The Onion is sold to new firm known as Global Tetrahedron

Snot to – 225 points –

Hmm, I wonder why this shadowy organization sounds so... familiar?

I think it might be safe to file this one under "Good News." It sounds like everyone kept their jobs and the union is intact.


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So The Onion makes up the fictional company name Global Tetrahedron, a real company uses the name, and then later buys The Onion.

It's all coming together.

It looks like the company was created to own the Onion.

Apparently by super-fans of The Onion who wanted to save it when they saw it was for sale. And they have some great plans for it: fund it well, bring back ONN, keep the staff, and let them do whatever they want!


Yeah. This is great news I needed today.

The Onion is an absolute gem, too. Everything about this makes me a little happy.

Edit: Just turned off adblock on their site and clicked on a couple ads.

Many people have commented, since they were bought out by their (now previous) ownership that they really needed to be owned by someone who both understood them, actually liked them, and could fund them, even through periods when they might not always be “extremely profitable”. Their (now past) ownership wasn’t the type to be so patient with periods of unprofitably or the controversy that the publication might expectedly generate.

I’m pretty certain that its new owners will.

I have never used adblock, but is there more I can do I wonder.


The Onion's owner said on Thursday that the satirical news site has been sold to a new Chicago-based firm created by four digital media veterans who are fans of the publication.

This is very good news!

God creates dinosaurs God destroys dinosaurs God creates Man Man destroys God Man creates dinosaurs -Dr. Ian Malcolm

Dinosaurs destroy man... women inherit the earth

— Dr. Ellie Sattler, ahem

She’s a world-renowned paleobotanist. Just because she’s a woman ^(and^ ^fictitious)^ doesn’t make her any less-deserving of a citation.
