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They keep shooting their rising stars in the face because they want to remain Republican-lite

That "destroy Medicare" gaff that Trump capitalized on clowning him for is definitely gonna make the rounds. Makes Trump look sharp (honestly in the case it was fairly witty) and Biden look senile.

I'd elect just about anyone over Trump but c'mon Biden.

Too many lies and a trap door opens up that dumps grifter politicians in the dumpster where they belong

That man is what a true patriot looks like. Not these flag-waving insurrectionist stooges.

"Judges Cannon pushes back on notion that delaying things will delay things."

Yah, that's a Trump-appointed judge for you.

I wish i had stupid amounts of money just to troll the fuck out of these corrupt idiots and build factories strategically placed to spew putrid and toxic pollution in their general direction so they can have a taste of the type of shit they expect average citizens to endure.

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Engineering/support was the pretext for all the Chinese, Cubans, Nepalese, etc. that have ended up as frontline cannon fodder. Both Russia and NK are incentivized to downplay it until the troops are already there so I'd remain weary.

Doubtful this will be challenged by the Supreme Court, they'll just punt to the state and let them destroy religious freedom in this country bit by bit.

Gotta find plenty of distractions less people wise up and realize Putin is the real enemy of Russians.

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Oh wow... you're supposed to arrest the leader after a failed coup and not try to elect them as president? Very progressive.

But they do have adequate training time as well as a lifetime of experience blindly following the orders of piece of shit leaders so I don't like where this is going. There needs to be consequences on the table for NK that avoid them flooding Ukraine with tens/hundreds of thousands of soldiers (which would be easy given they have over a million soldiers that don't have shit to do).

One upshot is they are still gated by equipment requirements. But there is actually a vague possibility that NK just bleeds their army dry in exchange of Jong Un getting a reach around from Putin.

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And why do we think they need more weapons to "defend" themselves if they're threatening to obliterate multiple other countries?

I remember Bush's monthly drops of ridiculous quotes or other idiocy. He was embarrassingly bad at times but you could still laugh.

Then we get Trump where that's literally the default behavior on his best day and it's all too depressing and destructive to laugh at

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Because they'd be the first to go if we cleaned up corruption. I can see them sitting there wondering about all their "gifts" and seeing the chance to dismantle any laws that would bring that into question.

Weird i assumed it was some kinky voyeuristic part of the country that gets off on public sex acts

They certainly seem confused about what country they live in and this whole democracy thing

Modi not liking election results so now hes exploring his desire for eternal power with the supreme leader of fascist dictator outcasts

Anyone with a functional brain in far left of the modern MAGA pro-fascist pro-grifter GOP.

Wouldn't be the first time we've been duped by a "leftist" as soon as the $5 bills come out

Jokes on them... that's the actual God these politicians worship

I'll allow it

With the entire vehicle constructed from IoT components

Putin pledged military aid to South Korea's greatest enemy, but then throws a hissy fit when South Korea considers military aid fir Ukraine in response. I'm sick of seeing the world being run by idiotic toddlers.

Imagine being on a yacht and still managing to set a forest on fire

Good. Not a fucking dime until Ukraine gets much needed funding. And then still not a fucking dime because Israel has proven to be quite capable of leveling Gaza with the resources they already have and are at absolutely 0 risk of losing any territory whatsoever.

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Blocking all encrypted traffic... fantastic suggestion comrade, I'll forward this on to the Kremlin. Also, you've been drafted.

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Imagine a species surviving world war 2 and the Holocaust then still being pro-nazi. So fucking stupid.

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Pictured: Worst Supreme Court ever.

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Imagine hating porn stars more than hating Ukrainian amputees not having access to prosthetics

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No contest. Americans fought so hard for Net Neutrality, and then Trump and Ajit Pai popped in and took a steaming shit on everything.

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We need more fabs. Entire world's supply of 3nm blown on iPhones

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Thats literally the shitty fucking law they passed. If seeing it in practice is so fucking offensive to you then IT'S A SHITTY OFFENSIVE LAW.

But all of these moves have been with the goals of innovating faster


meeting our customers’ needs more effectively,


and making it easier to do business with us.


If the goal is milking your customers for more money then it all makes sense. At least until they start migrating away from VMware and your new client stream completely dries up.

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Meanwhile archive sites are getting sued by greedy copyright owners

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Everyone saw this coming but still decided to walk off the cliff rather than admit they'd made a bad decision

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And Trump who appointed him, and the Republicans who blocked voting in his replacement.

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During Supreme Court proceedings, HS. Phoolka, who represented the child advocacy groups, noted that Harish had constantly watched the video over the course of two years.

In case anyone thinks the ruling is actually about "accidental" downloads

Steve McDowell, chief analyst at NAND research, told The Register that VMware by Broadcom is “laser focused on high-revenue, high-margin business” and has priced its wares “just below the pain threshold for customers they care about.”

Interesting way to word "we charged as much as we could possibly get away with"

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Just a little bit too perfect? Burned for witchcraft

Dear Pope: Direct your fucking comments to the guy who is invading Ukraine. Thanks.

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So this woman is randomly making up shit about little girls getting repeatedly raped in response to the State of the Union address. Disgusting.

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