El Barto

@El Barto@lemmy.world
0 Post – 1928 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I hope you're right.

I hate it when people fantasizes with the death of that asshole.

Because 1) if he dies, he will be immediately elevated to god status. Not good. Case in point: Venezuela.

And 2) I want that asshole to spend his days in prison, even if it's house arrest.

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I've yet to hear a good criticism of Biden that isn't also true of Trump.


Has Biden tried to overturn the government?

Edit: I see it now. Disregard the above.

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Thanks. I see it now.

You have no idea how much more he can get. Chavez was already all that too whe he was alive. People celebrated his death, and then a month later there was a collective "oh shit....!"

It's so stupid that there are "undecided" latino voters at this point. As if it wasn't enough to know that Trump was a liar when he mentioned that Mexican immigrants were criminals and rapists back then?

I would teach all the cool fictional parts, like the apocalypse. Also, the gay parts, and the raping.

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That one too!

Bernie Sanders would have eaten Trump alive in every debate, including this last one.

Like who?

Case in point: Venezuela. More extreme, yet more obvious point: Jesus and Christianity.

Once Chávez died, his legacy was cemented.

Once Jesus (the man) died, well, you know the rest. 2024 years of religious bullshit. Two millennia!

You think Trump can't do anything bad dead? You don't know his base. I could see his most extremist fans doing real damage in the name of their dead savior. For decades to come.

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Oh stop.

I don't like Biden, but he's more connected to reality than the other guy.

I do admit that I'd rather have a selection of more fit candidates. But either you're either exaggerating, or drank the GOP koolaid.

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Trump should NEVER get a pass. He's had enough of those.

The thing is, is (Michelle) Obama even interested in politics? I'll admit I'm quite ignorant of her career in politics other than having been the First Lady.

I'd vote for her over Biden or Trump any day, though.

I got nobody else besides her and Sanders. Maybe Schumer? AOC 😂?

You're uninformed. If you want to see how it would have played out, search for the debate they had in 2020.

I liked the golf part because you can tell it REALLY ticked Trump off.

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Mock me in November if I'm not.

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He didn't. Stop with this stupidity already.

Trump lost as a sitting president because people realized he was the worst.

That hasn't changed.

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Biden said "you are the child." It was a "no u" moment, so I rolled my eyes.

But to be fair, Biden also attacked Trump several times. He called him a liar to his face. He referred to him as "this guy," and called him a convicted felon.

Too bad he didn't have the same energy he had during the State of the Union.

Edit: sorry, I referred to moments other than the golf one. And yes, I agree with you. His delivery was poor.

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I'm okay with that. Jill is fine. Better than Melania.



That would be way too risky, and I like Obama and Biden wasn't even my first choice!

Sanders, on the other hand...

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After he wins the election, he could retire and let Harris rule in his stead.

Then there's Schumer (provided he's still the majority leader.)

There really is no need for a weekend at Bernie's situation.

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Did you reply to the wrong comment or are you an AI bot? Where did I use the word "win" in my comment?

Nice strawman.

I was very surprised to see him so... dim? precisely because of what you mentioned.

It didn't occur to me that he was probably sick.

Too bad the American people won't see it as a sign of strength, though. Being sick and still debating a moron? Not an easy task.

I wish he started with "First of all, you all have to excuse me because I got the flu [or the clap or whatever] - but I'm here and I'm ready!"


Or take a bus to Canada.

I can't comment on Iran, but I can tell you that no, we won't get Trump.

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Trump will never get re-elected. In their minds, sure. But don't word it as if it's a matter of fact.

Trump already lost while being a sitting president. And he has lost the popular vote twice.

The majority of the American people don't want him.

Go out and vote.

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Why? Why not just leave for another place?

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Aw, thanks! Very nice of you. Canada never disappoints.

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Oh shut up.

I wish you were right, but again... that's what people thought of Chávez. Don't underestimate the stupid.

He already was president and lost as the incumbent. It's the biggest advantage you can have.

While trying to cheat. He couldn't even do that right.

The U.S. is not fucked.

To be honest, I think everyone should vote for a more fitting candidate. Unfortunately, all we have is Biden, so that will have to do for now.

Vote Biden or see more crazy bullshit under Trump, people!

We can't get the boat to float. The battery is so heavy.

Aircraft carriers,.oil tankers and container ships. Shit, how do they do it? Magic? Explain, Mr. MIT professor ancestor, I mean Mr. Convicted Felon Traitor Rapist.

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Edit: and more, possibly.

From the article:

“The land clearing could be intended for both military and non-military aspects”, says Prof Kil Joo Ban of the Ilmin International Relations Institute, Korea University.

"It allows observatory posts to be easily established," he says "for North Korea to monitor military activities in South Korea" and to spot "defectors who attempt to cross the border to South Korea."