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Joined 4 months ago

Yup. I don't know what it was, but I saw Fox News reporting on someone earlier today, and the first word in the headline was "migrant".

We are ALL Hamas on this blessed day.

(for legal reasons, this is a meme)

DNS TTL is in seconds. And it's frequently ignored, where caching DNS servers make their own decisions.

That's an opinion question.

Security doesn't make money. They will have lost sales due to this event, but not nearly as much as they saved by skimping on security.

And they haven't actually lost that many sales, either. If you're going to buy a car, you're going to buy a car. If the place is closed, you're going to come back later. Few people are going to go to a competitor if they've already made their choice of brand. And even fewer are going to decide not to buy a car at all over this event.

Plus socioeconomic inequality, racism, etc. fueling gang violence, which is a far larger part of gun violence and other violent crime than the "random" mass shooter.

Looks like it works fine on Pixel 6 too.

The FBI generally doesn't raid the homes of people who have done nothing wrong. You'll have to forgive me for thinking it should still go to trial.

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That's called life insurance.

Yeah but like... have you seen how big those signs actually are? If you're working with them, they're so big that it's hard to read them up close. And the pieces might have been upside-down, making it even harder. I'm willing to give most of the people involved a pass. But not the people at the sign shop that should be checking before cutting the decal or whatever, or the people doing (or rather not doing) quality control before letting the sign leave the shop, or whoever was standing around watching when they were putting the sign up (unless they pointed it out and got told they'll put it up anyway until they get a fixed one).

Lies of omission are still lies.

If it's legal in Russia, they should not extradite.

If I post this picture to VK from my home in the US, should I be extradited to Russia for it?

Tempered glass is designed to not be sharp when broken. But they break a window furthest from the person inside to limit damage.

They can also use some tools to remove the window in mostly one piece after cracking it, rather than smashing it and sending glass flying.

It's the fluoride, I knew it! No wonder I listen to so much pop music.

Yup. From an economic and political perspective, this is a bad thing. From a climate perspective it's good. But if we all invest, then everyone wins.

Well, not the oil companies, but they can die from climate effects for all I care.

No, there are definitely physical and engineering issues, like massive rolling mountains and valleys, or island chains or deserts whose sand is unsuitable to durable railways.

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Palestine is an Israeli autonomous region? Wild that someone would come right out with the colonialist revisionism, but okay.

Windows is not nearly as profitable as platforms like Azure, 365, and business sales like Visual Studio. And most people don't buy Windows licenses, they get them bundled from the OEM. So Microsoft can monetize the user by collecting and selling their date instead.

Hamas wouldn't, but Hamas would lose power. The reason they're in power is because they aimed to fight Israel (and because they suspended elections once in power). If both Gaza and the West Bank came under Palestinian Authority control, Fatah would be in charge (at least until whatever election).

Bold of you to assume it's a reasonable system.

Yeah. Games are all digital downloads these days. And consoles and accessories are cheaper and easier to get online. There's no point in physical video game stores any more.

Personally, I just want Radio Shack back, and not just the cell phone and crappy toy store.

Give them a refund.

What's the page, and what cert do you receive?

It's to make sure you show up for your actual trial.

Obviously she committed a crime, so she was jailed, but they have to do all the work to put the case together to prove it at trial. During that time, they don't want you to skip town and avoid justice, so they put you in jail. But keeping people in jail is expensive, so you can give them a pinky-promise based on your reputation ("personal recognizance"), or something of value that you get back when the trial happens (bail money).

You can still skip bail, you'll just lose that money, and I'm sure there are additional charges for when they find you.

Those all sound like good things, though. There shouldn't be an interstate right through downtown. And god knows transportation in Boston is a mess and desperately needs work.

Yeah, there's a hard-wired positive feel-good response from eating until you're full. Unfortunately, when food is plentiful, that means you're going to be overeating all the time. Conversely, if you're eating at a deficit, that means you're not going to have that feeling of fullness any more, you're going to feel like you've still got room. You're not truly hungry, but you're not full either. There's a difference between being actually hungry and just not being full, and a lot of people lose that distinction.

That's the neat part, they don't! They have a huge domestic weapons industry already!

Is normalizing obesity really a good thing?

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How would adding this one to the list be different?

In Utah.

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It's been so profitable for nearly a hundred years, why stop now?

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"Yes, also everyone in Lebanon is automatically Hezbollah"

Yeah. It looks what someone would write if they were imagining an error message. It's a mishmash of user-friendly text and someone's idea of JSON.

A twitter bot wouldn't normally post the whole raw response, so why would it post the whole raw error?

It's not a loophole. They're violating several laws by re-exporting the machines. And they're probably smuggling it too.

This could be stopped by the equipment manufacturer, at first export to Estonia, or at export from Estonia to Russia, but nobody cares enough at any of those points.

There should be penalties for anyone who passes an obviously unconstitutional law.

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If by "avalanche" you mean "escalation of conflict", yes. They don't allow firearms because of one side shoots, the other side shoots back, then everyone is shooting and it's a real war. Without guns, they have to actually go up and fight the other guy, which is much less effective fighting. A few guys beat up a few other guys, instead of dozens shooting and killing dozens.

Could be because the same story was posted yesterday and everyone got all their comments out on that one:

They are already supposed to declare conflicts of interest.

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Most clients support adding trackers directly.