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Joined 12 months ago

It would help all of their competitors. A non zero number of people would move from windows to each of the others.

Whether or not the number moving away from windows and on to each of the others is significant or not is a different matter.

The biggest thing helping Linux right now is Valve's work improving the gaming experience, IMO.

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Isn't it focused on negative news about musk? Which I enjoy, not gonna lie.

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For people who value reading: if they have no books on their shelves. They might be avid readers of ebooks, or just use the library.

But this should clear itself up with a rather simple discussion started by mentioning a book you read recently.

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I just don't understand how people find accounts they like to follow.

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Things like weather will be fine unless you have an unreasonable boss/job.

But people should only use work computers the way they would if they knew the entire company was watching a live stream of their desktop.

Even for working from home, I put my work laptop on the isolated guest wifi because I don't trust them the same way they don't trust me.

He's successful in spite of himself. He makes terrible decisions constantly.

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My favourite one I've done so far: I put a motion sensor near where my cat goes every morning when she wants to look outside. This then opens the blinds enough for her to see.

This works better than a simple timer because the blinds are loud enough to wake us up sometimes and she doesn't want to necessarily look outside every day.

Well no one can prove they have a mind to anyone other than themselves.

And to extend that, there's obviously a way for electrical information processing to give rise to consciousness. And no one knows how that could be possible.

Meaning something like a true, alien AI would probably conclude that we are not conscious and instead are just very intelligent meat computers.

So, while there's no reason to believe that current AI models could result in consciousness, no one can prove the opposite either.

I think the argument currently boils down to, "we understand how AI models work, but we don't understand how our minds work. Therefore, ???, and so no consciousness for AI"

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Also, a lazy worker at home will be lazy in an office too.

If someone likes to procrastinate, you can't really change that via environment alone.

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AWS is perfect for large operations that value stability and elasticity over anything else.

It's very easy to just spin up a thousand extra servers for momentary demand or some new exciting project. It's also easy to locate multiple instances all over the world for low latency with your users.

If you know you're going to need a couple servers for years and have the hardware knowhow, then it's cheaper to do it yourself for sure.

It's also possible to use aws more efficiently if you know all of their services. I ran a small utils website for my friends and I on it a while ago and it was essentially free since the static files were tiny and on s3 and the backend was lambda which gives you quite a few free calls before charging.

Long term vs short term thinking.

Short term it makes no difference.

But long term it could. People might get annoyed by the lack of content other than protesting and check reddit less. It also keeps the conversation on alternatives like lemmy here.

Also, if reddit believes that the community has genuinely turned against them and will ruin everything on purpose, they might rethink their actions (obviously unlikely).

Sometimes people just like to flip tables out of frustration even if it won't accomplish much. A lot of angry redditors just want to burn it all down and I hope they succeed.

As an extreme example, if /r/place was truly covered with "fuck spez" 100%, would that be an enjoyable thing for people who don't care about what's going on? They'd probably get mad and leave. Which would hurt reddit.

It also costs reddit extra money to deal with all of this.

It's similar to workers protesting instead of just quitting. There's a point to protesting and not everything is solved with a simple boycott.

When digg was dying, many people still used digg, but just to point others to reddit. In hindsight, would you say that it didn't matter since they were still using digg?

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Make sure you use it with Firefox. It works better.

I mixed piracy with s couple of tge larger streaming sites for a while. I'm 99% piracy now. (technically have prime video, but don't watch it)

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I like it for certain techy things. I just used it to create a linux one-liner command for counting the unique occurances of a regex pattern. I often forget specific flags for Linux commands like how uniq can perform counting.

And something like that is easy to test each piece of what it said and go from there.

As long as you treat it like a peer who prefaced the statement with "I might be wrong / if I recall correctly" it ends up being a pretty good aid.

Yeah, if anyone thinks this is bad, they haven't seen what legit alcoholism is like.

It would look like maybe 15 caps per person, but they'd be caps of vodka handles.

