New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC to – 418 points –
New Windows AI feature records everything you’ve done on your PC

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Linux can run from a USB stick to try it out before committing to a full install.

Not to be that guy but I cold-turkey switched daily driver and I cannot believe I didn't do it earlier. Total amateur "copy-paster" and the only thing I sometimes can't get working are pirated games. Steam changed everything for gaming.

I did the same. To add to the cliche, I went nuclear and jumped into Arch. Games were my biggest concern, but I've had zero issues with games, minor issues with Nvidia, but if I'd have gone with a stable distro, it would have been an easy transition. I'm confident that anyone who can use Windows even semi functionally, can transition to something like Mint with minimal issue. Other than no local MS office apps, I bet most people would assume it's a new Windows release.

I switched my kids' PCs to Pop!_OS and other than "icons moving" yeah they didn't notice.

Especially when they mostly use Firefox and Steam, and those are exactly the same.