1 Post – 228 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If you're reading this, Kbin has magically worked again. Our admin seems to be in desperate need of a team. Send help.

That this meme is low effort content and it's spamming everywhere

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No way in hell am I sending anyone my piss to get into a website

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Can't wear hoodies and shorts but crickets about giving handjobs and vaping around children

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Rand Paul, who left for Moscow to deliver a sealed letter from Donald Trump to Vladimir Putin on the 4th of July? That Rand Paul?

If those tankies could read, they'd be very upset!

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He also said if he lost the election we'd never hear from him again

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And commence 45 days of no Speaker so they can crash the system by not being able to pass the budget

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It's okay, we see your post history defending far right violence and whataboutism about a non existent leftist strawman.

You can skip the song and dance and just not post on here. We know you'll excuse racism or pretend it doesn't exist unless it happens to you. Bigots tend to do that

The creator of the mod actually wanted to do just that. He wanted to turn Wyll white, erase all LGBT references, and make Mizhena a trans person who regretted their decision and detransitioned.

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Hope that involves a plan for letting lgbt folks immigrate to safety instead of apologizing 80 years later like they did to the casualties of Nazi Germany who were denied safe passage

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Good ol' anarcho-capitalism solving everything!

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Russia to be first country to cut first subsea fiber optic cable connecting Africa with Australia

I'm so goddamn sick of common ground talks from Democrats

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Brave being run by a bigot crypto bro makes it a non-option for lots of us, sadly.

... said Dr Oz, sobbing into his crudite tray

Imagine making this fucking comment after having that assclown for an adversary. Tell me you ain't from Philly without telling me you ain't from Philly


25% of people regret getting a knee replacement surgery done.

Something that allows one to walk.

People regret transitioning less than that.

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18: Don't feed the tankies
19: if you didn't like Star Trek before, go to Risa and count the lights till you do

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Ahhh... baguette. taps head loud and clear.

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I'm more shocked to hear Gemini is properly working on a topic

There's organ box next to them, maybe organ harvesting?

Either someone hates to see their company burn to the ground and responded in an extremely immature way, or a higher up went "let's get this public town hall canceled in a way that people feel sorry for us. SIMMONS! MAKE A DEATH THREAT NOW!"

The former seems the most likely, but I always hold out hope that it's middle management being a dumbass as corporate's gonna corporate

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Yeah, he'd do a coup. Thanks for repeating it. Cry some more about it.

Random note, whose sockpuppet are you? Get too butthurt because your last one got downvoted to hell?

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I miss old school ThinkGeek. It was a shell of its former self by the time Gamestop bought it and opened stores

Doubly so as they've banned VPNs from accessing even as of a few hours ago

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Here let me save all you dead horse beaters some typing:

"The game was buggy 3 years ago, I see they're still fixing this mess. Still a bad game even though I've never played it".

There. You're free. You don't have to post. Go on and enjoy your day.

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What about it? None of us are surprised that people chose a childhood memory over respect for trans people as human beings.

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Fancy word for freshly built concentration camps

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Toxic fans find new straws to grasp at, majority of gaming population don't care and keep having fun with new game. More news at 11

The masturbating in public might be a dead give away too

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Yeah this guy posts nonstop far right drivel. Don't waste your time

He's the paralympic who murdered his girlfriend in a hotel room. You're thinking of David Patraeus (and so did I for a minute)

There's a couple

Here's a couple more.

20-50k due to homeless per year in just one capitalist country:

And then there's the 250,000 expected per year and increasing due to climate change from capitalism wanting to not do anything to hurt profits of big oil :

That's me lazily grabbing things. I could do this all day but it's depressing as fuck and it won't stop you tongue fucking a corpo's asshole so it seems pointless. Hope that helped!

Wow dude literally just told his entire userbase they're wasting their money.

Bold strategy, Cotton.

Not even keeping, explicitly adding them back and unbanning them, and letting them make decisions to ban leftists who spoke out against it (andy ngo recommending people to the chopping block comes to mind)

There is no common ground though. And republicans when in the minority have not sought common ground, they've sought to divide, partner with foreign adversaries and cozy up to monsters. In the last 40 years, in a speed run since Newt Gingrich, have stopped trying to work together for the country and only seek absolute power.

"Meet me in the middle says the unjust man.

You take a step forward, he takes a step back.

Meet me in the middle says the unjust man."

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Yeah stupid americans having... checks notes a verbose entry in an online encyclopedia article that anyone can read or contribute to, in a plethora of languages from anywhere in the world

Waiting for the IGN review of 8/10 after a title like that

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Dinosaurs destroy man... women inherit the earth

Would you like to show us on doll where your imaginary evil strawman touched you?