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Now they're all about open floor plans for collaboration (read: for squeezing more people in the same space).

It's such an oversimplification, it's insane. "YoUrE sTiLl uSiNg ReDdIT"

I wonder if people with that same sentiment go to picketing protestors and yell at them, "Just quit!!"

As if the idea of trying to promote change rather than immediately giving up and moving on is anathema to them.

It just comes down to whether or not the fuel saved is worth more than the sail maintenance. Hopefully it is.

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Desktop OS on a tablet is fine and even preferred depending on what you want it for.

I have a surface and don't mind using full windows that way.

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Picking and choosing which one to fix "first" is a problem, IMO.

We are capable of tackling every area simultaneously. Let's get more EVs out there, let's try hydrogen-powered airplanes, more nuclear, and sails on ships.

Let's do everything we can.

Meh, humanity is getting what it deserves. We literally did this to ourselves.

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It's a pickup truck. Often drive by assholes who like them but don't need them

I understand when most people have this thought on lemmy. But you know you're on a reddit community, right? This place is dedicated to talking about reddit.

Let's say I'm motivated. Wtf can I do that will actually. Make a difference. I could live off the grid or I could just spend all my money buying gas to literally just burn.

In the end, the planet will be exactly the same.

The only way to get real change is through large governments and beyond voting or talking to peers, hoping to convince them to vote for climate action, I just don't see what I can do.

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Tesla under pays compared to other car companies.

I did the same thing and have the same attitude. I still watch what few Netflix shows are any good. They just aren't getting any of my money any more 🙂

Lemmy should add something that differentiates porn from other nsfw types of content.

Same with nsfl stuff to be honest.

I feel like there's three types of nsfw content that people either want to see or want to hide all of: porn, gore, other (eg drugs).

Having one tag/flair to cover them all was always a mistake for social media.

It's fundamentally impossible to grant read access without copy. And you can always do whatever you want to your copy.

Otherwise, piracy wouldn't be a thing.

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Or trying to drive to the shop instead of getting a tow.

They're normally not that short and I hate being asked to do the same thing a thousand times.

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I've used a similar one before.

(\/) ( ;,,,; ) (\/)

Yeah, now reddit can't really promote the final version of this one

Hold on. Pornos aren't a form of documentary?

Everyone can only do the best they can. Anyone who expects everyone to have zero impact is an idiot. Even a salad involved death and cruelty somewhere (animals caught in farm equipment, underpaid immigrant farmers who get abandoned if injured, etc).

So really, all you can do in your life if you care about these things is minimize your impact as much as you can based on what you know.

Similar to people who value giving to charity. Do they give all of their spare money to charity? No and no one should expect them to. Just giving anything to charity regularly has a positive impact and the whole "you're not doing enough" does much more damage than good.

Reminds me of vegetarians/vegans. I'm not really either, but I don't eat meat. And I'm just happy when I hear people say they want to eat less meat. Whereas most people who are against meat are only happy if someone else is also against it completely.

They just assume that because they continue to see anyone, that they are still seeing everyone.

I have a surface and I love it. At the same time, I hardly use the stylus.

I'm sure it's the reason many get it, but I also think there's a large audience for a tablet without one.

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So do electrical impulses always give rise to consciousness? Is my computer self aware?

Duck duck go has kept getting better and google has kept getting worse.

I find the results are pretty even now and often lean in DDG's favour (but not always, obviously).

Because of this, I've set my default everywhere to DDG and give Google a whirl sometimes if that doesn't work out for a specific search.

What does betrayal have to do with the morality of killing something?

It's either right or wrong to kill something if you don't have to for survival.

If you think killing dogs is wrong, then killing cows or pigs should also be wrong.

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It sucks to hear when you're truly down. Feels like the pain will last forever. But it truly does start to fade after a while and continues to do so as time marches on.

I've been through excruciating heartbreak a decade or so ago and it's just "meh" now.