse at every turn.

A wasted life, a wasted career and all he'll leave behind is a broken world that would have been better off if he'd never been in it.

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Knowing reddit, I assume the thinking was something along the lines of "I can regularly win a reddit argument, therefore my towering intellect will surely win the day on TV and I will become a hero." Which of course doesn't hold up at all against someone with professional-grade social/communication skills no matter how right-on your point is.

Nothing TBH. I find Windows too stressful, Macs are too boring, and I can't use TempleOS because I don't have schizophrenia.

As does being warned of technological oligarchs monopolizing AI by someone who works for fucking Meta.

The former president of America is selling merch of his own mugshot for a RICO felony racketeering charge, for stuff he allegedly did while he was the sitting president. That is a thing that is actually happening right now.

By the time this is all resolved, we might even have and answer to the question: can a president lose an election, organize a coup to overturn that election, get legitimately re-elected in the next election, then pardon himself for sedition for the election he tried to overturn?

Like it's a long shot, but the fact that it's even remotely possible to watch that play out for real is fucking wild.

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Perhaps they could pay a small fee to not receive them.

Or purchase the Happy Customer Times Season Pass, where for 12 months they only receive feedback telling them how awesome they're doing. Only $39.99 per employee!

*fees are liable to change at any time without notice, new prices may be applied retroactively

I haven't trusted Kaspersky for a long time, ever since I read this interview.

If you had the power to change up to three things in the world today that are related to IT security, what would they be?

Internet design--that's enough.

That's it? What's wrong with the design of the Internet?

There's anonymity. Everyone should and must have an identification, or Internet passport. The Internet was designed not for public use, but for American scientists and the U.S. military. That was just a limited group of people--hundreds, or maybe thousands. Then it was introduced to the public and it was wrong…to introduce it in the same way.

I'd like to change the design of the Internet by introducing regulation--Internet passports, Internet police and international agreement--about following Internet standards. And if some countries don't agree with or don't pay attention to the agreement, just cut them off.

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This one too:

Linux desktop will, most likely, fail for:

People that just installed a password manager (KeePassXC) and a browser (Firefox/Ungoogled) via flatpak only to find out that the KeePassXC app can’t communicate with the browser extension because people are “beating around the bush” on GitHub instead of fixing the issue;

Desktop Linux is a failure because this one specific thing doesn't work right now in only the Flatpak version of this one specific application. Good thing every Windows app has 100% functionality and works perfectly as soon as it's released lol.

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Once I made a joke online about paying for homeopathy by dipping a dollar in a jar of water and giving them the jar, and like five people I know unfollowed me lol

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Yeah that's my thing too - I have no doubt that scientifically it can be stopped - there's even a real example with how crazy quickly nature started to recover during the COVID lockdowns - but it would require people to not be selfish, stupid assholes so it's never gonna happen.

I used to work in an animation studio, and one day the boss came down and said he had a zoom meeting booked with some LA producer who wanted to hear a pitch from us, and he needed ideas. So the whole room of animators all started pitching up ideas and it went super well, and after about an hour we had this idea that had us rolling on the floor that we all loved and the boss seemed really happy. So he went upstairs and got on zoom, but didn't close the door so we could all hear him talking from our desks. He didn't mention our idea at all, just pulled something out of his ass that sounded awful, which if it had been accepted we'd have to work on for the next year or so. Luckily they weren't interested, but yeah we didn't really pitch ideas with much gusto (is at all) after that.

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If the president was chosen by popular vote, I think you could make a reasonable case that the last Republican president would have been George H.W. Bush in 1988. George W. Bush did win the popular vote against John Kerry in 2004, but he lost it to Al Gore in 2000 so it's debatable whether or not he would have beaten an incumbent Gore in 2004 I think.

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IMO the one thing they can't escape is themselves. I saw an illustration of one of these survival bunkers, which went ten floors down, with the bottom floor being a huge armory. My first thought was, so it's going to be nine storeys packed to the brim with entitled sociopaths, sitting on a massive pile of guns?

I'm pretty sure I'll last longer outside with the cannibals lol

If we all collectively agree to just pass it on, then either:

  • It's infinite, and it just passes on forever, or...

  • It's not infinite and somebody at the end has no choice, in which case nobody in charge of a lever has killed anyone

So yeah, I say pass it on.

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Canonical is just weird like that, it seems. They tend to pick something and fixate on it really hard (Eg. Unity desktop, Mir, that convergent phone thing, now Snaps) and work on it until it's almost really good, then they get fixated on the next shiny thing and dump whatever they were doing to go chase that instead.

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