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Joined 12 months ago

What? You voted to support someone ELSE'S freedom?


In Gaben we trust.

When he's gone I assume it will go to shit.


This is the thing people don't understand about a ubi.

I had a coworker who's wife was a... Case manager? For welfare. Her whole job was determining whether or not people were lying/exaggerating about various elements of their claim.

First of all, government union paper pushers make decent money. There was an entire office full of people that covered cases in their region only.

Second, it's a soul sucking job. Her primary assumption was that everyone was cheating and lying and she needed to minimize everyone's payout.

UBI solves both of those things and by plugging it directly into the tax system people can be free to try to earn a better living, which studies have shown most people want when they are given a UBI.

Increased productivity, increased employment, increased entrepreneurship, increased mental health outcomes, there is literally no downside except for needing to tax the rich.

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Bank profits inflate the money supply.

If banks hold 100% of the money and lend it all out x10 (fractional reserve) and earn 1% interest, the money supply is growing by 10% per year.

That's inflation. All that money goes to the banks.

Edit: that's 1% on top of whatever they have to pay for the money from the fed, so 7% rate plus 1%, or whatever.

That doesn't even account for the stock market and other speculative devices.

When business and the wealthy class get richer, they want to get even RICHER. Prices rise. Which drives record profit, which makes rich people wealthier, which causes the cycle to repeat.

Raising interest rates is SUPPOSED to make people uncomfortable and stop spending. It's not working yet, because literally EVERY INCENTIVE IN OUR SOCIETY is pushing people to spend spend spend.

There is no functional market force driving down housing costs, food costs, or education costs. Unchecked capitalism can't work.

We just need proper incentive structures and regulation. But seeing as nobody has the guts to start figuring that out, the only lever we have is interest rates.

So they'll keep going up until something breaks.

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No, you're not understanding.

They save money by only producing the luxury model. Then they disable the feature electronically.

But to prevent you from just jailbreaking the car, they need to have a system to monitor your status. So they need to be able to check and update software that you can't control, etc etc.

It's still greed, but it's like greed with extra steps.

People were objecting to the subscription, but they should have been objective to the locked features.

They'll never stop the shitification, it maximizes profit.

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Seriously, I don't know why this is news.

Wait, yes I do, half the population is stupid.

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That's because the manager is incentivized to not help you, while the union is incentivized to help you.

Unions are game-theoretically necessary.

It's not a subtle ad. Google has sold the top slots of your search to companies in exchange for money.

When your search for "Excel", Google doesn't try to find you the most relevant result. They find you the highest paying ad, and then what you're searching for.

As I get older I begin to realize that people love to work.

However people hate being treated like shit.

Treating people like shit or building an environment that supports shitty behavior poisons the well and will absolutely make people leave, even for a pay cut.

If you just respect people and properly value them and their contributions to your organization, you'll never have trouble keeping them.

Yeah, "the economy" doesn't mean anything.

More commerce just means more money changing hands. Unemployment rate just measures jobs. None of this impacts the average person.

Buying power is down and has been dropping for longer than I've been alive. This especially impacts the low and vanishing middle class Americans.

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How anyone develops hate for Palestinians as a result of Hamas is just beyond me.

It would be like hating all Americans because you think Trumpists is evil.

Sure, think we're stupid or that our country is corrupt or broken or something, but you can't blame everyone. It just makes no sense.

This is a tragedy and this guy needs to be locked up forever.

So does any single streaming service.

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Republicans. Because they are jonesing for a way to impeach the other guy so they can feel better about Trump.

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I agree that people throw terms like smart/intelligent around incorrectly, and often try to "sound smart", and I cringe at those things too.

...but you're also asserting that intellectual capacity doesn't exist and that is incorrect, or at least incomplete.

--TL;DR-- Intelligence is valuable and varies between people but it seems like everyone has the ability to be intelligent given the right conditions. The taboo around intelligence prevents us from getting underperforming kids the help they need.

The important truth is that we don't fully understand what contributes to intelligence.

We know that motivation is enormously important. The difference between being offered $1 and $10 explains something wild like >10 points on an IQ test.

We also know that mental health and emotional state makes a big difference. So everything impacting mental health would contribute.

These factors alone mean that our intellectual performance can change from moment to moment.

Another important distinction is that there are two kinds of intelligence, fluid and crystalized. Fluid intelligence is our ability to solve moment-to-moment interactions, and new and novel problems. Crystalized intelligence is the ability to take foundational principles that we've already been exposed to and use those to solve secondary, abstract, or complex problems.

