It's good to have a backup

The Picard to – 824 points –

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I have my pilots license. You can actually use a few hours of your required flight time on a [certified] flight simulator. They recognize the value of learning that way and sure is cheaper than renting the plane.

I did support for Microsoft games and specifically Flight Simulator. I remember talking to instructors and them encouraging me to pursue a license. One specific encounter, the instructor told me that almost half of the required hours can come from certified places like his. The reason was mostly to do with the cost of fuel and the scarcity of qualified instructors. He can oversee multiple people in his lab while only one at a time with long time commitments

I did support for Microsoft games and specifically Flight Simulator

Was that job directly through Microsoft, or via a contracting agency? I'm curious as to if they have any full-time employees in those types of support roles.

It was both but Microsoft doesn't staff that type of position anymore. It's all outsourced now. I was one of the last people on that team.