Hello Hotel

@Hello Hotel@lemmy.world
5 Post – 420 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Allan, plaease add details

Every single anti depressant, anti anxiety or anti anything drug that acts like a placebo.

Tell me about it, speaking of big titty asians, Ive always wondered if the bra and hair spray commertials were actually for men (or to convince woman to buy because of male appeal). They literally walk right up to that line. Example

I wonder if they share consumer info with themselves under the hood.

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Starting today, you will no longer be able to purchase new coins, but all awards and existing coins will continue to be available until September 12, 2023.

Thats a non existant notice period and frankly either a knee jerk or the plan from the start. Its also in line with the new "core vision" of reddit. Goodbye, reddit.

so this is a particularly tough moment for me as we wind these products down.

Products, ey? Their intentionally designed to not feel loke them.

we want to both make Reddit simpler and a place where the community empowers the community more directly.

redditors be able to express themselves in fun ways and feel joy when their content is celebrated.

You cant do that directly, you need to give people a reason to trust you. Trust your not twisting their words for your ends. This wouldnt be so bad if you didnt burn up all that trust. New Reddit, to be blunt, fake paridises are utterly disturbing to almost all humans. New Reddit, go ahaid, use tools to make users beleave there in a room of attractive people all giving you welcoming smiles, most are going to run for the hills

Note: As indicated in our User Agreement past purchases are non-refundable. (Fuck you)

We took your digital stuff that you paid for in actually useful green papers

If you’re a Premium user and would like to cancel your subscription before these changes go into effect, you can find instructions here.


EDIT: Yes, do chargebacks instead

This stops Windows 11 from blocking the installation and lets you get the app back onto your PC. We're not sure if Microsoft has fixed this trick, but it's worth a shot if you want to keep using your favorite apps.

That's mildly distopian.

This prevents your car from shutting itself off when trying visit certain areas on the map. We're not sure if car manufacturers have fixed this trick, but it's worth a shot if you want to keep going to your favorite places.

And only a little tiny bit adversarial.

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These bad actors are wierd, most who spread CSAM dont want to be known about by the masses, these posts are implied to be attempting to be visible as their posting in a well known community. It feels Sus.

Keep up the good work keeping us safe, keep your therapist and/or support network in the loop about this so they can catch you if you fall.

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I finally kinda see it, but hate the tone it was said with "heres a game to keep you distracted"

holy hell

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the fact that its

... "toxic" food additives

and not

... "toxic food additives"

makes me think the one who made the title inserted their opinions.

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Im an etch-a-shetch user, and a good shake is all it takes.

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I dont trust that client side scanning or other system components arent going through these half deleted files


Yesterday I clicked on All/Rising and 20 of the top 25 posts were 9 year old accounts with no karma each announcing a different subreddit that was created an hour earlier with no posts in them.


After reading the comments, Reddit admin stuff always sounded like it was a shitshow of controvertial, troubled or outright evil people.

Mods, Keep yourself safe, be open to your support groups (dont isolate), clear shread your cache often

We will get thru this together

It seems you are criticizing to the book the author quotes, not the article itself. "

Two things need to be said after reading The Anxious Generation. First, this book is going to sell a lot of copies, because Jonathan Haidt is telling a scary story about children’s development that many parents are primed to believe. Second, the book’s repeated suggestion that digital technologies are rewiring our children’s brains and causing an epidemic of mental illness is not supported by science. Worse, the bold proposal that social media is to blame might distract us from effectively responding to the real causes of the current mental-health crisis in young people

" - The posted article about 3 ish parographs in.

If I'm mistaken, let me know.

In a vaccum, yes but the way reddit is talking and acting makes me think that it's taken the same cyinide pill only fans almost took and the one tumblr and imgur took

Its likely an attack of some kind

No, its an alternate evil scheme to uniquely identify users and not bots. Replacing the phone number.

Microsoft, stop giving me Red Star OS flashbacks. (If im not mistaken, it records your screen and stores it in a police-only folder)

Im glad I just want the people who say things like, "Just let it go enough of Reddit drama." to light one last fire, add reddit stuff to their blocklist, and go pioneer lemmy culture. this is for those who had undeletion problems

please be patient, people cant know everything, teach them to stop but don't jeer at them.

