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As I was typing it out I thought that, and almost looked it up, but then I thought, can't a living prisoner also be a martyr? In end I didn't verify, and I am probably wrong. The essence of what I meant still stands though, and that's what's important.

I think his legacy is as far reached as it's going to get. He will never reach the status of either of your points. There may be the outliers that elevate him, but the masses won't care.

Idc if he ascends to God status, because he's already there to his ilk. If he wasn't alive, he wouldn't be able to do anything else bad, and I wouldn't have to here his stupid voice anymore. He might be a martyr, but he'd be the best kind of martyr. A dead one.

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I think I made it 15-20 min in last night. I heard one candidate stumble, sound old, but make a point. Not ideal or reassuring, but something. I heard the other candidate tell nothing but lies and speak with hostility at a 3rd grade level. No substance, just lies and attacks. It's exactly what I expected, but I still had to go and hurt myself like that. I had to GTFO before I put my face through my monitor.

Hit the individual, but also pull funds from the department. Make it hurt everyone and maybe they will start hold each other to some semblance of accountability.

"The Bible is a fictional book written by old men about a pretend wandering magician, selectively published by other biased old men, and it contains 10 commandments that if not obeyed, the magician's father/self/spirit will have you tortured for all eternity because he's unstable. You can pay money and ask for forgiveness to not be tortured though, so it's cool."

Boom, requirement met.

I had messaged my doctor's office sometime in Aug last year, they said to call and schedule an apt with my doc. So I went to my physical some months later, December maybe, and they brought it up. I confirmed, we talked, and they said they would refer me to a local place that does screenings, but it would probably be a few months wait. A few months later I go in to my doctor for a shoulder injury, and followed up about having never received contact from that other place. They looked into it and the referral never got made and sent. Not ideal, but I've been at it for 30+ years so what's another couple of months. It has also now been more than a few months and I still don't have a call back.

I enjoy my doctor and the office, but I think it's time to find a new doctor's office.

Still is

As cool as it would be to see a big shift to Linux, I think you underestimate how deeply entrenched companies are with Microsoft, so unwilling to change, the lack of support for proprietary software, and probably most importantly, the lack of IT support to manage a Linux environment.

I've been full Arch since December in my personal stuff and have been a Sys Admin+ for 9+ years. I would not say I currently have the skills to effectively administer a Linux environment. I could get there, and there is a lot of overlapping knowledge, like the network stack didn't change, but I don't think I'm an outlier.

I recently switched from being the sole IT guy at a small/medium company so a place with about 2k employees. I have maybe met a couple of people within the company IT that I think could make the switch relatively well, and 70% of others that just don't got it.

Long term it would probably be fine, but that's not how companies work in most cases. I just don't think most places are willing to bite the bullet now to benefit later.

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All churches should be taxed. There is no valid reason for an exception.

I loath fireworks, but I would drop some cash and blow them up in celebration.

It's a genocide. Call it what it is you coward.

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Fuck Republicans. Just a bunch of terrorists.

I think it's most likely she just has a beefy computer, and rog makes them. The RGB lights have a default profile unless manually disabled. She may want the compute power but not know the nerdy settings that a computer nerd would know to turn them off. I think this is completely a non story.

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The metal doesn't change. It's still there since it doesn't rely on the host living for existence.

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I hate both of these cunts, but what's wrong with having bunches of sex? It's not like Boebert is married.

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Unless I know who you are, I'm not answering your call. 90% of the time it's a robot and the other 10% can leave a voicemail.

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You don't have to like Google or Pixel, but we're all adults here. Grow up and use your words like an adult. JFC, you're not advertising for them, you're asking a question about it.

Google Google Google Pixel Pixel Pixel

See how hard that was? Hell, you can even follow it up with, "Google Pixel phones suck and Google is a terrible company." Censoring words for no reason is so fucking childish.

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How does he get his paycheck? If he actually receives a paper check, how does he cash it?

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While you are kind of correct, grouping the democrats in as part of the group that won't compromise is not fair. They've come to the table with demands for compromise, and they didn't start this problem so it's not theirs to clean up. It's the right and moderate right that aren't compromising.

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It was bringing in too many liberals for Texas. They'll trade the billions in money for control.

Collectively, they almost have one whole chin.

It would be really cool if a judge, any judge, would grow a fucking spine and treat Trump like everyone else. Stay the motherfucker, place a gag order, and lock him up until trial, just like every other normal citizen. Fuck this special treatment bullshit.

Windows 11 finally pushed me over to Linux. I'm not advocating everyone jump ship, because it's different and takes getting used to. I work in IT so it was a bit more natural for me. I would encourage people maybe trying it on old hardware or just off of a USB to experience it though. Mainly, I wanted to be proficient with Linux before Microsoft made Windows a subscription.

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Linux can run from a USB stick to try it out before committing to a full install.

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Someone should check his ties with Hamas. Triggering an action that hamstrings the House at a time when a surprise attack against an ally that benefits Russia comes through.

“It shows you what Israelis have to go through.”

It also shows what Palastinians have to go through. Let's not act like this is only a tragedy for one group of people. Both sides fucking suck. It would be cool if there was a path out of this that didn't involve genocide.

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If it's because you hate Asians, then yes. If it's because you believe China makes bad products or because of their unethical practices, then no.

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As much as I would like a younger president, I would much rather have a body there of any almost age that listens to the advice of experts. Someone who surrounds themselves with the best minds and makes decisions based on their expertise is better than any one person. I still would prefer a younger person that did that though.

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Biden wasn't my first choice in 2020 and I really wish he was younger, but he has done extremely well as President so far. If he wins again and stays healthy, I have almost no concerns he will continue to get things done.

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I probably wouldn't have cancelled Netflix if it weren't for their password policy change. That's Netflix's fault, but the content wasn't great, so it made it easier to pull the plug.

Been sober for a good 15 or so years now. It's never too late to quit.

Shit the fuck up you worthless fuck. Russian piece of shit.

Republicans are a fucking cancer.

To confirm, they can cut off one of the legs and count the rings.

Legally I think that's exactly what that implies. Cops are under no obligation to defend anyone. They are law enforcement officers, not protection for civilians.

ACAB. Their job is to keep us in line, not protect us.

Cryptobros and crypto miners are some of the most worthless people in the world. Just a waste of oxygen and resources.

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So stop using it. Ffs, this place circle jerks over how bad that place is, and then you dumb mother fuckers keep going back. Move on already.

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Current generations are saying it now.

Fuck kids together.