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Mossack was acquitted on Friday along with others after a Panamanian judge found that the evidence against Mossack didn’t comply with the chain of custody

Uh oh, looks like the door to the evidence locker got left open and random people who are totally not related to MF and the people who they hid money for got in and rustled everything up. Looks like we gotta aquit them. Aw shucky dee, we're really sorry all. Looks like those pesky richers are going to go free with no consequences, no one could see this coming.

Fuck RT and their stupid ratings. Do you have any idea how many highly rated turds and low rated diamonds I've watched?

Take ratings under advisement, but don't base a watch/don't watch just on that, you'll miss too many enjoyable movies just because internet mouth breathers didn't like it.

Now the right hates any part of the government that doesn't hold a gun

They hate parts that hold guns as well, because they tell them what they can and can't do with guns

So simple, yet so hard for so many to understand.

Don't pull a muscle reaching to defend a Russian asset accused of rape. But I'm curious what your next phase of rape apologia will be.

"It didn't happen", "it was only investigated and not charged (because he fled the country)", and now "well your guy was accused too" are all amazing choices lol, too bad they're paper thin excuses.

Why do that though? It's not like not having the mental bandwidth to do basic things or your job would cause you to have less mental bandwidth to do stuff overall.

I think he spiraled for a good while after he broke up with his girlfriend. Seemed like about that time he went dark, but that could be related

And now parents can see that twitch is the platform with pedos that chooses to do nothing about it other than hide it from the public. Muuuuuch better look to go full Catholic church than just fess up and take care of the problem.

Haven't these chucklefucks ever heard that the cover-up is worse than the crime?

I actually didn't realize that KoR died because I gave up on him a few years before that when he and his wife put out that stupid video where they were denying they were doing click bait shit in a video with the same problem. It was just a bunch of whiney bullshit that showed he wasn't what is signed up for anymore.

Was rather surprised a few years ago when I went to watch some random video and it was all new people. Still not very interesting.

My favorite is when it just keeps giving you the exact same answer you keep telling it is wrong

'Trump allies urge him not to act like Donald trump at debate'

Blazing Saddles is the epitome of Mel Brooks humor that has aged well. It's an amazing satire of racism that is still on point for today (unfortunately).

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Casual clothes killed most ironing but ain't nobody showing up in a wrinkled suit.

Unless you're upper management or going to a wedding/funeral/formal event, why would you even wear a suit? In the last decade I've worn my suit 3 or 4 times in the last decade, and they were all weddings or funerals.

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RIP that headphone jack

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Just because the Republicans have yet to bring another fascist that has the charisma that Trump has, doesn't mean they won't have a fascist with the amount of charism of trump had.

Trump wasn't an aberration, he's the new normal for Republicans. It's just a matter of time before the next person who knows how to jingle their keys in front of the idiot masses and they find a new 'god emperor' to obsess over. And with our luck, they won't be nearly as stupid and incompetent as trump is.

You did the right thing. The only way in hell I would even consider having sex with a drunk/passed out person is if I had their full and enthusiastic consent received while stone cold sober. Intoxicated consent is not consent, and its a shame how our culture normalizes that shit or shames people into thinking that the only way they can do something with a 'good conscience'. Which is funny, considering they're intentionally putting themselves in a situation where they would then be taken advantage of instead of just talking about it like adults.

Oh man, I'd love the 'no dangerous interactions ' one. Just today, the map tried to have me cross a busy 4 lane street at an uncontrolled intersection. Thankfully construction rerouted me and I was able turn into the parking lot much easier than crossing

You're assuming they didn't consider it, vs having considered it and thought that its more important to protect property than peoples' lives. Again, to no one's surprise.

Suits are only for special occasions, and even then I'm going to get it dry cleaned and they can worry about ironing in the bastard.

I still have nightmares from being a kid in a pool and getting stuck with my face basically at the water line because of something like that.

Don't expect any "charitable organization" run by billionaires, they're basically all there the funnel money from a billionaire to themselves in a way that lets them lower their tax burden and try to control public policy to further enrich themselves.

Keeping to that shithead gates, he pushed common core, admitted it was a failure, and kept pushing it. Billionaires are a pox*, and deserve to get the ol' French aristocrat treatment.

Non-voting "leftists" will just find a way to moralize their shitty choice, just like they virtue signal about genocide and immediately promote tactics that are going to increase it.

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Bottom left, House of the Nerd. We are happy to count him amongst our members.

Like when he held a bible upside down in a photo op in front of a church after having things clear protestors out?

Such wounds

Much defence


Yeah, but I've already done that. So

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Vastly more people care about the article more than your uninformed opinion that contradicts reality

Don't forget about republicans' efforts to sabotage any free meal programs they can. If parents get priced out of food because of corporate greed, you can't expect the state to pick up the tab, can you???

We’ll fuck

Hopefully that doesn't give you penis cancer

Exactly! Who would know better about presidents being hopped up on goofballs than one of the guys handing them out?

Are you planning on voting for the candidate who is going to be the lesser evil and minimize the harm, or are you going throw it away on a protest vote/not vote at all?

Because if you're doing the latter, you're not opposing genocide, you're abdicating your opposition by not opposing the person who wants to finish the job. Not voting against trump on the general election while professing* to oppose genocide is virtue signalling because you're explicitly and intentionally not doing the one thing that will have the most effect on the genocide.

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virtue-signalling. : the act or practice of conspicuously displaying one's awareness of and attentiveness to political issues, matters of social and racial justice, etc., especially instead of taking effective action.

If you're going to complain about genocide then do something that will objectively make the one thing you're complaining about much worse, you're only signalling the virtues you profess to care about and not doing anything to stop it.

If you're so upset about being called a virtue signaler, maybe don't virtue signal about your vote when your vote isn't any kind of harm reduction and would actively make the problem worse?

But hey, what do I know, I just actually want to minimize genocide instead of taking my ball and going home to let a monster into the white house and make it worse. But please, keep telling me how much your type is "anti-genocide" when you're asking people to do the same thing trump and his ilk want. Kindly fuck off with that bullshit friend.

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Because we should be working to minimize suffering wherever we can. No one deserves to suffer these fates, and I don't want them to expand. Don't let perfect be the enemy of something better.

Why shouldn't we fight genocide however we can to prevent more suffering? Giving up and letting them genocide even more just tells me that genocide isn't an important topic in one's mind, no matter what their words say.

It might have been your console. The 360 was the last MS console I had (PS3 was the last actual console) and I had no issues playing the fable games.

Nothing of value was lost.

I have a tailored suit in my closet, but there's no way in fuck I'm showing up to work in that suit or any other suit.

For one, I work from home and I want to actually be comfortable. For two, if I was going into the office, I would ruin it at some point crawling under desks and behind racks and shit.


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I'm using the pixel buds pro right now. The right ear stays in pretty good but the left is completely unpredictable.

I wonder if it's their manufacturing or something, because I have the same issue with only the left bud.

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it."

-Upton Sinclair

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Nirvana brand t-shirts.

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If China and the Saudis are against it, it's probably a good idea.

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