Trump Allies Urge Him Not To Be a 'Raging Asshole' at Debate to politics – 164 points –
Trump Allies Urge Him Not To Be a 'Raging Asshole' at Debate

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That would require him to be dead. Which is fine by me.

Just realized this is the perfect time of year to stock up on some fireworks. That level of evil leaving the government (formally or influentially) absolutely merits celebration!

...there are a few of those fucking cockroaches whose passing would justify lighting up a few celebratory 'splosions.

I loath fireworks, but I would drop some cash and blow them up in celebration.

I've said this many times, and I'll keep saying it until people understand:

Trump is more dangerous dead than alive.

His cult status would increase 10-fold, and if you think Trump supporters are annoying now, you don't want to know how they would be if they worshipped a martyr, saint, whatever.

This is what happened to Venezuela under Chávez. You don't have to believe me. Look it up.

Plus I want that asshole to be in prison. I know the probability is slim given how the justice system treats him. But I can't be hopeful if he's dead. Lock him up!

They have nobody who can hypnotise the masses the way he can. While the fascists will undoubtedly still be dangerous, the "movement" (yes, I'm aware who else called it that) will fizzle out.

Just because the Republicans have yet to bring another fascist that has the charisma that Trump has, doesn't mean they won't have a fascist with the amount of charism of trump had.

Trump wasn't an aberration, he's the new normal for Republicans. It's just a matter of time before the next person who knows how to jingle their keys in front of the idiot masses and they find a new 'god emperor' to obsess over. And with our luck, they won't be nearly as stupid and incompetent as trump is.

I wish you were right, but again... that's what people thought of Chávez. Don't underestimate the stupid.