
1 Post – 103 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

He got to where he is with government funding.

Turn off the tap. Now.

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"matches that of Heinrich Himmler", you mean the head of the SS and one of the main people behind the holocaust?

Have you ever considered that your life, and life in general would be better if you didn't have such absurd and shrill opinions?

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My Russian friend pointed out to me that Prigozhin was actually on his way to see Putin when he got shot down.

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Taking profits means that:

  • They know the developer is making profits
  • There are actually profits - no one will ever be charged for money they don't have
  • It can all be traced and taxed fairly and legally
  • Non-profit developers aren't punished

Doing it based installs is none of that.

It's insane. It's a stupid idea from an idiot who probably arrogantly ignored everyone who told him it was a stupid idea.

If I was a shareholder of Unity I would want this moron investigated for selling shares and then tanking the company.

No doubt they are going to buy shares at the lower price before they announce a total reversal or this plan.

Remember that Onion headline "man would die fighting to defend what he imagines the Constitution to be"?

Many modern conservatives are like that. They will bleat all day about laws, and yet have never spent 2 minutes even reading a Wikipedia page about them.

They'll believe whatever pundits tell them to believe.

Witch hunt? Unconstitutional? Politically motivated? Kangaroo court?

Not for one minute will any of those law and order loving, institution-protecting, facts not feelings, crowd consider that Trump is there because of real actual crimes he really did commit.

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We apologise for you all being hysterical, and any Angst that may have caused.


I don't think Unity has any chance of healing while that moron is still there. He poisonous.

Solar still doesn't work at all night, no matter how cheap it gets.

It's not very useful for most of Northern Europe and birth America during the winter months. Even if it was free you'd still need alternatives.

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Well that's the the point. They don't want to take Palestinian refugees because they've attacked Egypt and caused various problems.

The point they are making is "we don't want them, and neither do you, so don't try and take the moral of high ground"

Israel has tried to give Gaza ti Egypt. They won't take it.

Sadly the republicans had zero say in their slide to right wing extremism and could do nothing about it. It's not like their flirtation with the Tea Party movement meant anything.

390 in a serving versus 400 per day.

That's an entire days worth in one blast.

Imagine if Lemmy just totally avoided playground level political debate?

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The thing that makes this even more perverse is that Musk doesn't have the power to stop Russians from attacking anywhere.

So just what the fuck does he think he's going to achieve?

No more government funding for Musk.

I looked it up. They aren't skyrocketing.

The numbers dropped due to lockdown, then bounced up and are stable.

I hate this cult of negativity - just make up how everything is getting worse in order to hand more power to the government.

The casual and bovine l way it all happen is disgusting.

Good on the judge.

Scumbags like Trump thrive in the gaps and ambiguities that normal decency shouldn't have to fill. They break down standards of decency that shouldn't have to be codified.

Authoritarians and people who need authority will do anything they can get away with - but we can't write laws for every single little scheme anyone could ever come to up with.

We need guiding principles and a respect for the spirit of the law.

Trump tried to play innocent but it doesn't count in the courtroom.

His audience can't help him in there.

At this point it's such a clown show that I wouldn't be surprised by much.

This is the best answer.

An assault on Trump is an assault on the idiots who made it their identity to support him.

They can't let him be insulted.

The only winning move is to just offer a better solution and ignore him.

De Santis

Reporting a racist comment isn't "abuse".

Even if you think racism is OK if it happens to be against a group you hate, it's still not justifiable to ban someone for bringing it to the the attention of the administrators.

That would achieve nothing except make people afraid to alert the mods.

Thats a bad outcome no matter what.

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Hate to say it, but Feddy verse is no different.

Nowhere is safe from the shrill endless war of shitty middle class Americans with nothing better to do than stink up every available channel with whatever you dumb shit politics they refuse to shut up about.

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You mean by making petrol stations have EV charging points?

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"is there a concensus" fucking hell 🤯

Who pays you?

Polite request to not try and police everyone else's language.

It's weird that he thinks of it as "blackmail" though, and a thing that's happening to "him".

Blackmail is when someone has damning evidence against you and they threaten to release it unless you do what they want.

We saw the damning evidence. It's been released. This is the reaction.

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"trust us bro"


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In other words, they’re only interested in punishing the ones that get caught, and they’ll only process it well after it’s happened so they can just deliver a slap on the wrist.

By definition, you can only punish the ones that get caught.

Another thing those Traditional Values conservatives can hold against him.... 🙄

What do you mean no one is trying to make it better?

You're guilty of what you're accusing others of.

Elon Musk has virtually no influence on your life other than being a famous person.

Why don't you start following the Nobel Prize winners? Why don't you start following the people who are actively involved in politics or humanitarian projects?

You sit there and judge the world and the people in it becuse you are too lazy to actually move your head away from the trough of social media.

So my tips for doing these chores:

Always have your Bluetooth headphones on and a podcast to listen to while doing chores.

Smells make chores like this better. Make sure you have those nice smell sprinkle tablet things you put in your washing machine - it's nice to take clothes out and then fold them when they smell good.

Get some decent washing up liquid that you love to smell. Consider having a couple of different scents to switch it up

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The only possible way forward for Unity is for him to go.

He has a pattern of maverick pricing ideas that are totally at odds with what the community will tolerate.

As long as he's around, there's no knowing what else he'll come out with.

A percentage of the profits; it's a classic for a reason.

If you were at the start of your journey right now and were trying my decide between Unity, Unreal or any other tool.... Would you be choosing Unity?

Ein reich? Ein Volk? Ein Führer?


Fascism was defeated in the UK by some clever jokes and having a monarchy.

The UK helped defeat a couple of fascist Regimes through spending the last power of the Empire on it.

Fascist Regimes were defeated, not the concept of fascism.

The concept of fascism is not defeated through violence, it is through education and debate.

You think some young nazi is going to wake up from a baseball to the head and think "oh wow, I was so wrong about the concept of 'might makes right'"

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Yes you have an item called "eggs" with a value of zero.

Sounds like they can't spare the troops and equipment, and don't want to take the shame.

We provide a good example.

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Jesus fucking christ mate turn it in.

He did a comedy show where he repeatedly professed respect fir trans people but criticised the way some people behave, and you're acting like he "isn't fond or minorities getting rights"

It's just fucking psychopathic gibberish with you lot.

If this guy was white he'd be racist against blacks.

What the fuck does that even mean?

He's black.

Calm the fuck down.

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You hope an American volunteer gets murdered?

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Capitalism is to blame for my downvotes 😭

There are so many translator plugins for Firefox.

I've been living in a foreign country for 8 years and Firefox has been a godsend.