Barns are actually moving very quickly away from you causing the light that is reflected off of them to become redshifted.
Aren't you supposed to plan appearances like this ahead of time to prevent this exact thing from happening?
Green Day used to be anti-establishment, now they are the establishment.
American Idiot is almost 20 years old and the message hasn't changed. Do these people just have zero media literacy?
Sometimes people do the right thing for the wrong reasons.
It should be noted that this attack was demonstrated on a nearly 10 year old laptop that has the TPM traces exposed on the motherboard.
Most TPMs nowadays are built into the CPU which does not leave them vulnerable to this type of attack.
Im almost positive that Andrew Wakefield has caused more harm to modern medicine than any other person in the last 200 years.
Yes. She's female and was born female.
It's illegal to be transgender in Algeria, and the only complaint came from a Russian boxing body with a history of making suspect claims in the past.
The issue here isnt that Tencent is Chinese. It's that they're a massive corporation with basically no interest in the product except how much money it can make.
WotC seemed to actually care about it and most of the bad decisions were Hasbro's fault in the name of profitability over quality
Guaranteed it means he gets an unpaid day off for a day that he would've normally been scheduled.
I am always reminded of this tweet from ProZD when printers come up:
i've got a billion dollar idea, imagine a computer printer but like, it actually fucking works, it prints every time like it's fucking supposed to without issue, it just does that no fucking problem, companies, feel free to take this idea, this one's on me
Considering the nature of linear time, I dont know what the alternative could be.
NTP is the one that comes to mind for me.
Basically every device uses it and until fairly recently was maintained by a single person
What if the other side is also genocide along with totalitarian fascist rule?
First of all, how dare you
The Internet Archive is right up there with Wikipedia in terms of public good they have done.
It's a travesty thet they even need to fight this.
I don't know why they think this change is going to get anyone to switch.
5 seconds of nothing is still way better than a minute-long ad
20 grand for a full 100 point boost to your IQ seems like a pretty good deal.
Like, for the price of a new car I can be smarter than Einstein and realize I probably wasted that 20 grand.
The future is stupid.
So the mug is the best choice by far, due to its universe-breaking abilities surrounding temperature. Setup a Stirling engine on that for infinite power.
This is a good attitude. Remember that the 'S' in "IoT" stands for security
The absolute best case here is that he's just some edgelord.
Man I wish.
Getting everyone to agree on a date and time for D&D is harder than any encounter you could face in-game
Not at all.
Unsolicited email is spam. It's as simple as that. Dont feel bad about flagging them as such if they won't respect your contact preferences.
Thats a really nice cell. I dont think they'll be going to a place like that.
I would eat this pizza while signing paperwork to join the union
Secret tech is to just buy like 4 bottles at a time, then you only have to deal with the problem 25% of the time
While many of the CVEs are filed in good faith by responsible researchers and represent credible security vulnerabilities, a recently growing pattern involves newbie security enthusiasts and bug bounty hunters ostensibly "collecting" CVEs to enrich their resume rather than reporting security bugs that constitute real-world, practical impact from exploitation.
Oh, this is once again HR's fault
Donald J. Trump’s allies want him to talk about the issues
His entire political campaign strategy has been about attacking his opponent personally. He did it with Hillary in 2016, With Biden in 2020, and again with Biden in 2024. He tried to do the same with Harris, but he hasn't found something that sticks yet and that's causing a lot of problems.
This is what you get when you promote a guy who can't do anything but insult people, even if he will agree to sign anything for anyone that says "You're doing a good job, champ"
I thing Reagan and Trump are both more evil than Nixon ever was, but they never would've been elected if not for the groundwork that the Nixon administraton did.
The only use reviews have is to make sure that the app youre downloading is most likely the original and not a malicious lookalike.
Artificial content has poisoned the web to the point that adding "reddit" to the end of google searches so that you could get real human content was commonplace.
I miss the days where you had to learn HTML if you wanted to share your opinions online.
Eventually you'll reach the point where instead of checking Netflix for X and settling for Y locally, you'll just download X and watch it.
Domain squatting is incredibly scummy, but I have no idea how it would be possible to have any other system.
My understanding is that domains do expire unless you pay the fee to renew for another year.
Regarding unused domain names, how would anyone know if a particular name is being unused? Domain names are used for more things than browsable websites. You'd have to have a system that could determine if traffic is going to those names, which seems bad from a privacy standpoint and also pretty easy to script around.
Apps get a one strike rule. The minute I get a notification I don't want, that app doesn't get to send me notifications anymore
I mean, it wasn't that long ago that we had an epidemic and a huge amount of people just straight up refused to believe it was real.
People wouldn't quarantine and it would never actually go away.
It's good opsec to have a VPN when torrenting but thats largely due to the risk of being identified commiting a crime.(Or at the very least, having your ISP send you an angry letter about copyright infringement)
If thats not part of your threat model, then you dont need to worry.
They're mostly banking on the cost of change being higher than the inconvenience of staying.
"I wish we could get a new versions of the good sega Dreamcast games"
Monkey's paw curls
I wonder if that's because that's how they're tagged on e621, or if they're tagged that way because furries already referred to them in those terms.