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Joined 1 years ago

I'm still trying to figure out how reddit expects to "become profitable" while simultaneously destroying everything that made it valuable.

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I'm so confused. Who could possibly think these are bad things?

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Blaming remote work, the avacado toast of 2023.

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If governments actually gave a fuck about antitrust anymore, it would be. 20-ish years ago, they dragged Microsoft to court over simply bundling IE with Windows. It didn't even constantly nag you to set as default; just the fact that it was bundled at all was enough to make it into the sights of regulators.

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Of course it links to the domain that's probably about to die in short order. This is why open source can't have nice things.

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Well, would you look at that, it's playing out exactly the same as every other technological advancement ever. Instead of using it to reduce employee workloads and maintain an equilibrium of output, it exploits them by brute-forcing increased productivity with no changes to compensation and the capitalists hoard even more of the profits for themselves.

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Not even, though. Practically all the YouTube "creators" these days have [this part of the video is brought to you by scandanavian interwebz to keep out teh hax0rs] sponsored segments that are [Have you shaved your fuckin' nutsack lately bro? Check out this ball hair trimmer from clipyerjunk dot com] littered throughout [zzzzzzzzzip ... ^reecrootah ] their videos.

That being said, some of them at least put effort into finding and vetting content-relevant sponsors that can actually be helpful. I can kinda just barely tolerate those.

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Microsoft errors be all like

Contact your administrator

Motherfucker, I am the admin.

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Sorry, I don't know where or how I broke the rules, can you show and explain it to me?


But then how will I avoid breaking rules in the future?


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I have little doubt that MAGA republichudism was wholely responsible for the KKKonvoy rallies that cost the Canadian economy literally billions of dollars in a matter of days with their illegal blockades.

I'd be remiss if I didn't quote one of my favorite saved comments from that-content-aggregator-which-shall-not-be-named...

Dude grow up...

We did it with smallpox

We did it with polio

We did it with measles

I've got an "almost" centenarian in the family. Dude grew up watching German zeppelins on the front line of invasion, his folks were both mostly bald from the Spanish flu. When he immigrated to Canada (on a boat) he had to get another round of vaccinations even though he had the full onslaught in the army while babysitting German POWs as they removed landmines from the beaches of his home country. Ask anyone 75+ how many of their childhood friends died from what are now preventable diseases.

If you think the shit were taking now is untested, what the hell do you think they were handing out back in the 20s and 50s.......

Have you ever traveled abroad? Like not to London, or Tokyo or somewhere nice.... But to somewhere shitty like Bangladesh, Nigeria, or Guinea? Do you have any idea how many people die in these countries every year from preventable diseases? You do know that even as a Canadian you legit cant board an aircraft in or out of these places without at the VERY least a yellow fever card right? Before vaccines it was pretty common for a boat to have to sit for a few weeks in quarantine at the destination before people were allowed to disembark... This is not new, this is not unique, this is not something to fuck around with.

Sit down, shut up, and take your medicine you spoiled little shit.

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Web dev here. It enforces the original markup and code from a server to be the markup and code that the browser interprets and executes, preventing any post-loading modifications.

That sounds a bit dry, but the implications are huge. It means:

  • ad blockers won't work (the main reason for Google's ploy)
  • many, if not most, other browser extensions won't work (eg.: accessibility, theming, anti-malware)
  • people are going to start running into a lot of scam ads that ad blockers would otherwise prevent
  • malicious websites will be able to operate with impunity since you cannot run security extensions to prevent them
  • web developers are going to be crippled for lack of debugging ability

These are just a few things off the top of my head. There are endless and very dangerous implications to WEI. This is very, very bad for the web and antithesis of how it's supposed to be.

TBL is probably experiencing a sudden disturbance in the force.

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The number of automotive interfaces that we need to start strictly regulating because of trendy bullshit is getting fucking stupid.

A car door handle should be a mechanical device that's plainly obvious to anyone who's used a door handle, like, ever.

If phones are too dangerous to use while driving, then so is a fucking tablet glued to the dashboard.

I shouldn't need a camera to use reverse, just quit adding blind spots.

A steering wheel should be just that — a wheel.

Blinker control should be a stalk pointing to the driver's side door and self cancel.

