17 Post – 135 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

No he won't, batman fulfills every billionaires fantasy of dressing up in a costume and beating up poor people.

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The problem with capitalism, is eventually you run out of other people's labor

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"The United States needs 7 million immigrants to keep the blood of the capitalist machine running or else it'll have to add taxes to the rich 😱"

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Then falling birthrate shouldn't be an issue?

Hyper conservative capitalism in action folks. You love to see it.

The problem with endless growth is eventually you run out of other people's labour

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I could look at the furthest star in the sky and it wouldn't be as out of touch as Nancy Pelosi

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O green peppers are 99 cents each but red and yellow are 1.29? That's so weird all these peppers I'm buying are green.

Fuck you, I'm the cashier now.

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What a bunch of ghouls

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Bro china's gonna fall any day now, trust me bro. Bro this is different bro, they're falling bro. Dude any day now they're gonna fall bro you gotta believe me bro.

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Sounds like a share cropper and victim of wage slave capitalism.


department stores focused on goods for the middle class

all department stores are clothing

only options are luxury goods and cheaper options

That SOOOO weird it's almost like the middle class evaporated

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"Everything is very expensive, and people can't save money"


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No one wants "games as a service" or always online games,.

These companies get what they deserve

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Imagine paying a company, who sells your data, to see memes

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Ever since covid subreddits either turned into r/the_donald or gender detectives and joe rogan circle jerks. It really got flooded with alt-right new accounts in the span of 3 years. Really weird.

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I hope he experiments on him self and it goes horribly wrong

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It just looks like a new version of Facebook

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Because they're bill mahr and Nancy pelosi style democrats. Not bernie sanders and AOC democrats

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I swear I'm like going backwards with tech, I found an old ipod to use at the gym, I'm pirating shows, and I don't bother with blu tooth keyboards and mice for work.

Tech didn't get better or hassle free. Getting a haircut needs an "app" ffs.

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This is as real as the tide pod challenge

How can curable diseases in USA be a problem with a pay to play healthcare system /s

"The problem with socialism is, you eventually run out of other people's money" - Margaret thatcher.

I just took that and reversed it.

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It's probably work and wealth inequality that's the biggest driver for this.

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You're not giving me a good reason now to raise my children to believe in your god.

If you didn't laugh at Stewart's criticism, you're no better than a Bill Maher or new york times liberal.

The priests are complaining the dating pool is shrinking.

2023 kinda rocked. Pat Robinson, died during pride month, Charlie munger, and Henry kissinger both died in November.

I can't think of anyone else but a good deal of scum bags dying make this world a better place.

Always out live your enemies. I'm rooting for Warren buffet and Bill O'Reilly to croak in the next few years.

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Bass gets slappin'

Don't threaten me with a good time

You don't get billions of dollars being a good person. Just remember that.

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When the elites are scared, the people win

It reads like a typical American baptist priest. Sprinkled with far right jew hating ideology "da jooos control this and that." But I understand his grievances and why he blames the American people for government decisions.

I mean this could be a long boomer rant on Facebook but replace america with China.

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If the cost of having a child outweigh the benefits. People won't have them...

I can't believe these people haven't figured that out. Daycare in America is stupid expensive. I'm sure it's the same in japan.

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No microtransactions and old websites still have the codes you can type in for goofy play through

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This is manufactured outrage to make apple seem edgy.

I wouldn't give a ratass about this if people didn't make articles about it

This is projection cooked up its at its finest. chefs kiss 💋

I'm convinced they've given up like an aging Rockstar trying to play the hits of the olden days. The musician the spews the same tune, though it's body is aging.

The younger ears and minds don't care for the song. They only think of their aging grandparent in the corner with a lonely record player, possibly playing its last tune. While they listen to there favorite song.

This will kill religion faster than the priests