15 Post – 724 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

Philo, eros, agape, and I can’t remember the fourth one.

Examples of those skills?

Wow that’s actually pretty good. I’m down for a The Art of Love book. Love of War? War of Love?

Thank you for this read. I was commenting by and wouldn’t have posted those comments until I saw you understood.

Huh I didn’t know this. In Canada it’s like the opposite. Go to the hospital or break something or doctor check in all free, but contraception you’ve gotta pay.

From the article:

Since 2012, the Affordable Care Act has mandated that private insurance plans cover the “full range” of contraceptives for women approved by the Food and Drug Administration, including female sterilizations, emergency contraceptives and any new products cleared by the F.D.A. The mandate also covers services associated with contraceptives, like counseling, insertions or removals and follow-up care.

Same experience. Right down to debate watching hoping for something to hang on to!

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Oh good

Despite their joy, in seeing Diesel alive and apparently thriving as a want-to-be elk, they have no plans to try to capture him. “He’s out there doing what he’s raised to do,” Drewry told the television network.

s e n d n u d i s

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Can you eli5? Or like I’m a dumb dumb idiot? Please.

Electricity is one of those things I so badly want to understand and just seem to not be able to.

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Uh oh I’ve not heard about those!

Just watched a good episode of Jon Stewart’s podcast about abortion and some of the legal challenges going on. Jon shares a bit about his experience with IVF and his wife’s medical scare after birth. Very knowledgeable guests.

Top tier puns throughout. Great work.

I can’t imagine what he would have done if you were from Vietnam. You were a kid just trying to do kid stuff.


Double negative confused me for a second and I was sad. Opposes the ban! Want gender affirming care available. Excellent.

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I feel like there’s minimal overlap between the people who drive these trucks with these flags and the people on Lemmy…

Might not be askin in the right place. Or in the place where you’re gonna get a real answer.

When in doubt, I always assume people don’t really think that deeply about it. Their brain was probably like “Truck. Flag. Cool.”

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Yet another unrealistic standard set for women’s bodies.

Read as,

my autistic ass-eating…

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The way the headline is worded makes me think it’s trying to spark outrage and debate against the woman suing.

But also boy did I learn my lesson about not judging Joe Shmoe vs Corporate after learning more about the McDonald’s hot coffee case.

I’m gonna withhold judgement and see where this ends up!

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Racist murderer? Does that not sound like American cop material to you?

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Why don’t company’s pay their CEOs in exposure and sense of pride? If it’s good enough for moderators and artists it should be good for CEOs.

Tells a story.

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I colored a dollar store canvas at a brewery with my friend. When we were done we hung it on a nail sticking out of the brewery wall. It stayed up for over 6 months until one day I notice it’s not there. I’m ok with it, had fun seeing it there while it lasted. Went back last and week and saw they had just redecorated and moved it to the bathroom! What joy! It lives on!

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Insides Out. A Pixar horror film.

Partner for “life”.

I bet the bigger impact/microplastic culprit is the clothes themselves.

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I have my pilots license. You can actually use a few hours of your required flight time on a [certified] flight simulator. They recognize the value of learning that way and sure is cheaper than renting the plane.

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Oh my.

Don’t ask questions of your not ready for the answer.

When I see things like that I kind of assume there’s some addiction or mental health issues going on. It’s not typical behaviour for someone who’s well-socialized and obviously difficult to be around but I’d suspect that persons got much deeper issues and public shaming isn’t helping them.

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I’m in canada. I have protesters outside of my work window every week protesting LGBT education in school. I put up a pride flag in my office window. They told me to take it down, citing our code of conduct but no specific clause.

The way they talked about it made it sound like I was expressing some kind of extreme political opinion that I should be having on my own time.

I was… surprised. And disappointed.

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I wonder about the effects of having a low grade constant stressor like that. Combine that with at-will employment and gum prevalence and it’s surprising anyone is able to feel secure and get healthy.

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Half decade sounds longer than 5 years. Someone could have started highschool, and by the end of highschool be in a completely different price market than before. 5 years is way too quick for these things to change that much.

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Everyone debating the outcomes but no one’s talking about the criteria the list is based on. What criteria they used has to be discussed before we can debate why we think it’s wrong or if a particular president should actually be here or there.

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Yikes. What a weird, cruel thing for someone to do.

Lord of the Fly. One man’s battle with forgetting to do up his pant zipper.

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I ain’t American but I don’t believe a whole group of people deserves that kind of shade.

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No one said he was a good father.

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