That second one is almost entirely based on the types of problems we've been exposed to in our lives, meaning that it's impacted by our previous behavior and our circumstances (which are largely out of our control).

We have no reason to believe that intelligence is some kind of immutable genetic trait that some have and some don't - in fact that's largely been debunked as far as I know.

However, the controversial field of behavioral genetics has demonstrated that a large percentage is our personalities and behaviors are impacted by our genetics. This would be an indirect factor.

Where does this leave us?

A person may be more genetically predisposed to being hard working (trait conscientiousness), which may make them more likely to apply themselves to work and education, meaning that they have a higher intellectual capacity. Or, they may just follow instructions without thinking and have a lower intellectual capacity.

A person may experience an event that makes them highly value health, motivating them to become a doctor. Or they may behind afraid of medicine and avoid the subject altogether.

Similarly, a person may be told that they are stupid and that they will never amount to anything. They may believe it and give up, and never apply themselves. Or they may defy it and work harder to prove it untrue.

Your genetics and your circumstances don't determine what you will be capable of. However, they do have an impact. Ignoring that would be an enormous mistake.

Having two mentally healthy parents in a stable home with many books and many adults that care about you in your community will give you a better chance at scoring higher on IQ tests.

Having a single parent that's drug addicted and bouncing from home to home with no books and no caring adults in your community gives you a lower chance of scoring higher on IQ tests.

Higher IQ is correlated with a whole bunch of benefits, like having higher income and life expectancy.

The original implementation of IQ was to identify which school children needed intervention to help them succeed. It was never supposed to be an indicator of human value. That we've done that to it is a shame. It's basically the best tool that we have to figure out which kids need the most help.

I haven't found research that confirms raising IQ improves outcomes. But I have a hard time believing that helping kids learn (if they wanted the help, at least) would hurt their outcomes.

End rant.

Edit: oh, and the belief in intelligence as an immutable genetic trait is only social darwinism if higher intelligence makes people more likely to reproduce, which it doesn't. That's the premise behind Idiocracy.

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It's insane talking to people that don't do math.

You ask them any mundane question and they just shrug, and if you press them they pull out their phone to check.

It's important that we do math so that we develop a sense of numeracy. By the same token it's important that we write because it teaches us to organize our thoughts and communicate.

These tools will destroy the quality of education for the students that need it the most if we don't figure out how to reign in their use.

If you want to plug your quarterly data into GPT to generate a projection report I couldn't care less. But for your 8th grade paper on black holes, write it your damn self.

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I was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult, and then pursued a psychiatrist to oversee my treatment, who determined I didn't have ADHD.

The way he described my situation made the "ADHD superpower" meme make more sense than anything I've ever read. I'm gonna butcher it but I'll do my best to share:

There are structural differences in the brain that contribute to a person having ADHD, but the structural differences themselves ARE NOT ADHD. The last D in ADHD is "disorder", and there are a whole bunch of external circumstances that mental health professionals use to determine whether or not you count as "disordered".

You can have an addictive, impulsive, obsessive, stim-hungry brain and not have ADHD.

Many children develop habits, coping strategies, or other accommodations that allow them to "overcome" the weaknesses that come along with these brain structure differences.

This is the situation where ADHD looks like a superpower.

In my case I have a very, very easy time slipping into flow state. When I'm intensely focused on a task I am time blind, I often don't respond to questions or acknowledgements, and I have an intense temper if I'm interrupted. So I've used timers and meditation/CBT to manage those drawbacks.

By comparison most people I know have a difficult time motivating themselves and accessing flow state. So to those people, especially when they DON'T see the extra work I do, it could look like I have a sort of super power.

It's not a super power, my brain just works differently and I've come up with ways to manage the problems and use it to my advantage.

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It's a memorial urn. My mother bought a few for family that wanted something to remember her by, but her ashes aren't in it. They've been scattered.

So it's really just sentimental clutter.

Some people are really attached to physical representations of things. They want a grave site to visit, or an urn to have. It's probably just a mental thing, but it seems to be really common.

The real controversy seems to be around her calling them fromage fighters.

Edit: FREEDOM fighters lmao, but I can't bring myself to fix it.

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It's ouroboros.

People don't leave which means there is an audience so people try to stay and capitalize on the audience that stayed.

