3 Post – 827 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Put some hidden solar panels and a battery connected to lights in its eyes for even more fun!

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If you drink enough monster, kidney stones will stop you from peeing

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I feel that ACDC really missed out on this when they wrote that song about balls

Not even a good joke, sadly its very real.

I went to a catholic school, very small had like 15 people in a grade for the most populated grades. Usually 2 grades in a classroom. A nun was the principle and we had a priest for the church and some religion classes.

One day the priest was removed and we were all told he went back to Ireland.

Years later when the catholic church was raked over the coals, the dirty deeds were spelled out in the news paper.

That priest was moved from small town USA, Chewelah Washington, to a bigger city, Spokane, to remove him from allegations of sexual abuse. He continued those abuses at the School he was reassigned to!!

The guy who baptized me and my brother and sister. The guy I considered next to Jesus. The guy I told all my childhood sins to.

Fuck that guy, I hope he is in hell.

He (the principal) said she was punished because she is the 'hood ornament' of the school."

Oh for fuck sake! This is crazy old fashioned bullshit right here.

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Opera invested $30 million in the crypto startup ICST that same year, and the startup's CEO was arrested four days later for financial crimes.


It's ok not tolerating intolerant people.

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I remember when Carter was president. I always respected him. In the early 2000s i remember getting so much shit for defending him. I'm proud to be an American when I think of him and his legacy. He is a good man and I hope that he will be remembered in a positive way. He was truly wronged by the Republicans and the Iran Contra shit will forever be a shadow over the good that Carter tried to create in the middle East.

I imagine if the dirty tricks Reagan pulled or like if Gore wasn't cheated or even Hillary got 4 years, the world would be a much better place than it is.

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Fuck you Alex Jones

“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”

― Jean-Paul Sartre

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I remember having a conversation with my conservative boss. He said something stupid about not understanding pronouns and the look on his face when I told him it didn't matter because the pronouns aren't for him. If he can't take a few minutes to understand why someone uses a specific pronoun, it's better that he just excuses himself from it. He just couldn't understand why I would exclude him in that way. Like fuck you dude, you bring it up, get upset when you can't understand and then think it's all about you. Fuck off.

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Its installation was controversial and it has been egged and spat on – with some jokers even marking the statue as a public toilet on Google Maps.


If you own one of those and you're a US resident, contact your state attorney general.

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It's like when you're guilty of 34 felonies but still pretend you're innocent to scam idiots

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Everyone should post beans

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Good reminder that Monday's The Daily Show is Jon Stewart day

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Jokes on them, that is fuckin


I dressed up as a girl once for Halloween. I am a CIS dude and it was a very illuminating experience. The worst part of it was I must have awakened something in one of the people at the party because that dude would not leave me alone.

Drunk dudes that won't leave you alone and start crossing the line? I will never forget.

No means No dammit.

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I can't live without Firefox on my android phone

196 is one of the greatest subs communities

ya'll should be proud. Thank you for adding a little queer fun to my normal CIS life

when I was reading 1984 a few years back it occurred to to me that the main character is trapped in his own hell. he tells you how he is dependent on big brother for everything, even his opinion. But his temptation and love and freedom cause his downfall. His handler even knows he will one day fall into the snare. And when they break him, they do so with simple lies that he is forced to believe, because its all that he has left.

But its not big government that is keeping him trapped. He could leave his life and become a prole but his fear is too great. And he returns to the party even when he knows its his doom.

The conservatives are trapped in this same hell cycle. Brought on by themselves. And they fear that leaving the party so much so that they will harm anyone else who tires.

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that picture of Gabe is fucking peak IDGAF

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Trump speeches may sound like listening to a four-year-old explain "The Lord of the Rings,"


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Dammit! I thought I blocked hexbear....

I don't subscribe to this community but I found your post in the top of my feed. And want people to know, you have my support. I think it's awesome that you're able to build this community.

I'm not going to be aggressive in any online discussion but I am very sensitive to the situation. My brother was a gay man who had lots of difficulties and ultimately took his own life. I will always wonder if society was different, if he'd still be here.

So I will never shy away in real life. I promised the memories of my brother to always be that change that is needed. I will be that cis dude who takes the time to try and change people who show me their bigotry.

I know people in real life who have transitioned. It's a very difficult process and anyone who feels that they need it, they should have access to it. The look of being comfortable in one's own skin afterwards is absolutely observable. I can only do what I can do but you will always have an ally in me.

Gatekeeping spiritually is ugly.

learn the Maslow's hierarchy of needs and make sure your money has a most bang for the buck in regards to shelter / food / safety

The library has all your entertainment if but it does require a change of mindset

stay away from anything that only has one type of use, find things that can be used for multiple uses and try and buy it used if possible

Thrift stores sell clothing for pennies on the dollar. You can put together a professional wardrobe for less then a new pair of Levis

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Never forget that Jill Stein was at the same event and at the same table as Putin and that traitor Flynn

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When I was in the Navy, during the mid 90's, I watched these things take off and do training tests or whatever they did. We watched them for hours. It occurred to me, watching them in perfect daylight and with a understanding of what I was watching, that if I didn't know what that was it could have easily been a UFO. And ever since then when someone tells me that they might have seen a UFO I tell them about watching that airplane and how UFO it looked taking off and doing maneuvers. Its shape and speed make it such a bizarre thing to see.

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instead of upvotes, get 10 reply comments..


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You should probably get your facts straight first, your oversimplified version of what happened is a mockery of what happened

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It was actually Ukrainians that provided the John Deere hacks.

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I believe her.

I have been in the tech industry for almost 30 years. These things she talks about are not new and will keep happening unless more people talk about them. I gave that Linus guy a listen once or twice, was never impressed. His fans are delusional, this thread contains a few of them!

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Republican... Why am I not surprised.

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She would have my vote, wouldn't even need to think twice about it.

Hope she wins.

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When I was on facebook, many years ago, I was friends with my tween nieces. I wanted to stay a presence on their pages so that they would have someone to turn to if they had problems.

I CANNOT FUCKING TELL YOU HOW MANY PROBLEMS WERE HAD.... JFK that place is a nightmare for young girls.

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I have known Boeing workers, I called them friends. My friends would tell me how stressful each bolt and rivet can be. Like you have to sign off on all your work, every screw. I don't know what that environment is like now, but in years past those workers took high pride in their work. And the executives were the ones that caused the problems with their work.

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Fuck all that noise, I am going to take De Niro at his word on this. They probably knew he wouldn't approve the edits and tried to force it on him. How disrespectful.

I imagine he will be an old and gray man and someone will ask him his opinion and it will probably be like

What? Are you fucking with me? I didn't give a shit what people did behind closed doors 40 years ago, what fuckin made you think I would care now? Are you fucking mental? Did your daddy not love you enough? Get the fuck out of here, your making my blood pressure spike....