1 Post – 67 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

No, you absolute brick. They are implying that a economic system built on maximizing profits would eventually subvert innovation to once again achieve maximum profit. Who the fuck brought up communism?

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Of all the targets, why a library? One of the few places that is still for near everyone

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Nuke us from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure

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There are so many things that add up over time. I wouldn’t say I hate them just yet, but I‘be stopped buying their products. The way they go about their business just rubs me the wrong way. If the only way to try to communicate that is disengaging from any of their offerings, be it games or the new switch. Yea, I’m out.

Funny half related story. For a bit in my mid-20s I was a manager in training for enterprise (shit company, shit job, do not recommend). I’m this position, we were required to wear a suit, even while cleaning the cars. One day a dude came off the plane looking for a car, I was helping him and giving my speil and he pretty politely stopped me and said something to the effect of, that’s nice and all, but I don’t really trust dudes in suits. A little caught off guard, but attempting to be friendly, I said cool and let him do his thing. It still sticks with me. Something about a suit can say, I‘ve decided to look presentable so you believe me. Not sure if it’s a positive or negative, but he‘s had me thinking for ten years.

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…it shouldn’t be, but has been made so. This article is right where it belongs

Fallout. Look what they did to my boy. We could be getting a Baldur’s Gate 3 style fallout, but noooo. Todd had to go and screw it up for everyone.

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Looks like Hitler is back on the menu, boys

This hurts in it’s a accuracy to my personal experience

There’s some pretty good evidence exercise in general improves concentration. It seems to be a limited time boost, but it helps.

Holy shit, is Chicago silent hill!?

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It‘s strange is it not that to figure out the library before subscribing you often have to trust third party reporting. At least as far as I know

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Yea….ok, it was a nice idea for five minutes, but you aren’t wrong there

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I was officially diagnosed at 34; I‘ve known I had ADHD for a long while, but cost of getting tested and not having medical insurance was a large factor. Once I finally did get my diagnosis, I had the ability to get help legally instead of self-medicating. I would say, if you’re so medication resistant, there isn’t much point, but that makes me wonder why you would care to do so in the first place? I don’t get special accommodations at work or in my daily life, O just finally have medication that will help with my issues.

It’s funny in a sick way that Tales from the Crypt had an episode about eating the homeless by an organization named G.H.O.U.L.S

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I’m seriously so glad to see so many people who never fell for it here. The rich are not your damn friend, they are not here to help you.

I really enjoy the zany tone of this piece, it’s like someone let their sugar addled child at the keyboard.

You‘re right, thank you for your response. We take her for the X-ray Tuesday, and I will begin the discussion about end of life treatment. I appreciate your input. I think I just needed some support to start this step more than anything. Be well.

I‘m with you bud. It’s killing me.

I know you gotta sell ads, but how fucked is it the one on this article was promoting a shirt that says, „if you want to make everything electric, start at the border wall.“

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I just wish the pool pissers could have their own nice contained pool, and the rest of us could swim piss free

Probably joking, but I like this idea, let them have their own little shitty cesspool so we can have nice things elsewhere

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Every day is Halloween if you want it bad enough!

This one is Brick 2: Electric Boogaloo

We’re lawyers!

Isn’t that just kinda cam sites though?

Gor The Little beans, give them a few, for the 15 and up crowd, lay it on

I would also like an answer to this, then again, the bowl cut is back, just pop one on and cut anything showing, you‘ll be stylin‘

For the little beans…

I for one have never knocked on wood

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I‘m that asshole, but when I‘m with my friends who don’t heavily Adblock things, whenever their YouTube music choice plays an ad, I get on my soapbox and start recommending how to avoid.

I really appreciate you. This is one of the hardest days in recent memory, but this baby deserves to go before it gets even worse. I think I’m leaning towards having one more weekend with her, then making that hard call. I really appreciate your empathy, and the last thing I want is to make her hold on and deal with pain on my account. Love to you as well.

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Shall I compare the to a Summer‘s day? Thou art hot

As a soon potential buyer, how is the track pad for mouse central games? My biggest concern is playing old crpgs with anything like the control scheme on Switch. It was a waste of 30 bucks to get Baldur‘s Gate on Switch for the control alone in my experience.

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I support this request

I’m big on b movies and schlock, I keep passing shark side of the moon, but you have made me reconsider haha

I love this for you! Keep growing and learning

I always want to go a bit Shakespeare!

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Shadow Moses!

Thank you for your kind response. I sincerely appreciate it. The blood work literally just came back and was mostly ok, but my baby just isn’t enjoying life the same. I think I‘ll wait for the x-ray but go ahead and bring the transition up with the vet. Much love to you.