Ironing to Lemmy – 1379 points –

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Casual clothes killed most ironing but ain't nobody showing up in a wrinkled suit.

Unless you're upper management or going to a wedding/funeral/formal event, why would you even wear a suit? In the last decade I've worn my suit 3 or 4 times in the last decade, and they were all weddings or funerals.

Yeah I should have put an edit in. I didn't know this was going to blow up like this. I don't wear a suit or formal clothes more than about once a year, for the events of friends and families. I'm not trying to say it's an every day thing.

Where I work the staff still wear full suits for the most part. I think it's a more traditional workplace though.

Give it a try. Hit up a thrift store and get some great tacky suits from the 70s and 80s, if you can find em. It's a bit of fun to wear them when it's not necessary or expected. I probably wouldn't wear a really nice wedding/funeral suit in such cases because I spill fucking everything and would become destitute from the dry cleaning bills.

Now, if it were a social expectation/requirement, it would suck and not be fun. But, as a choice that one can make, it's great sometimes.

I have a tailored suit in my closet, but there's no way in fuck I'm showing up to work in that suit or any other suit.

For one, I work from home and I want to actually be comfortable. For two, if I was going into the office, I would ruin it at some point crawling under desks and behind racks and shit.

Absolutely there with you. Hence my suggestion of thrift store.

And for wearing one to the office? I also work from home so, would only likely do so to confuse my wife.