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Joined 1 years ago

They shouldn't be, but they have a long history of doing exactly that.

the us will be a true shithole in about a decade.

Will be?

I haven't had any interest in visiting the place since Bush was president.

Probably wouldn't be allowed on a plane.

This is how you get Christians to lobby for no religion in schools.

Now if there's an imam to step forward, we could really accelerate this process.

Wait until the Satanic Temple joins the action...

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Because he can't do all the things simultaneously?

Are you arguing that Israel should kill children?

That's not how I read it.

My interpretation is that Israel shouldn't be creating more orphans who will have a lifelong desire for vengeance.

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So you blame Israel for existing

The process that brought the state of Israel into existence caused a lot of animosity among the population who were previously there.

Add to that decades of Israel displacing more people by annexing land for their "settlements" and its not hard to imagine why there would be resentment and anger against the Israeli government.

End up bad, but for the first couple of quarters that "rock star" MBA has created huge short term profits. And is that what really matters in business these days...

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It's all part of the "move fast and break things" development process.

Remodel as residential?

That's expensive and time consuming.

I've seen it done a couple of times and it took way longer than just bulldozing and rebuilding. But that would have been even more expensive.

Remodel as residential?

That's expensive and time consuming.

I've seen it done a couple of times and it took way longer than just bulldozing and rebuilding. But that would have been even more expensive.

I am hesitant to put my hands on the chest of a woman who hasn't given consent.

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The Cybertruck's steel is made in "coils that resemble giant rolls of toilet paper,"

All steel is shipped from the steel mill in coils just like that.

Other manufacturers of all manner of stainless products seem to have figured out a solution to the problem.

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Did anyone actually expect anything else?

Capitalism will never cost less in the long term.

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If a company can't make a profit without making citizens lives worse, they should be encouraged to leave.

Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;--

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This isn't communism, it's totalitarianism..

Very different thing.

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People have been Photoshopping this kind of thing since before there was Photoshop. Why "AI" being involved matters is beyond me

Because now it's faster, can be generated in bulk and requires no skill from the person doing it.

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Remember, people, being informed about who is running for even the lowest level elected positions is very important.

Those positions often have the most day-to- day impact on your individual life, and they are typically the least voted for races.

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Nobody has the moral high ground in this generations old conflict.

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The farming equipment exemption smells like John Deere's lobbies have been involved.

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Feel free to destroy each other.

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Further to that, paying for a product then the seller taking that product away from you without refunding your payment is stealing.

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Of course. Why wouldn't a con artist go after a group that has already self-selected for gullibility?

It's scamming on easy mode

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Fuck off with the tipping bullshit already.

Pay your damn staff properly and stop trying to guilt your customers into subsidizing your cheapness.

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"Appalling and unhinged" describes the vast majority of things Trump has said in the last decade or 2.

"I've lived the American dream.

While creating more nightmarish conditions for others.

Congratulations, and fuck you.

Assuming the owners of those machines don't restrict the people's access to that "food and stuff"

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When the hate preachers show up on campus with a bullhorn and try to tell everyone that they deserve to burn in hell, they don't want the reat of the world to tell them to STFU.

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Yes Billy, your book and the law you championed are absurd.

Thanks for finally noticing.

You think Trump will "end the genocide"?

He will go even harder on "USA needs to support Israel defending God's promised land".

Remember he is the one who moved the US embassy to support Netanyahu's agenda.

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A few of us electronics hobbyists have been collecting them (when found discarded on the street) to harvest the battery for re-use in other projects.


Yes they're nasty, but I pick them up with a dog poo bag and clean them before cracking them open to get the battery.

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How arrogant of those American governers to assume they can just dictate how other countries deal with people smuggling weapons into their country (even if those people claim to have done it as a casual accident).

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Given the oath an elected official needs to swear, you'd think this would invalidate him for even trying to get elected.

But we know the normal rules don't seem to matter any more.

Russian government spokespeople say lots of things.

Very few of them are true, or accurate.

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What can anyone do about it?

Stop buying from companies he owns.

Stop using services he owns.

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That's fine for people who live in cities (which I acknowledge is a lot of people), but for people who live in smaller more remote and more rural places, it will never be possible to fullly be free of personal vehicles.

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That's funny coming from a guy who is infamous for not paying his bills.

(Sing along with me)

Every sperm is sacred

Every sperm is good

Every sperm is wanted

In your neighborhood

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Putin is welcome to cease firing and get his army back on the other side of the fucking border any time he likes.

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