
1 Post – 450 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If people rely on their imaginary friend, we're so fucked...

Scandinavia has always been very left side

Maybe from a hard neo nazi perspective. Denmark and Sweden especially have right-wing extremist parties (Denmark Democrats + New Right + Danish People's Party together ~= 14.3%, Sweden Democrats 17.5%) with a voter base that has been established over a longer time. The German right wing populists have risen to that level only in recent elections, which is frightening. Geert Wilders is not "the new guy" from the Netherlands, he's been a populist rightwing piece of shit for decades. Unfortunately, the average Dutch person over 40 / outside university towns is also quite racist under the surface - I lived there for 4 years, speak fluent Dutch with a German accent and since they felt "safe" with their bigotry around me, I have heard enough racist and sexist bullshit from "average middle class" Dutch people that I didn't feel comfortable in that country anymore. The young people in urban centres are okay, but unfortunately those are not a large enough demographic.

As for comparing with the US - maybe not a good idea: Even young US americans see the democrats for the corporate shills they are, and know that they have to vote for them just to prevent a Handmaid's Tale Season 6 becoming a documentary.

The US are the scary example for Western Europe as "this will happen here if you don't pay attention". No one in Europe will be able to say "I didn't know" when we slip into a totalitarian regime filled with hate and controlled by corporations, because it might be happening in front of our eyes with a ~10 year headstart in the US. I just hope that's not what is going to happen in the end, but things have progressed far too much into the worst dystopian future thinkable for this century.

With the obligatory "fuck everyone who disregards open source licenses", I am still slightly amused at this raising eyebrows while nearly no one is complaining about MS using github to train their copilot LLM, which will help circumvent licenses & copyrights by the bazillion.

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we're our own kind of fucked up over here :( Except the Finns, the Finns are cool.

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I'm a big fan of any country voting against the populist trend, so I may ask for asylum in Finland eventually. Although, despite my motivation to learn new languages, that might be a challenge :)

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“Why does no one say murder is bad unless China is murdering”

I can not fathom how you absolutely nailed the essence of my comment, yet misunderstood it (and - arguably - your own example) so fundamentally.

Let me try to help, once:

"Why do most people not complain about murder when Microsoft is doing it, but when China is doing it, the very justified outrage can be heard?"

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Also, the winners will interprete who gets to be the axis and who gets to be the allies in history books...

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I am also sick to the core about this aspect of humanity. I feel that we as a species are just about developed enough to understand how a better world would look like, and how people should act, what's "the right thing to do" - and very much not developed enough to overcome our egoism and narcissism to make it happen, so we do the wrong thing despite knowing better far too often.

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again, I don't have a problem with copying code - but I as a developer know whether I took enough of someone else's algorithm so that I should mention the original authorship :) My only problem with circumventing licenses is when people put more restrictive licenses on plagiarized code.

And - I guess - in conclusion, if someone makes a license too free, so that putting a restrictive (commercial) license or patent on plagiarized / derived work, that is also something I don't want to see.

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My trivial (non legal ;) answer is: If you are working for a corporation that is looking to patent something / make something closed license: the moment you ever looked at a single line of my code relevant to what you are doing, you are forbidden from releasing under any more restrictive license. If you are a private person working on open source? Then you be the judge whether you copied enough of my code that you believe it is more than just "inspired by".

For most of history you would be better off if you could kill the next village over.

That is an incredibly stupid take. For most of history, the planet was so vast that people had plenty of room to hunt / farm / whatever. And no, killing other humans is not in our DNA, the only people who feel like that are those with brain damage / development defects.

As I am a big proponent of open source, there is nothing wrong even with copying code - the point is that you should not be allowed to claim something as your own idea and definitely not to claim copyright on code that was "inspired" by someone else's work. The easiest solution would be to forbid patents on software (and patents altogether) completely. The only purpose that FOSS licenses have is to prevent corporations from monetizing the work under the license.

