US High School Student Loses Scholarship Over Social Media Twerking Video to Not The – 776 points –
US High School Student Loses Scholarship Over Social Media Twerking Video

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He (the principal) said she was punished because she is the 'hood ornament' of the school."

Oh for fuck sake! This is crazy old fashioned bullshit right here.

JFC, that's not just bullshit, it's outright objectification and misogyny.

Don’t worry he quoted the Bible

the principal had referred to Bible scripture on several occasions and informed her he was 'well within his right' to enact the discipline he chose

Ah yes, I forgot that Jesus came down to earth and said “don’t enjoy yourself women, your only purpose is just to have children under our neofascist theocratic regime”

Then an old fuck like that will wonder why one day someone decided to throw a molotov at their window

"Shes not a woman, she is a literal piece of flare, FOR MY Institution REEEEE"

Excuse me, Real Life? pump the brakes.

Such a bad and disgusting comment that should have no place today. It goes back to making this poor girl sound like property.

Devil's advocate: it could just be poor choice of metaphors to say that she's a representative of the school, which can reasonably choose to be associated — or not — with a certain image and perception of professionalism.

No. he would have used a more appropriate metaphor, His choice of words underlines his thoughts at large.

i would never refer to anyone as a fucking hood ornament. that's dehumanizing.

His brazen attitude to speak about his thoughts and not consider them to be objectifying is scary.

He could've just said "representative of the school" instead though, could he?

I’m getting pretty sick of people saying shitty things because they’re bad at metaphors. People who are bad at metaphors should just not use metaphors.

He didn't use an inept metaphor. It was exactly the metaphor he meant: that women are objects, property to be exploited by his administration.

This person is the authority who is taking her potential scholarships because of dancing. Your take actually makes it worse. She is just a thing to him and not a young girl doing a popular dance that women do. It's probably even worse in his mind because it's a dance popularized by black people from the city.

This would only make sense if it was explicitly explained and forbidden to her beforehand.

And since there’s no way any school who cares about their reputation would do that, no, that’s not reasonable. You can’t hold me to a standard I didn’t agree with.