
3 Post – 99 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Get it in the schools. It's a bad habit from many people's childhood that they need to break. Make that original habit not suck.

You want to see a picture of me when I was younger?

I guess you're part of the American right? You see... the right in the US has been fed a steady stream of Russian propaganda through their talking heads for a while now. So the right has become indistinguishable from Russian bots. Sorry for the confusion!

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Thought "libs" was an American specific term. My apologies.

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That is a great idea. I'm in.

Then, they look confused when I tell them I don't want the thing connected to the Internet.

I'm not sure what metric you're using to determine this. The bottom line is, if you're trying to get the CPU to really fly, using memory efficiently is just as important (if not more) than the actual instructions you send to it. The reason for this is the high latency required to go out to external memory. This is performance 101.

Just wanted to point out that the number 1 performance blocker in the CPU is memory. In the general case, if you're wasting memory, you're wasting CPU. These two things really cannot be talked about in isolation.

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Guy from '95: "I bet it's lightning fast though..."

No dude. It peaks pretty soon. In my time, Microsoft is touting a chat program that starts in under 10 seconds. And they're genuinely proud of it.

I say insurance fraud. They were never leaving the lot.

"The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."

This has been their entire platform for awhile now.


Fucking clowns

Not sure what you're on about, but I can't help myself but upvote a "fuck Putin."

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Good bot

Good. Now, you want to make a bigger impact? Do the schools.

I think I have a favorite supreme court justice.

What a message to send to state legislators and mapmakers about racial gerrymandering. For reasons I’ve addressed, those actors will often have an incentive to use race as a proxy to achieve partisan ends. See supra, at 20–22. And occasionally they might want to straight-up suppress the electoral influence of minority voters. See Cooper, 581 U. S., at 319, n. 15. Go right ahead, this Court says to States today. Go ahead, though you have no recognized justification for using race, such as to comply with statutes ensuring equal voting rights. Go ahead, though you are (at best) using race as a short-cut to bring about partisan gains—to elect more Republicans in one case, more Democrats in another. It will be easy enough to cover your tracks in the end: Just raise a “possibility” of non-race-based decision-making, and it will be “dispositive.” Ante, at 16. And so this “odious” practice of sorting citizens, built on racial generalizations and exploiting racial divisions, will continue. Shaw, 509 U. S., at 643. In the electoral sphere especially, where “ugly patterns of pervasive racial discrimination” have so long governed, we should demand better—of ourselves, of our political representatives, and most of all of this Court. Id., at 639. Respectfully, I dissent.

I would encourage everyone to read her whole dissent.

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How do I upvote more than once?

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This 100%. The Russian propaganda to right wing talking heads pipeline is just so painfully obvious.

Ah yes, one of the greatest grifts. Convincing people both sides are equal and promoting apathy.

This. It's exchanging long term success for short term wins. I doubt they are going to be the only victims of business over engineering. It's going to be a slow burn for a lot of companies. Most companies that go this route will slowly crumble as their products enshitify, but the thing is, in most cases, no one will get hurt.

This should have never happened in the aerospace industry.

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How do you upvote twice?

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New Zealand is just happy to be on the map.

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Theocracy does that.

For now.

lol no

It should be paper and humans. I know the comic is meant to be funny, but it is accurate.

:: runs away ::

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Hey! Your user name matches the things you said!

I used to write tons of automation in my previous data role. While time saved matters, the other important takeaway is reproducibility. Other people on the team were writing giant SQL scripts and highlight running each one and then manual checking to see if it worked... I'm talking about tables anywhere from 1-100 millions records. You aren't checking shit by skimming a top 1000. And what a ridiculously error prone process that is. Take the human out of that equation!

If the data came out wrong, it would be because the data came in different/corrupted, not because I missed a query. Speaking of different causing problems.. one time a company sent us data that was fixed width by character instead of fixed width by byte. Smh...

That's not a debate. Why even have them together? These piss poor excuses for a "debate" are already: take your questions, give your talking points and go home. Let them press each other on shit, not water it down even more.

Hey, you guys remember that time that Democrat president refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power, refused to accept that he lost the election and said that Congress shouldn't certify the vote? Then, most of the Democrats in Congress just blindly agreed and said fuck the vote results, let's keep this guy!

Yeah, that was pretty treasonous of those Democrats.

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I came across a network named estrogen. Someone took the time to login to the router and change the name but didn't change the default username and password. I changed it to testosterone...

On one hand you have something that has no business existing and provides no value to humanity, and on the other, you have a terrible operating system. I'm feeling conflicted... Upvote.

Yeah. This was the problem. i just wanted to copy and paste it quickly but they rounded it off. It's a useless conversion. And I switched it to mebibytes as well since that's what everyone really means when they say megabytes unless you're making selling storage devices. =]

Indeed, I should have just used my calculator program.

I can't believe I'm actually upvoting that statement.. coming from a former windows nerd (until 7).

We did?


Independence from oppressive ideas such as (but not limited to) critical thinking, logic and reasoning.

Pretty sure this is all legal guys.. because PAC.

Found the software engineer.