And so on...

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To be honest, I find most of these passive aggressive and patronizing.

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The official and authorized use for the TLD is an association with Mali. It doesn't matter what hip new meaning us internet dweebs want to assign to it.

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Good. There should be no such thing as unserviced features that are physically present in a product and locked out against its owner. Not in cars or anything.

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Agreed. This is well outside the scope of native browser functions. Firefox already has a rich extensions ecosystem. They can just include the extension with the browser by default for all I care, but as a native feature, this makes no sense.

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My thoughts exactly. You should not be choosing TLDs that are volatile to upsets like this. Stick with the tried and true .com or .net, or one of the new TLDs that are not bound to a nation (unless you can comply with the stipulations) or particular type of organization.

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spez and his jet:


Windows 11 is just Windows 10 with rounded corners, shittier menus, and even more spyware.

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In the same way that car fails when you deliberately drive it 100mph into a brick wall.

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In an ideal world, people would start receiving better and more fulfilling opportunities when their mundane tasks are automated away. But that's way too optimistic and the world is way to cynical. What actually happens is they get shitcanned while the capitalists hoard the profits.

We need a better system. One that, instead of relentlessly churning for the impossibility of infinite growth and funneling wealth upwards, prioritizes personal financial stability and enforces economic equallibrium.

Eight whole percent. I can hear their boots shaking now /s

Go with the Bernie plan. Anything over $1B is taxed at 100%. Shit, I think even that is too soft. Nobody needs even a fraction of that to for themselves and their children's children's children's ... to live like kings their entire lives.

Also, it's always hilarious how American politicians are so obsessed with overly on-the-nose acronyms for legislation.

Unbelievably, Windows still has a ridiculously short filepath length limit.

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So far, all the lemmy apps I've used are in very early stages and quite buggy. Currently enjoying WefWef (PWA / web-based app) which I like the best.

Looking forward to Sync, though!

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I wish I could be an optimist, too.

Excuse me, but it's GNU/Cancer

(sorry couldn't resist, best of luck Stallman)

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Honestly ... they've pulled a lot of dumb shit that makes me think it's within the realm of possibility.

Just look at how things happened with "Microsoft accounts" since Windows 7...i refuse to use a Microsoft account because there's no way in hell I'm giving them my contact info, but also, it's a total clusterfuck actually managing the damn thing.

Windows 8 suggested using a Microsoft account.

Windows 10 setup a Microsoft account by default. In later subversions, you can only get around it by cutting the internet connection.

Windows 11 refuses to setup at all without an internet connection; instead , it requires you to perform a hidden hacky workaround by opening cmd accessible only by keyboard shortcut, running a specific command to enable offline setup, then rebooting to finally complete it.

You really don't think they're stupid enough to push ahead with this cloud dogshit?

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My thoughts exactly. Reddit was an immensely widespread and unique collection of so many vibrant niche communities that has grown over nearly two decades and was wilfully destroyed in mere weeks.

I can't blame anyone who mourns the loss and resents the greedy pigfucker that killed it.

* in Europe

Tim Cook can suck a fat one.

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My sincere hope is for NY to respond with two words: "get fucked"

Governments should either be operating their own systems for this or, hell I don't know, why not just spin up a their ready-to-go Mastodon instance or something else in the fediverse not subject to the delirious whims of a petulant muskrat born with daddy's money?

I can understand why refederation needs to be done manually, but I'm confused as to why transferring users and histories is a maybe. Web and database hosting are mutually exclusive from domain hosting/registration.

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Does it make Windows 11 not total dogshit?

Oh wait, no, it's still Windows 11.

You think you're old, but are you creepy-ass CGI dancing baby old?

DRM in your web browser to forcibly require you to be running an "approved" browser (ie.: Chrome) in an "approved" configuration (ie.: no ad blockers) to load certain websites, and probably all major websites.

I guess you haven't see the "Android mode" option...

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Chinese government spyware disappears content it doesn't like. This shocking news and more at 11.

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The leaders of France seem to forget that their citizens used to make people shorter for less.

That works, too. I'm on lemmy.ca. Buying a .ca domain requires confirmation of citizenship or other qualification before you can even use it.

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