Numerous Tesla owners say they've been trapped inside their EVs after they lost power. Here's how to manually open a Tesla door if you get stuck inside. to – 279 points –
Numerous Tesla owners say they've been trapped inside their EVs after they lost power. Here's how to manually open a Tesla door if you get stuck inside.

Numerous Tesla owners have said they've been stuck inside their EVs after the cars suddenly lost power.

YouTuber Tom Exton claimed that his Tesla Model Y ordered him to pull over before it suddenly lost power and left him unable to exit.

Exton followed the instructions for the manual release to open the door, but he said this "somehow broke the driver's window."


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The number of automotive interfaces that we need to start strictly regulating because of trendy bullshit is getting fucking stupid.

A car door handle should be a mechanical device that's plainly obvious to anyone who's used a door handle, like, ever.

If phones are too dangerous to use while driving, then so is a fucking tablet glued to the dashboard.

I shouldn't need a camera to use reverse, just quit adding blind spots.

A steering wheel should be just that — a wheel.

Blinker control should be a stalk pointing to the driver's side door and self cancel.

And so on...

The fucking LED brighter than the goddamn sun headlights needed to be regulated 7 years ago

Funny thing about reverse cameras, they became a safety standard and requirement since 2020. Too many toddlers getting run over because you can't see when they run behind the car below deck, even in an old car with a low trunk.

im not against backup cams and sensors. they are useful. to me the amount of aids for stupidity needs to go away. instead of having people, ya know, learn to look where they are going they just merge over and if the car doesnt yell at them theyre oblivious to whatever is around them.

I shouldn’t need a camera to use reverse, just quit adding blind spots.

The last time I used the backup camera in my car, I misjudged the distance to the car behind me and hit it, doing $1000 worth of damage. Never again. I look behind me now like I used to.

Cameras don't have depth perception.

Lol so because you made a dumb mistake backup cameras are bad LMAO

No, lack of depth perception is a bad thing when reversing a car. I'm not sure why you think that's some sort of controversial opinion.

Because ive never heard of anyone else ever making the same dumb mistake as you. They put the lines on the screen to show you the depth and once you hit the red danger zone you have a few more inches before you hit anything, so it's pretty laughable you stepped on the gas too hard and blamed the camera.

But idk if there are statistics on backup cameras being dangerous, please share and i will go rip it out of my car right now!

Well that must be it. Everyone else must be vastly superior to me. Thanks for clearing that up.

I mean sure, it's recommended that you look behind you even if using a backup camera, but those are just other stupid people saying that like the people who make the cars and state driving manuals.

Blinker control should be a stalk pointing to the driver's side door and self cancel.

Curious on your opinion where it should go on right wheel drive cars (and no, I don’t think converting the population of a whole country to “fix” it is realistic). I’ve seen it on both sides and it's somewhat funny to rediscover.

That's why I said "pointing to the driver's side door".

On LHD cars, the stalk is on the left. On RHD cars, the stalk is on the right.

on RHD cars it depends on the market. Japan has it on the right, UK―on the left. It's a mess.

Oh really? I didn't know that. I've only driven Japanese RHD cars, they all had the indicator stalk on the right side of the wheel. The number of times I turned switched on the wipers before turning...