Gay adult film actor-turned-Proud Boy from Pasco gets jail time for Capitol riot to – 300 points –

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That headline was a wild ride from start to finish.

We’ve reached peak Florida

Peak Florida may take a while. US gov hasn't even begun to figure out what is poisoning them yet, so the psychosis will continue ramping up. Then they will reject the science and literally shoot the messenger, of course.

It's hookworm. Southerners don't have to have modern septic systems and the kids play in cesspools with hookworm in it.

He went from taking it up the ass, to storming the capitol, back to taking it up the ass (in Jail).

When you can't decide what to do and skill in Oblivion so you just do random shit.

I did that the first time I played. I made a custom class with no idea or understanding of how major and minor skills worked. It was disastrous.

Yeah I did as well and not too long after the tutorial I got into a weird vampire cult. Had no idea what I was doing but it was hilarious.