I know they suck at keeping your data safe, I know they are a monopoly, but... thats an odd choice of words

I may not fully understand the situation, but AOSP offers an API called Accessability that allows an app to hook and modify how the user interacts with the UI. the best example is probably Talkback.

Another thing to add to that, computer text is amazingly dense. An audio file of me saying just the first word takes up more bytes than this whole comment. Each english ascii charicter is a byte, each non-english char is 1 to 3 4 bytes.

"another" as wav file

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Their reopening efforts aren't looking so hot...

r/tihi as of [Sat Jul 8 19:30:18 ~EDT 2023~] looks like its back to pre protest affairs

The chatgpt people are really paranoid. Gpt-3 is so good at not halucinating that it often cant, even if it needs to do so to accomplish a task. Fearing the ai will confidently give the wrong answer.

It was relitively innocent from what i remember, just strange memes

The meme itself is very... exploitable to the Angry Jacks of the world because of this pattern they exibit. They will bend themselves in knots in an attempt to resolve their emotional outbursts.

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From the deepest spubby of my heart, fuck @spez@reddit, have fun playing with yourself as all the other kids have left you alone cuz you yank their hair and throw fits

source, idek

thats not communism, thats red painted bullshit. please DO ~defederate from whatever the hell that is.~ remove trolls using false flags.

::: spoiler my idiot self's old comment within these people are a sort of poison, one that entrenches them in their symbols and attack others with pride, like an idiot. the (alt? and regular?) right uses these losers and their corrupted ideas and flag clutching as ammunition (for example, against Trans folk).

Edit: I was using a hammer when i nedded a scalpel. Generally dont like my rant written in anger. To be clear, Waving a communist or trans flag and then being a narcisist in public. It is either a false flag or an idiot. Result is a useful addition to a news media's hyperreality.

Edit: i am REALLY unhappy with this comment, i fail by leaving whats implied unsaid. A natural observer given a big name like CNN saying things is always at risk of treeting the whole movement like a tom and jarry cartoon. Antifa usually gets a bad reputation, is it warrented? I dont know because the news is designed to let you make short and usually wrong assumptions. One commenter was right, you fight the news by looking out the window and seeing the negbors arent loonitics and in fact rather lovely. :::

Edit: i am still REALLY unhappy with this comment, also spelling I cant really speak on these issues as I need guidance more than answers. I have been told to not worry about the propaganda machine (my old and current psychological trap) and to rather be free of it and to free others by showing them a better place. I was merely dragging people into the machine I sought to destroy. for this I am sorry.

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Tje way AI is telling people to put glue on pizza, I cant rule out this as a joke.

Whats the motivation to DDOS? How mutch is specific malice to lemmy or lemmy.world itself and how much is genaric.

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run a script to set the default browser back to chrome just after it changes, using some timer estimation magic also... try taskkill

You keep your reddit memes in a folder on your harddisk on an MS DOS machine? /s

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Lane closed to ease conjestion

Pain, suffering and debugging

I know how easy it is to both be trans and also be put into a cult-like mindset at the same time (guilty of this myself), but come on! These consiquences are deadly.

The machanical extraction of highly personal data (did you have sex last night?) to build faux diary entries on people (this person lives alone) so others can easly pair their tailored attacks on the psyche to those who are vunrable. Were all vulnerable, just in diffrent places. Just gotta figure yours out.

I wish these systems were built to help match people with helpful products, but the non concent bugs me intensely.

These are fun:

  1. TRUST: Telemarketing Reliability Using Safety Technology (abuse of safety systems)
  2. HOPE: Helpful Online Personalization Engine (literally just adware)
  3. TRUST: Tracking Retail Usage Systems Technology (amazon spying)
  4. LIBRE: Liberating Inconvienenced Beings of Repour Emails (gmail reading emails from your friends)

::: spoiler hey me, angey and ill informed child, shut your face How does that not sound like a complete violation of the constitution. "We voted to give you 7 days to not work somtimes and in exchange took your right to not work" :::

If i keep slaves, and those slaves feed my children. If they escape my children will starve, the whole negborhood will! Therefore it is immoral to let the slaves become free persons, EVER. /s

The trolly problem clasically has no good answer, however the above statement has held down thousands of slaves in all but name. You are saying perpetuating slavery indefinitly causes less suffering than an unknown amount of starvation.