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Joined 6 months ago

drown 3 year old ... child

That's just being fucking demonic for the public

Palestinian Muslim

With current events, yes its a hate crime

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That headline was a wild ride from start to finish.

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Coming soon: Yet another proprietary device gets discontinued, but this time it's a brain chip.

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Nice, all the billionaires should get in the idiot squisher

TERFS: We CaN aLwAyS tEll

Me: You literally thought Michelle Obama was a man

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Does... Does he not know people recorded themselves trying to play?

The scariest thing I know about elevators is that there are many safety features that deal with it going down. It's practically unfeasible for it to fall, but there are no safety features that would counteract the elevator going up way too fast if the motor decides to do crack.

In short, I'm not worried about dropping and smooshing, I'm worried about being yeeted from the building upward via elevator

Such a cute 10k light year bulgie wulgie UwU

I couldn't help myself

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The more aggressive form of thrown


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Yup I'm also an "if only they apply themselves" person.

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They achieved ascension beyond gender, a non-binary icon

If only if only

Bye Felicia

They burnt the candle at both ends for everyone in their employ. The consequences of their actions

Every time I hear about "transgenderism" or "trans ideology"

I'm not a professional, but I did do tons of research before I even decided to start transitioning.

Oh shit, I never paid the fee 😱

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Those ones are cops though, so they're bastards

I fall asleep to horror stories

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5 years later

This phone sucks, the display looks moderate at 1° viewing angle, isn't as powerful as my desktop PC, and we think all resources should be mined in the most unethical ways so we can have 20 more hours of tiktok on a single charge.

Tech channels go further and further from the mark of "good". I'm not playing AAA games on my phone, I don't watch YouTube for 20 hours straight, I prefer larger bezels (even if slightly uneven) because I tend to touch the screen accidentally if they're too small, and I prefer more responsible resources even if it means less battery life or performance.

I don't need a PC in my pocket and Linus is just going too far into the techbro headspace for me to trust him for anything .

This video is how so many tech reviewers are now, credit to MeatCanyon

Oh well, Windows has become that one OS I use for one or two things that I complain every time I have to spin up my VM to use.

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If you don't want to spend any more:

  • VirtualBox

  • OBS

VirtualBox to get around DRM (recording software can be seen if video used in host system) and OBS will allow you to record a window.

If mkv is too large then you can use Handbrake to convert it to MP4 or m4v.

Just be sure to have any mics muted during recording and also mute notifications

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... Which one? We must specify mythology and, if required, member of the pantheon.

If we're talking Christian mythology, Jesus would have totally been a trusted seeder.

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I'm no Republican, but even Republicans in Arizona were telling her to STFU because the election was fair and Biden won.

Don't forget that $993.99 price tag

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I only use it in a VM and only for Visual Studio which is only for one class. It does nothing outside of that class

My main OS is Linux Mint

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Subjectively: it is hard to keep my legs shaved

Objectively: there's never enough programming socks

Cat, I farted

But what if you see someth

My birth mother's constant gaslighting. I'm 4 years free of her shit and no longer working to the bone just to stay away from home.

I'm not going to detail everything but it boiled down to unclear directions, didn't happen the way she wanted yet exactly as she directed, gaslit me into thinking I didn't follow her directions.

Got old like milk as soon as I started writing down and recording what she initially said.

Why are you using wireless for audio on a game where timing of sound is extremely important?

I'm sure there's low latency wireless connections, but I use my headphones for more than just games and never experienced a wireless audio connection that didn't lag behind what was actually happening.

Pointless soapbox, I know, I just don't understand wireless for most things between clarity, latency, battery, and reliability.

I'm wired all the way for my computer gaming

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10 years from now

"Can I have a job here that has an infinite amount more knowledge required than I gained in homeschool?"

Lol no

Edit: I feel bad for the kids because this will be their experience in the job market if Republicans get their way. I'm not directing this at the kids.

I know wasps are good and all, but I will flip a table, literally, to get that fucker away from me, if not killed.

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You first, cheater

Okay now do one that shows how much is available after paying for things like rent, food, car, etc.

Meaningless chart

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The linked tweet text:

Bypass Paywalls Clean New backup for latest release versions:

As if I'll tip the "socially acceptable" scalpers. They're still scalpers, but worse.

With scalpers you get a product and you own it, With landlords it's scalping as a service so you don't own it but you still pay for it.

Me being a silly billy and reaching for his service pistol (I couldn't find the meme T.T)

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As a former homophobe, I understand them. It is because I understand them that I will not accept them