Tech's broken promises: Streaming is now just as expensive and confusing as cable. Ubers cost as much as taxis. And the cloud is no longer cheap. to – 1015 points –
Tech's broken promises: Streaming is now just as expensive and confusing as cable. Ubers cost as much as taxis. And the cloud is no longer cheap.

Sooner or later, everything old is new again.

We may be at this point in tech, where supposedly revolutionary products are becoming eerily similar to the previous offerings they were supposed to beat.

Take video streaming. In search of better profitability, Netflix, Disney, and other providers have been raising prices. The various bundles are now as annoyingly confusing as cable, and cost basically the same. Somehow, we're also paying to watch ads. How did that happen?

Amazon Prime Video costs $9 a month and there are no ads. Oh, except when Thursday Night Football is on. Then there are loads of ads. And Amazon is discussing an ad-supported version of the Prime Video service, according to The Wall Street Journal. That won't be free, I can assure you.

Paramount+ with Showtime costs $12 a month and the live TV part has commercials and a few other shows include "brief promotional interruptions," according to the company. Translation: ads.

Streaming was supposed to be better and cheaper. I'm not sure that's the case anymore. This NFL season, like previous years, I will record games on OTA linear TV using a TiVo box from about 2014. I'll watch hours of action every weekend for free and I'll watch no ads. Streaming can't match that.

You can still stream without ads, but the cost of this is getting so high, and the bundling is so complex, that it's getting as bad as cable — the technology that streaming was supposed to radically improve upon.

The Financial Times recently reported that a basket of the top US streaming services will cost $87 this fall, compared with $73 a year ago. The average cable TV package costs $83 a month, it noted. A 3-mile Uber ride that cost $51.69

A similar shift is happening in ride-hailing. Uber has been on a quest to become profitable, and it achieved that, based on one measure, in the most-recent quarter. Lyft is desperately trying to keep up. How are they doing this? Raising prices is one way.

Wired's editor at large, Steven Levy, recently took a 2.95-mile Uber ride from downtown New York City to the West Side to meet Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi. When asked to estimate the cost of the ride, Khosrowshahi put it at $20. That turned out to be less than half the actual price of $51.69, including a tip for the driver.

"Oh my God. Wow," the CEO said upon learning the cost.

I recently took a Lyft from Seattle-Tacoma International airport to a home in the city. It cost $66.69 with driver tip. As a test, I ordered a taxi for the return journey. Exact same distance, and the cab was stuck in traffic longer. The cost was $70 with a tip. So basically the same.

And the cab can be ordered with an app now that shows its location, just like Uber and Lyft. So what's the revolutionary benefit here? The original vision was car sharing where anyone could pick anyone else up. Those disruptive benefits have steadily ebbed away through regulation, disputes with drivers over pay, and the recent push for profitability. Cloud promises are being broken

Finally, there's the cloud, which promised cheaper and more secure computing for companies. There are massive benefits from flexibility here: You can switch your rented computing power on and off quickly depending on your needs. That's a real advance.

The other main benefits — price and security — are looking shakier lately.

Salesforce, the leading provider of cloud marketing software, is increasing prices this month. The cost of the Microsoft 365 cloud productivity suite is rising, too, along with some Slack and Adobe cloud offerings, according to CIO magazine.

AWS is going to start charging customers for an IPv4 address, a crucial internet protocol. Even before this decision, AWS costs had become a major issue in corporate board rooms.

As a fast-growing startup, Snap bought into the cloud and decided not to build it's own infrastructure. In the roughly five years since going public, the company has spent about $3 billion on cloud services from Google and AWS. These costs have been the second-biggest expense at Snap, behind employees.

"While cloud clearly delivers on its promise early on in a company's journey, the pressure it puts on margins can start to outweigh the benefits, as a company scales and growth slows," VC firm Andreessen Horowitz wrote in a blog. "There is a growing awareness of the long-term cost implications of cloud."

Some companies, such as Dropbox, have even repatriated most of their IT workloads from the public cloud, saving millions of dollars, the VC firm noted.

What about security? Last month, Google, the third-largest cloud provider, started a pilot program where thousands of its employees are limited to using work computers that are not connected to the internet, according to CNBC.

The reason: Google is trying to reduce the risk of cyberattacks. If staff have computers disconnected from the internet, hackers can't compromise these devices and gain access to sensitive user data and software code, CNBC reported.

So, cloud services connected to the internet are great for everyone, except Google? Not a great cloud sales pitch.


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Did anyone actually expect anything else?

Capitalism will never cost less in the long term.

Left to its own ends it seems it will cost the same but have better margins concentrated into greater wealth for fewer people.

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Honestly i thought the concept of Uber would work. I'm commuting and you are too so you give me a few bucks to go my way. It was supposed to be "Cash, grass, or ass" minus the grass and ass.

But then people started driving purely to get people to oay them and suddenly its a taxi service.

You'd have thought it was obvious, but everyone I've ever met IRL thought they'd be cheaper forever.

I work in IT and I've been against the cloud for over a decade and I always got looks like I was crazy. We still have vendors pushing us to buy into the cloud, I'll fight tooth and nail all the way. Unfortunately, a lot of vendors aren't giving much of a choice anymore by making their services cloud only. We'll have to start building custom applications soon to keep everything on-prem.

As a fellow IT person, Cloud is the same as any new Buzzword tech.

It's an especially good fit for a handful of use cases, but the execs hear about it through whatever channels they frequent and think that it will solve a bunch of problems that dont exist.

"it will solve a bunch of problems that dont exist"

Fellow fellow IT person here, yeah we have non-tech managers always coming to us with some vendor that's trying to sell them on something that will undoubtedly get us into a bullshit subscription because the sales pitch included the phrase "productivity increase" and they think by spending 30k and adopting an application that their people hate and would rather just use excel for, they'll save the company millions and will get a blowjob from the CEO.

Candles were once a significant cost. But lightbulbs are incredibly cheap.

Food used to take a whole day to acquire.

We have things that even royalty didn't have before, like air conditioning, out-of-season food, international travel, etc.

Capitalism sucks for sure. But it has given society a few benefits, and sometimes things do get significantly cheaper long term (but I'm generally skeptical about which items will go that way)

Not sure how much of those improvements is capitalism and how much is technological improvement.

I wonder why how AC and international travel(if we are talking about aviation) is capitalism's achivement? Scientists behind it were paid in taxmoney which doesn't sound like hardcore capitalism.

Also, how's your internet costs?

What does this have to do with capitalism? Are you implying that communism would not have that problem or that it would be expensive to begin with?

No, you absolute brick. They are implying that a economic system built on maximizing profits would eventually subvert innovation to once again achieve maximum profit. Who the fuck brought up communism?

What do you you mean "who brought up communism"

The implication that there would be some alternative system that would somehow invent cloud computing and Uber and streaming, but somehow just not raise prices this year?

No other system would have created this, so blaming the cost on capitalism is absurd.

Clearly the market is working exactly as if should do because Über and Lyft are constrained by the same realities as taxis.

It's like blaming capitalism for stepping on a Lego.

The whole line of reasoning is utterly absurd.

Capitalism is bad because you have to pay more for Disney?

The fuck?

Cloud computing was "invented" back in WW2 when brits decrypted nazi messages by sending jobs to america that were run on specialized computers and later sent back to brits.

In early days of modern computers(that can run UNIX) it was reinvented.

And now again the wheel rereinvented. 70-ies technology is now shiny new cloud.

Noooo downvottteeee don't like!!! Arguments? Understanding what was said? Naaaah.

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