Seriously, fuck Twitter. It needs to die. That might mean that a lot of people need to change a lot of things to make their lives work.

If you're successful you can pivot. If you're barely making ends meet and rely on Twitter to keep you afloat, I'm sorry to say this, but you're not successful yet.

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...but I paid full price for D4 and still got a half baked game with an invasive in-game shop.

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It's not "not-quite-self-driving" though, it's literal garbage. It's cruise control, lane assist and brake assist. The robot vision in use is horrible.

There are Tesla engineers bad mouthing the system openly.

Musk is a scammer and they need to issue an apology for all of the claims around autopilot, probably pay a great deal of money, and then change the name and advertising around it.

Oh, and also this guy should never drive again.

But if you tell the customer how much things cost they won't buy as much.

It's just layer upon layer of dishonesty. The only time businesses get honest is when the government forces them to.

They treat your subscription as a promise of continued business. You're literally funding them trying to continue monetizing you and dominating your attention.

Fuck Spotify, fuck Netflix, fuck all of them.

I want to dual boot because I prefer Linux for everything but some niche games. Just never got around to it. This is pretty motivating.

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... Except they gather your data and use it to try and make profit.

Say least radio required them to give genuine value to you. Radio had to give away shit and run contests to get caller info to figure out how many listeners they had, to get advertisers etc. It was a real business.

Spotify just buys the music catalogue and then forces you into their ecosystem.

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Last time I took my EV in for service the guy just told me to come back in 6 months. Truly hilarious.

No spark plugs, oil changes, no transmission fluid, nothing to leak. No air filter or fuel filter or vacuum hoses or plug wires or whatever they are going to try and sell you.

Plus, fewer brake jobs because of regenerative braking.

I miss a manual transmission but I don't think I'll ever go back to gas.

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I see these bundles but I always assume they are trash.

Are they trash? I haven't been interested until now, but I've been meaning to learn a bit of game dev as a hobby and unity isn't really an option anymore.

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Obviously, in any discussion about groups as diverse as men/women, it's important to recognize that these are sweeping generalizations and that individuals can vary wildly.

It's not being "sensitive" or "emotional" that most dudes have trouble with.

Most women probably don't consider it a sign of strength, either. Not the sensitivity or emotionality.

In my experience, most men are focused on something that is happening. A sport or activity, a task, whatever. Your sharing is most likely out of rapport and just isn't how they want to interact.

I have close male friendships that are very emotionally open, and others where it just doesn't feel right.

In my experience, women are different. Male/female relationships are already complicated and getting into preferences and other dynamics is pointless. It could be anything.

Assuming you're attractive/confident/wealthy/etc, there would be many women who would comfort you just to keep you in their orbit.

Assuming you aren't, there are many women who would comfort you out of a sense of maternal care and empathy.

Assuming you're usually friendly, funny, safe, etc, women broadly seem to be kinder and more interested in interacting in that emotional space.

Does any of it matter? Probably not. Before insulting all men you know, it might be better to consider that you might just not like to have typical male friends. Just because people don't like doing what you do, it doesn't make them dumb.

Me considers moving to EU after Twitter withdrawl.

"The cloud is just someone else's computer."

Emotional Support Vehicle


I legitimately did, I stopped pirating except for old obscure stuff that I couldn't find anywhere.

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YouTube defended their monopoly by running for free. They murdered the growth of legitimate competitions like Vimeo that had healthier business models... Because they didn't try to run for free.

And now that they've saturated the market and killed off all of the serious competition it's time to profit

Well, frankly, go fuck yourself.

So long YouTube, and thanks for all the fish. 🐬

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Don't forget the incessant lobbying for charter schools even though nobody wants them and there's no research to suggest they are better than the public system.

They can't charge their REAL customers, the ad purchasers, as much without the ads being "targeted".

$14 is unrealistic and will never be paid, but it means that it's an option... So I'm guessing that people will be able to "opt in" to a free version with targeted ads.. This whole thing is probably just a workaround.

Gentrification comes from the root word "Gentry" referring to the upper or ruling class.

It's literally the upper class moving in, displacing the lower or middle class. The word is classist by definition.

That's madness.

Imagine the player outcry being too just uninstall and reinstall games over she over to punish the devs.

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This is more like if it was successfully sold at auction, and THEN banksy destroyed it after taking the money.

What's Threads?

No, nevermind, I don't want to know.

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