8 Post – 469 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Feminism means gender equality people.

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Given they tacitly support them this is not shocking.

10 tricks to speed up your cpu and trim belly fat. Electrical engineers hate them! Invest now! Start up is called 'DefinitelyNotAScam'.

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Perhaps some kind of black full body sheet for women would help? You could cut a tiny hole so they can look out like a pillbox. Much easier than men showing a little self control.

Republicans really don't understand how much in common they have with certain people they hate.

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I'll never fly in a Boeing again after hearing this. Unless the ceo gets arrested 🤔

Kayak lets you search via plane model fyi

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Definitely didn't commit any crimes guys. Unrelated I'm passing this law absolving me from crimes.


Funny till you realize the USA could do something similar soon.

I don't know what his last words were but I know they were something stupid. Maybe:

'You can't shoot me, I have a form!'

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Tolerance is not a moral requirement but a social contract.

By social contract I mean it's an agreement that I will tolerate you as long as you tolerate me.

Islamic groups literally want some sections of western society dead (queer community etc) and other sections subjugated (women). They violate the contract and we shouldn't be accepting of that.

tldr: We shouldn't pander to people who think a book burning means someone should die.

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We tried this in Oz. House prices immediately go up 5k.

Government effectively funding the housing bubble.

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Because propaganda works.

  • The USA created some thoroughly disproven 'rape' charges (it was never a rape charge but that was the media reporting and most people don't read beyond headlines).

  • Classic painting of him as a traitor. We have 'evidence' you can't see that he works for [insert enemy here]


Cartels gone overnight. Handle addiction as a medical problem. With legal MDMA, mushrooms, weed and acid, the hard stuff isn't going to be anywhere near as big an issue as it is currently.

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Fun fact: Piracy is still supporting the film industry. We see movies, talk about it, free publicy, reviews etc.

Apparently in the industry they consider the value of a pirated movie about 1/4 that of a paid one.

Some programs etc would pretty much die without piracy like the Adobe suite

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Q: How can they keep Putin at bay?

A: Probably the same way as usual

Fine I'll stop misleading people about 10g.

In other news have you heard about our 11g network?

Hah if 30% is deemed too much the apple app store and pretty much any retail is going to be next. Steam is popular because they don't pull this nonsense. At 70% growth p/a why bother too

You win Lemmy shitpost today. This is indeed shit and I love it

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Oh man he should be what comes up when you google 'punchable face'

Obvious answer is they wanted Israel to invade Gaza.

They had no significant chance of beating them so why push for an invasion?

Propaganda, division and pulling other arab countries into a larger war.

Basically they Hamas wanted their own people to suffer....crazy

He's gonna be sweating black ink tonight!


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It's time for Google to die. They are a truly awful company now so it's time to take her down to the shed like ol' blockbuster

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I think I speak for everyone when I say that guy can eat a bag o dicks

Fuck Hamas and it's supporters.

Dude it's 90% of their income - of course it will hit them. They won't disappear but believe me legalisation is the biggest thing they fear.

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Is this trolling? The hostages are civilians (babies, old people etc, women etc). The Palestinians are getting combatants who were arrested for other attacks by and large.

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Til learned Japan has pokemon data integrity laws

I'm not sure if Hamas has noticed but they're not exactly winning this war.

At this point they're obviously just trying to get as many Palestinians killed as possible for propaganda.

The poor Palestinians have a government that's actively trying to get them killed.

If Hamas cared even an iota for their people they'd surrender and end the war.

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Kanye has entered the chat.

Well deserved. It's a masterpiece though it took a while to be polished properly


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Tiktok is highly partial in general. So are US Senators.

He's probably not wrong in this case though in the past the Chinese don't push one view, they push both extremes to purposefully create division (eg they fund both BLM and proud boys)

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Fascists unite!

Just don't drink the tea....

Is sexist trolling art now? I prefer the toilet

It's almost like Hamas are terrorists

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The big ones are fine. The little ones kill you. That one is super fine - probably let's you pat his belly 👍

2/5 isn't great. Also why would anyone have to watch out for lizards? I'm doubtful Godzilla is just over the hill

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It's gross that this guy is insanely wealthy and living it up while his people die.

He'll never surrender because it's only Palestinians dying and he clearly couldn't care less.

What's all over his pants? Butter, salt and shame 😂

AP News is 'supposed' to give unbiased news....they're ok given how highly topical it is.