
1 Post – 871 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I'm a filthy fucking socialist.

A lot of people exclusively use TT for business, via the TT store, which isn't implemented in other platforms (many of which users don't trust). They'll have a rough go of it if they don't diversify.

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"Phobic" isn't even in the title

"Anti-trans ban" is pretty simple, honestly.

You want obnoxious English, just read The Chaos: https://ncf.idallen.com/english.html

🎶I will wait forever🎶

That would require him to be dead. Which is fine by me.

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My husband is a GUN, and I am an EAGLE WEARING A HAAAAAATTTT

He was definitely more focused than usual, and that's problematic. It was full of bullshit, of course, but he was laser focused on the fucking border, even regarding irrelevant questions, and I feel his base will like it. Which is worrisome.

Took long enough.

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That app's name? Abraham Lincoln

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"Gaining" is doing some heavy lifting in that comment. The only "source" in this article is the idiot son.

Apparently you can get away with just about anything in the GQP, save for stolen valor.

The coup marches on.

20th century for those

20th century for those


You love to see it.

Peaceful protesting only works for so long.

I'm homeless. I ain't got beer or freezers.

Texas has a massive voter suppression system in place, so this is a bit short sighted.

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And voter suppression.

Oh, I know. I spent 30 years in that hellhole.

And suppressed voters screaming they can't get their voices heard.

It will fade once people remember that he does crazy shit all the time. he's dead


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Don't give me hope

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"Being a lesbian sucks sometimes. You tell another girl she's a hottie, and she says, "thanks" like we're being friendly. I ain't just being friendly, I'm trying to fuck!"

I think I translated it correctly.

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Sounds like the continuation of a coup.

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American prisons ARE meant for torture. Don't get it twisted.

If they were for rehabilitation or treatment, then we would see to that, societally. But we don't.

This is a small piece of why our justice system is so absolutely fucked.

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JFC, that's not just bullshit, it's outright objectification and misogyny.

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They have to be vaccinated to keep working, despite the bullshit they peddle.

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Everyone should unionize.

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That's because "law and order" always meant "arrest black people".

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Gaslight Obstruct Project

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He needs to be jailed for many things. But especially Stochastic Terrorism.

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US healthcare is extortion.

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She's essentially saying the same "states' rights" bullshit. Which was the right to slavery.


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It's definitely NOT science that animals don't have feelings. Maybe 50 years ago.

Now, there's a concerted effort to discern thoughts and emotions in animals.

I use my own Internet for my phone. No point messing with work Internet unless necessary.

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They get paid six fucking figures, and it's still not enough.


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So The Onion makes up the fictional company name Global Tetrahedron, a real company uses the name, and then later buys The Onion.

It's all coming together.

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