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His corpse would be surrounded by intelligent and decent people, all of which are more capable of governing than T**** and his fascist reality show contestants. It's unfortunate Biden didn't take his top secret brain drugs tonight, but it changes nothing for me.

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Chicago should take ownership of the chartered jets, since they're being used in a crime. They impounded the buses. The federal govt should get involved, follow the money, and arrest some folks. And send all border and migrant funds to these cities.

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We had a vigorous primary, many interesting candidates in '19-20 (Bernie leading easily until SC, Warren backstab, pandemic). Before Super Tuesday, Democrat primary voters were told to unite around Biden, and they did. So that was... weird, but maybe I can blame pandemic.

Biden's been more progressive than I would've imagined, and is surrounded by decent people, so I'm not concerned about his ancient brain quite yet. The other option is... religious fascism, destruction of govt, civil war, T**** family dictatorship, etc. Let's go Brandon, I guess.

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This president has acted like he was owned by the cartels since day one. Good luck to any peace he thought that would bring. Seems like a disaster for their future in the long-term.

I think most people, by far, don't know how to use (or want to pay for) a VPN. What they'll do is use one of the other porn sites. There are probably dozens! And it will push sites to operate outside of US and ignore our dumb state laws.

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Exactly. I think an aftermarket VESA mount is pretty much required these days for modern TVs, that's the bad news. The good news is that there are plenty of options (center base, wall, swivel, etc), some very affordable, and they should last for multiple TV generations (check VESA pattern, weight limits).

But I get that these tiny, wide feet can be mind boggling at first, since TVs all used to have center stands for decades. Finally, TVs got too large, the cost savings and stability from two tiny feet won out over the alternative of the large, heavy single center base.

"If your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?" Yes, apparently.

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I'd just like to thank this deranged (and armed) madman for taking himself out of society, without killing random people (and himself) like an absolute coward. It warms my heart to know that another one of those folks is no longer a threat. Happy holidays.

Just extracting wealth from the cult fans and tech illiterate. And they will keep pushing the insane prices, until people stop paying (sounds familiar). I wish they'd use their absurd profits to actually bring to market something truly spectacular. Dyson makes more daring and innovative products, funded by vacuums, heh.

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Yes. Just FYI: All three have free "freeze" option, hidden somewhere (probably thanks to federal law). They also have very similar paid option, which they heavily advertise; That's not the one. They do all require free accounts, but probably worth it to be able to freeze/unfreeze instantly online.

I just received "dark web" alert about SSN, phone, name, and email... that I only used at AT&T many years ago. So AT&T has definitely leaked our data as well. Add 'em to the list...

It's super impressive, and not DOA. Apple (unbelievably) announced it will support JXL on Safari and all-the-things. I wish Mozilla would have led the way, but OK. Hopefully this finally pushes Microsoft and Google to support it.

I'm using XnView to easily batch convert (90-98 quality, 7-8 compression), and have been loving it. Just needs browser and OS support.

These clowns have always existed. What has changed is masses of very dumb people being brainwashed and organized, thanks mostly to social media "news". (Plus the decline of respect and funding for actual journalism.) Idiocracy is here.

And at the other end of Boeing, they're having extreme difficulty getting Starliner launched again (part 2: human boogaloo, endless problems, even while years behind SpaceX). It's like they're being sabotaged, only it's probably just mismanagement, incompetence, and demoralization.

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This is the future of air travel! An airship revolution! Just need a few million dollars from daddy "investors". Silicon Valley is full of these absurd schemes and games for bored billionaires.

I cancelled (again) because... let me think. Apparently they nuke your account if you don't use it for, say, 6-9 months (nice). All ratings, history, watchlist, etc: Fuck you, gone. Could not disable ads, AKA autoplay previews. Quality of content massively decreasing. Cost increasing (and never any deals). Mediocrity hit them hard years ago.

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Maybe the concept. Or edited photos from far away. Take a realistic, close-up look, and prepare to be disappointed. And the steel seems about as "fun" to take care of as a boat.

Zero chance. In Texas, decades of Republican control has corrupted the state courts, stacked supreme court (zero Democrats), who coincidentally never rule against their governor.

Voter's choice? I'm not convinced these types of proud facists (who've projected stolen elections and other lies for years) value free and fair elections. The good ol' boys know best.

Almost unusable right now. Excruciatingly slow. Many errors ("502 Bad Gateway", Liftoff, Android). Website is not any better. Not sure if "hug of death" DDOS effect from new users or server problems (esp. from new updates).

This is exactly my suspicion. "Not enough workers!" (willing to slave away for poverty wages), so now they're gambling that they can just hire and train anyone (and meet their arbitrary wage goals). May these businesses cease to exist.

Exactly. There is zero chance that this guy was speeding (3x limit, in 25 zone!) just to help at an overdose emergency. We can only imagine why he was so motivated. ("Car loud, go fast?! People notice, feel special! Gun fun, maybe use!?")

"Man grooms bird, gains trust, impregnates without consent."

