Reddit faces content quality concerns after its Great Mod Purge to – 1559 points –
Reddit faces content quality concerns after its Great Mod Purge

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Reporting a racist comment isn't "abuse".

Even if you think racism is OK if it happens to be against a group you hate, it's still not justifiable to ban someone for bringing it to the the attention of the administrators.

That would achieve nothing except make people afraid to alert the mods.

Thats a bad outcome no matter what.

The point is the comment in question wasn't racist. It was stupid, maybe off-the-point, but whoever gets offended by that is a thin-skinned loser.

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Even if you think racism is OK

Or you don't think that saying "privileged white folk" is racist in the first place.

Heck, "privlaged black folk" doesnt sit well with me either.

Lets not mince words here, reguardless of skin color, privlage to not just visit but live in unreality is really sad. And like you've won when you see it shattered.

I dont know the point of sayimg this.

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