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As someone who knows a good portion of the Fairphone staff in person, and knows they have a great atmosphere and are mostly great people: Fuck you @Fairphone for leaving my perfectly working FP1 dead in the water without SW updates, and removing the spare parts for the FP2 from the store around the time my FP2 needed them (USB charging port, battery), and for making every new fairphone larger, not offering a SINGLE phone in a proper pocket size (like the FP1).

For users who can live with the tablet-size of modern smartphones: Yes, repairability and longterm support for more recent phones appears not too bad, certainly better than most competitors, but still - if you are someone like me, who treats a phone well, you can not expect to be able to find spare parts by the time wear & tear from normal use will make it necessary.

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He probably wants to do worse, but can't say it out load yet. He's a fucking Nazi.

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That argument was only ever made by dumb fucks or evil fucks. The article reports about an actual occurrence of one of the problems of such technology that we (people who care about privacy) have warned about from the beginning.

Zero useful info: what is the attack vector / vulnerability exploited? Without that info, this is useless

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And pray thee, which "communists" would that be? Because last I checked, Russia was an oligarchy and China a capitalist quasi dictatorship.

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Car models will have to comply to get NCAP’s coveted five-star rating. The scheme is voluntary but is heeded by most automakers because it’s closely monitored by consumers.

Bollocks. F*ck this shit. Make it mandatory and take those ticking time bombs of the road. They are endangering OTHER people's lives. Voluntary my ass.

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Glorious :) I hope John Oliver picks this up in his show...

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Unfortunately that adds significant cost.

That's not unfortunate, that's logical. Unfortunately, other companies are allowed to exploit humans and the environment for more profit despite lower prices.

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such shocker bills are to wear out public outrage. they overreach, get shut down, everyone gets all comfy about it and then they come back with a less overreaching new bill that represents what they actually wanted in the first place, and people will just accept it without protest.

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These changes are only applicable to users in the EEA. For those outside the region, Windows will continue to function as it is!

You misspelled "Windows will continue to be as fucked up as it is!"

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Nah thanks, we're lucky to be mostly secular.

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I would like to second this. The OP reeks of opinionated bullshit. Being against NATO and a western hegemony in the world is absolutely a legitimate political opinion, whether you agree with it or not.

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That isn't the contradiction you imply...

If it's a root CA private signing key, 2KB could be fatal. If it's tiktoks, 100TB could be worthless.

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Nah, this paper is only about the physical ailment, not about bankers & stock brokers.

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The cruelty is the point. At this point, voting republican in the US is equal to voting for German Nazis in 1933, when they were still working towards a totalitarian terror state.

This here. As much as I hate the new Boeing philosophy, they used to build good planes and this issue is most certainly a maintenance problem or bird strike etc....

98 Second Edition was 'da bomb at the time :) Much more stable than Win95, and not yet phoning home like XP. I get nostalgic seeing the splash screen.

After that, I switched to Win2K, as the last windows that did not phone home - and then straight to Linux, a decision I have never regretted and will never regret.

I have no time to read the article, but I assume this is about violent oppression of minorities:

I don’t agree with Modi but if he is getting elected he is getting elected.

A certain infamous German shitstain in history was elected, too...

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God damnit I hate our neofascist European governments. Macron is Mussolini's little suppository.

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Sadly enough, the international community is really good at infighting and wasting money, and really bad at coming up with a followup for the ISS :( So China, for all its flaws, will have the biggest functioning space station in LEO at some point. ISS operations have just been extended to 2034, but if we get a single micrometeorite hit in the wrong spot (e.g. Node 2), that'll put an end to it.

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It's almost like blood feuds don't work as a means to de-escalate a conflict. shockedpikachuface An eye for an eye leaves everyone blind...

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That's.... thats's not how this works.

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Unfortunately, the US government will protect them despite all this, I'm afraid.

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The reason Munich switched back to Windows, when users were just fine working with Limux, was a corrupt politician who ordered the return to windows, probably pocketing a hefty bribe in the process.

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And that's why you only buy phones where you can install a custom ROM, and then kick any poisonous bloatware and google shit off before starting to use it.

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99% morons, that's why...

I absolutely support not allowing the ZuckFuck and his corporate shills any access to the fediverse. Defederate them!