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They can't contain their hate, and must take it out on someone. The most convenient political target. And to think, Iran was as peaceful as ever just a few years ago under the nuclear agreement, but US GOP (and Israel) could not accept it. Now Iran is blatantly helping Hamas and Putin terrorists, with no hope of diplomatic relations. I'm sure this will end well.

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You need to understand that the Republican party is by now a well-distilled cult, and most will vote for literally anyone they are told to.

Any news they don't like is fake, including Jordan covering up sexual abuse, and T****'s 90+ felony charges. Their minds are ravaged by years of misinformation and conspiracies (hate-for-profit "news", social media propaganda, etc). They simply do not know or care what is real anymore. To be brutally honest, these are also symptoms of just being very dumb, but now they've been organized and weaponized.

How will South Carolina Democrats let the nation down this time? Clyburn and SC are largely responsible for Biden winning, swung primary momentum to him in 2020 (Bernie was winning easily until then). Shortly after, Dem leadership rushed to organize the "Biden support wagon" (drop outs, endorsements) for Super Tuesday, and... the rest (insert COVID) is history.

Biden has done fine, supported progressive policies, and most of "his failures" originate from congress and Republican obstruction. Take your pick SC: Biden or Trump. Then kindly STFU.

"Thou shalt not kill" *

* Only applies to solid white christians. Heaven still available with apology and proper donation.

I hope a bit of Spain was worth it. Better than living hell in Russia, or exploding in the sky over Ukraine.

From what we know, he invited his ex to his place and was later found shot dead.

Well, that seems like a bad idea.

I don't really understand this, either. Other than these new SPACs being the cutting edge of fraud or some kind of white-collar crime. Here's some interesting info (and comparison with Reddit IPO).

SPACs were supposed to be a quick and easy way for a company like Trump Media & Technology Group to go public, but it hasn't worked out that way.

Instead, they've developed a reputation as a kind of back-door IPO for companies that probably couldn't withstand the scrutiny involved with a conventional listing.

Many of the highest-profile SPACs, including Nikola, Virgin Galactic, and BuzzFeed, are now unloved penny stocks.

Yes, but longer. It's absurd. Not sure exactly when premiums really got out of control, though. There's probably a good chart out there.

Democrats tried to fix this almost... 15 years ago ("thanks Obama"). Critical failure: no Medicare option for all. Most civilized democracies implemented right to free care 30+ years ago, should've been easy to follow. (Then higher education as well.) For-profit health insurance companies and their armies of lobbyists are evil and should be burned to the ground.

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The fact that the fairly drama-free Obama years are probably the best (or least insane) I'll see in my lifetime is incredibly depressing. These miserable, deranged lunatics and terrorists are determined to make life hell for everyone else, too.

They really do deserve each other. Melania would be gone in a second if the money dried up. Donny just wants a trophy to assault now and then. Insufferable, miserable bastards.

And Republicans hold the majority of seats because of cheating gerrymandering. They do not deny this fact, and continue drawing unfair, literally illegal districts as we speak. (They also have the power to write laws ending it, but fair districts would end the GOP.)

I left their entire ecosystem forever after they were hacked multiple times during PS3 era, and were still too arrogant or lazy to add 2FA to accounts. (My bank at the time wouldn't even allow my card to be added to PS store because of rampant fraud.) They were later hacked by (checks notes...) North Korea, who spilled their corporate secrets (and pissed of Sandler, Fincher, others).

Not to mention rootkits, insane DRM (see Cinavia), Blu-ray shady business (looks at price of BD players now), proprietary everything (memory cards, cables), focus on gimmicks, the horrendous design of PS5 (lol), etc.

Seems like false advertising. Cease and desist! If not, should be forced to add disclaimer everywhere, stating the fact that they're not actually legally required to "protect and serve" anyone in particular. And will not be personally liable for any damages (like shooting your dog when they raid the wrong house).

Technically true, but I don't think most people would consider upscaling as "faking" an image. However, given a poor quality source (and parameters), I'm sure some terrible "AI" upscalers could produce some kind of massively-modified abomination.

Edit: Taking a closer look, I think this image qualifies. Terribly done at every level, with extreme over-sharpening and hideous artifacts. SMFH.

Unfortunately, after his neighbor beat him half to death, while he lay humiliated, in pain and misery for weeks... he was still unable to understand how he ended up in that situation or change anything about himself. Noble effort though, neighbor.

Aw. And neither was this "woman", who it seems was just Russian ops trying to lure another dumb American hostage.

Maybe this ridiculous thing will eventually replace some of the worst or most useless human cops... in twenty years, after a few billion tax dollars, just before their union neuters the project and renders it virtually useless. Think of the possibilities!

In my view it was similar to the recent Manchin / Sinema travesty. Zero Republican votes, plus some very cowardly or corrupt "centrist Democrats" that neuter or kill bill. A classic recipe for disappointment.

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Top activities: Raging at tv news, golfing, traveling to golf, abusing staff, impotent tweets, insane rants, eating garbage, shitting everywhere, drugs, passing out. Person, woman, man, camera, tv? The life of a billionaire* genius** president***.

It would be very weird, if we could verify they weren't shills or bots. Insane and desperate people. It was only "interesting" years ago, before he exposed himself as a fraud (and tortured animals during failed testing).