
1 Post – 245 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

My school taught me C and Python for what that's worth. It was not for software development per se though. It was for physical simulation. I don't know if that was a departmental decision or a coincidence based on my professors.

I want a balloon full of uranium hexafluoride.

I found it on this site under the "happy" category. https://github.com/delventhalz/kaomoji-analyzer/blob/master/source_mojis.txt

For a $100k device, I would expect better long term support.

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But the steam network is still around. When steam actually shuts down and no longer has the infrastructure to provide downloads for games, I have no idea what their plan is. They hypothetically could provide a way to remove the DRM, but I doubt that it's something the publishers of games would allow.

M-x eww

I hope not. I’m not ready for the year of the BSD desktop.

As always, there is a relevant XKCD.

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“What operating system is that running?”

“Uh… vista.”

“We’re all going to die!”

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This is great for when you’re missing the lotus tile.

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I don’t know if it’s bad luck. They’ve made some decisions to remind us that it’s worthless.

Heck, if Apollo for Reddit still worked, I’d probably still use it daily.

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He should completely disassemble the car, and then install each piece in a different car in the lot. Then he can build a new car in the original spot from the displaced pieces. A maneuver known as the auto-troll shuffle.

I’m getting confused reading this. Did Cardana threaten to kill Fannel in the presence of the police, and the police just decided to leave?

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Van Gogh enthusiasts are outraged.

The purpose of dystopian sci-fi is to help us understand these kinds of things. If Black Mirror helps you think about how technology will impact our future, all the power to you.

Give lower income people a chance. You never know which ones secretly own burger joints.

Starfield: Sorry, but you have to change your gender to fix your weapons.

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And the other 9.

I’m tentatively giving her an 8 but I need to see the MRI and CT scan to be certain.

Counter jroposoal: all posts in this community must be jeans related. Punishable by permaban.

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Calling it “abuse” is a weird PR move. If your service is good enough, this is bound to happen with an unlimited storage plan. This is basically a win on their part since they got people to sign up for their service. Why shame your user base?

It was going to happen eventually. It sucks since so much good content is still housed on youtube. The bright side is that I'll probably read more when uBlock stops working so well.

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Like it or not, Lyft is helping customers discriminate on the basis of gender. It may not have come from bad intentions, but it could have bad consequences. I’m not sure which genders will be less popular as a result of this, but they may have a harder time generating an income from Lyft. (If this feature takes off.)

I’m not saying that this feature necessarily has no place. I can empathize with people wanting to pick the gender of their driver, but it may not end up being fair for everyone.

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Please redirect all such messages to the masturbation announcement channel.

I watched some streams of Starfield, and I just can’t understand how they made a game that looks so dull and boring. Skyrim had some soul to it, I remember being wowed by the trailer. The world and music in Skyrim are really beautiful too. Yeah it’s a janky Bethesda game in many ways, but it is also more than that.

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Electronics are just sparky silicon.

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Communist Penguins are a pretty good symbol for most of the users on Lemmy. (Or maybe just the most vocal users.)

I just visited a site and selected the option to reject cookies. After doing this, the dialogue box would not go away, while a loading screen appeared. It was loading my new cookie preferences. This loading screen got stuck at 80% and hung there for almost a full minute.

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I have 40 minutes in google earth flight sim if that guy is sleeping.

Can XFCE count money?

Microsoft loves popups. It feels like it is at least a few times that MS office puts a pop up in front of some button that I’m going to click to tell me about a new feature that I won’t use. Admittedly, I don’t know how to tell users about new features in a better way, but annoying users can’t be right.

10•9/11 = 18.18



9/11 is a strange unit, but I guess it’s not weird by American standards.

Yeah I have no sympathy for advertisers, but this seems like it’s pretty clearly fraud.

They really meant it!

By reading this comment, you consent to cookies btw.

Back in my day, we only had access to face-melting content. I fear for children of the new age.

I might be more inclined to agree if there was some benefit to having him show up in person, but I don’t see why he can’t just attend this remotely. People get sick after being vaccinated too. Maybe is a minimal risk, but it seems like a pointless risk nonetheless.

We need self tightening AI nuts and bolts. We could sell them to Boeing or something idk.

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Darn. I'm reading this on the day that I stayed home instead of heading to the gym. I should try to go tomorrow instead of skipping entirely through.

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is this why flying is so safe? As far as I’ve heard, if you want something done right, make sure the furries do it.

Maybe we can just let the score dictate which posts will have more visibility. If enough people are interested enough to upvote this such that it ends up in your feed, maybe many people are in the US.

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